To view and manage the submitted registration forms, select Registration in the Manage Team admin console.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Viewing Submitted Registrations
➧ Managing and Editing Submitted Registrations
- Registration Form Actions
- Adding/Editing Information on Submitted Registrations
- Conditional Fees - Capture or Release
➧ Reports and Communication
Viewing Submitted Registrations
View All Registrants
For each form listed, you will see a #tally of the total registrants that have been submitted. Click this #tally link to see a list of all registrations submitted.
» Note: This is also where you edit and Open/Close your forms (even private forms must be Open to be used), Preview your forms as if you were going through them like your parents, Copy forms to quickly create additional forms as needed or for each season, and Remove unnecessary forms (if no registrants have submitted). ➞ See Creating and Managing Registration Forms for more on these options.
Registration Form Statuses
Click the Registrants# to see a list of all registrations submitted, broken out by status.
➧ Approved or Paid: Credit Card Payments
If you check the box below on the Payments tab of your form, your registrations will show up under Approved. If you do not check this box, your registrations will be placed under a Paid status. Neither option has an impact on the actual payment going through, it's a visual for your record keeping.
» Tip: To avoid the extra step of selecting "Accept Payment" for your registrations paid online, you can automatically approve Credit Card payments by clicking this preference box on the Payment tab when you set up your registration form:
➧ Pending: Checks and Private Accounts
By default, completed registrations using these forms of payment are automatically marked as Pending until you manually Accept Payment or Reject each one individually.
» What's the difference between Pending/Approved/Paid? - At this time, there is no operational difference. The main purpose of the Paid and Pending statuses are for "lite" billing management (i.e., to identify registrations where parents paid by check and then “approve” once the check is received). Registrations in a Pending and Paid status are still listed in your roster (People tab), can still sign up for meets/jobs (if applicable), and will receive communication. If you do not want this to occur, you can move them to Rejected until ready to Revert to Pending and Accept Payment.
➧ Rejected
Rejected is another way to manage the status of your registrations like Pending/Approved/Paid, but Rejected registrations do not count against your athlete roster, and these families are not included in any communication.
There are various reasons teams may need to reject registrations. In most cases, refunds will need to be provided, and this does NOT happen automatically when registrations are rejected (we do not store credit card information). This is discussed in more detail below.
➧ Needs Attention
In rare cases, a registration form can become stuck in an incomplete state.
One possible scenario is if someone is editing the registration fees at the time members are registering and payment goes through, but the system flags this as a registration that may "need attention" to confirm accuracy. Depending on the state of the registration form, there are options presented to the admin for resolution.
The reasoning for these occurrences is not always known, so we provide visibility to these registrations under the Needs Attention status.
» Note: This tab will only display if there are registrations that require your intervention.
➞ Resolution Options
Option 1: Resume the registration - If payment has been made, but the form needs to be completed so the athletes are added to the roster, click Copy Resume Link and it will copy the registration URL to email the parent to resume. This option will only display if there is an unpaid balance.
Option 2: Refund and re-register - If the registration should not be completed (i.e, a member selected the wrong form), you can click on View/Edit and scroll to the Payment section to View Payment and proceed to refund the registrant (Stripe Refunds).
If a league payment has occurred, there will be an option to Copy Payment Link to send to the league admin for that portion of the refund.
Once the refund has occurred, you can Reject the incomplete registration form and ask the member to re-register if appropriate.
Option 3: Approve the registration - If the registration was paid in full and you determine the form is complete, you can Approve the form.
» Note: If your registration form is configured on the Payment tab to "automatically approve registration after successful payment," selecting Approve will place your registrations under Approved. If you do not check this box, your registrations will be placed under the Paid status.
➞ Registration Limits Reached
Managing and Editing Submitted Registrations
Registration Form Actions
Covered in this Section:
- Managing Forms in Paid Status
- Accepting Check Payments
- Check Installments
- Editing or Deleting Check Payments
- Approve Private Account Payments (i.e. club membership)
- Reject Registrations & Refunds (i.e. cancellations)
➧ Managing Forms in Paid Status
As stated above, if the "Automatically approve registration after successful payment" box is NOT checked on your form, you have the option to Approve, Reject, or Revert to Pending for any registration that pays online. The action chosen will place the registration in the corresponding status.
