Registration is a great feature that helps streamline your Team Management process. It can be as simple as capturing contact information and waiver sign-offs but allows your members to have an account to utilize the SwimTopia mobile app and allows you to keep track of your members' updated information in reports, and quickly reach out to your members using the communication feature.
We have put together a checklist to make this as quick and easy as possible. This is our suggested order, but you can proceed however works best for your team. Just because a section is there, does not mean it has to be used. - feel free to skip any areas not utilized.
Covered in this Article:
- Setup Support Tools
- Creating a Registration Form
- Registration Form Sections
- Configuration Options and Fee Scenarios
- Limits and Waitlists
- Preview and Open Your Registrations
- Communicate the Registration Process to Members
- Manage Your Registrations
- Product Support and Additional Training Options
➧ Setup Support Tools
In addition to this checklist, and the Help Center articles linked below, we also have a series of how-to videos and a longer webinar designed to help with the process:
▶️ Workshop Webinar - Online Registration
➧ Creating a Registration Form
Registration forms are created and managed from the Registration tab within the Manage Team admin console.
When you create your new season, your Registration page will start fresh with instructions to copy a previous season's registration form or create a new form. Choose the option that works best for you:
Option 1: Copy From A Previous Season - If you have registration forms from prior seasons, it is often easiest to simply make a copy of each form in your new season and update any applicable information.
Option 2: Create a New Registration Form - If you are new to SwimTopia, or have different swim programs than those offered in the past, you will probably want to start by creating a new registration form.
➧ Registration Form Sections
There are 7 sections to each Registration form. Below you will find information about how to enable and manage each section.
Registration Form: Main Section - This section contains your registration's title and description, reply-to email address, athlete age restrictions, custom questions, acknowledgment forms, and registration fees (custom fee scenarios discussed in the next section).
SwimTopia Per-Athlete Fee Collection – FAQs
Conditional Fees - Pre-Approve, Capture & Release
Adding League Waivers and Fees to Your Team’s Registration Form
Registration Form: Athlete Groups - Athlete Roster Groups are used to separate athletes into categories. If your team wishes to use this feature during the registration process, you can enable it here.
Registration Form: Medical Section - Your team can use this section to receive medical or emergency information and enable signed treatment waivers for athletes.
Registration Form: Volunteering Section - Your registration form can be configured to either collect preferences for the type of position desired or to enable direct sign-up for roles and jobs/shifts within the registration process.
Registration Form: Merchandise Section - Your team has the option of offering team items such as t-shirts, team suits, personalized caps, and other spirit wear for sale during registration.
Registration Form: Payment Section - Your team can configure how new registrations will be paid. Your team can select online Credit Card Processing (Stripe), or offline, checks, or other private accounts.
Registration Form: Confirmation Section- each form offers the option to customize your Checkout Confirmation Email Confirmation/Replies, which configure messages received after registration and checkout is complete.
➧ Configuration Options and Fee Scenarios
Registration Tips & Tricks - There’s no “one size fits all” approach. The beauty of SwimTopia is that, although you have a wide array of options, you get to decide what features to use. Dig a bit deeper into some of the various features offered during the registration process.
Registration Fees - Scenarios and Setup - Teams have varying degrees of complexity in their fee structures. Determining how to set up a registration form can be daunting when working under these constraints. We have been working with teams for decades to understand their fees and provide guidance on how our system can support their requirements.
Some scenarios covered are:
- Lessons and Clinics
- Fall and Winter Programs with Limits
- Early and Late Registration Fees
- Discounts for Specific Groups
- Custom Athlete Group Fees
- Member/Non-Member Fees (Residence, HOA...)
- Pay in Installments
➧ Limits and Waitlists
Registration Limits - The system can automatically limit registrations to the maximum number that you set. These limits are set per form so that each form can be limited based on the total number of athletes across all forms, or just for the specific form.
Registration Waitlist - Create and Manage - Some teams provide a waitlist option for parents when their registration limits have been reached. This is usually set up to only capture basic contact information, so team admins can manage their waitlisted families in a fair manner.
➧ Preview and Open Your Registrations
Preview Your Registration Forms - Previewing a registration form allows you to mimic the behavior your members would experience, but does not complete the transaction.
Open Your Registration Forms - When you open this form a Register Now button will display automatically on your website to allow team members to sign up for the current season. If your form is private you can copy the link to the form (on your Registration page) and share this private link. The form will still need to be in an Open state to access.
» Note: If you don't see this button on your website, make sure your form is not private if it should be public. The other possibility is that someone removed the Registration Alert Snippet from the template of your website, which can be easily restored.
Edit Registration Snippet - If you need to restore your Registration Alert Snippet on your website, or want to change the title that displays in the heading of your Registration Alert, you can do that at any time.
➧ Communicate the Registration Process to Members
Communications: Emails and Alerts - If your roster was imported, you can send an email out through the Communications tab to invite your members to register, otherwise, use an external email program.
Team Registration Steps (for Parents) - this article is helpful to share with your team parents so they know what to expect during the registration process.
➧ Manage Your Registrations
View and Manage Submitted Registrations - To view and manage the submitted registration forms, select Registration in the Manage Team admin console. For each form listed, you will see a number tally of the total registrants that have been submitted. Click this #tally link to see a list of all registrations submitted broken out by status.
Cancellations: Removing Athletes or Rejecting Registrations - If a family decides not to participate, an athlete is not eligible, or for any other reason the athlete or family should not be on the team roster this season, there are a few options you can choose from based on your scenario.
➧ Product Support and Additional Training Options
We offer many support options to cater to your needs. Our robust Help Center is accessible day or night. You'll find helpful step-by-step guides on all features, additional topic-focused training videos on our very own YouTube Channel, and many tips and tricks within our Community section. ➞ View All Support Options
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