➧ Accepting Check Payments
To accept Check payments, click the Accept Payment button and enter the amount. Click the Save button to mark this registration as Approved.
➧ Check Installments
If you are accepting payment in installments by check, you can either keep the registration pending, keeping track of the installments outside of the system as they come in, or you can log each payment as they come in by clicking on "Accept Payment," enter the amount, check#, and note if needed.
However, this action will put the form in Approved, so you will need to click the "Revert to Pending" button to then wait for the next payment to do these steps again until all payments are logged (example below). As we move into more billing management functionality, this will become more user-friendly.
➧ Editing or Deleting Check Payments
Customers can edit or delete previously entered check payments. (Non-check payments are not editable)
You will be asked to confirm before the payment record will be deleted:
➧ Approve Private Account Payments (i.e. club membership)
To accept account payments, click the Approve button
➧ Reject Registrations & Refunds (i.e. cancellations)
➞ Reject Registrations:
If a family decides not to participate, their athlete is not eligible, or for any other reason the family should not be on the team roster this season, you can Reject their submitted registration form.
If you just need to remove one (or some), athletes, but not the entire family is canceling, see ➞ Adding or Removing Athletes or Parent/Guardian below.
When you click to Reject a registration, the form will move to the Rejected status tab. Rejected registrations do not count against your athlete roster/SwimTopia per-athlete fee, and these families are not included in any communication.
Rejected registrations are not deleted (to ensure data integrity and avoid accidental deletions), but saved to the Rejected status, and this does not affect any other form the family/athlete(s) have completed. Click the Revert to Pending to change the status back to Pending if necessary, and then you can approve the form again.
➞ Refunds: Rejecting a registration does not automatically initiate a refund.
We do not store credit card information in our system, but refunds can be processed from our Payment History Report, back to the original payment through our online payment processor (Stripe).
The View Payment button located within the form's Payment section, leads to the Payment History Report for online payment refunds. See ➞ Stripe Refunds for more details.
Adding/Editing Information on Submitted Registrations
Covered in this Section:
- Timestamp, Number, and Current Status
- Adding or Removing Athletes or Parent/Guardian
- Edit Contact Information
- Edit Acknowledgements & Questions
- Edit Merchandise Orders
- Changes to Amount Due / Refunds
- Changes to Athlete Roster Groups
- Changes to Payment Method or Information
View and edit registration details by clicking the View/Edit link.
➧ Registration Form Timestamp, Number and Current Status
These details will be displayed in the top right.
➧ Adding or Removing Athletes or Parent/Guardian
It is better to have the family register additional athletes for the reasons noted below, but you can manually add or remove an athlete (i.e. sibling) or parent/guardian as needed.
➞ Manually Adding Athletes: (A few things to consider)
- You cannot capture information on any acknowledgments/waivers specific to each athlete.
- League fees cannot be collected when athletes are added manually.
- Merchandise can be added, and the registration fees will be calculated affecting the total "Amount Due," but we do not store credit card information to re-charge for the balance. ➞ See the Changes to Amount Due / Refunds section below to understand the options you have when changes result in additional charges.
» Sibling Additions Note: There are other options for adding a sibling that may work better depending on whether or not the family has filled out a second form. ➞ See our Registration Management FAQs article.
To manually add a parent/guardian or athlete, click the green Edit button under the applicable section to make changes.
Then you can add or remove parents/guardians or athletes within the submitted registration. An activation email will be sent to any email added for a new parent/guardian or athlete (only for schools and Grown-Up Swimming).
➞ Removing Athletes:
We do not "delete" user information, but if an athlete is unable to participate, you can remove them from the registration form and they will no longer be affiliated with the current season (assuming they are not registered on any other form, since we do not remove them from any other form they are registered on). ➞ See Cancellations: Removing Athletes or Rejecting Family Registrations for more on this topic.
➧ Edit Contact Information
Home Address and Home Phone Number collected during registration copy to the member's profile one-time, so any updates after submission need to be made directly on the profile under the People tab.
➧ Edit Acknowledgements & Questions
This section is not editable to preserve the integrity of the answers provided.
➧ Edit Merchandise Orders
Any item totals added or removed here will be reflected in the Amount Due subtotal on this screen, and on the Download Registration Data (csv) export available for each form.
➧ Changes to Amount Due / Refunds
If you change a registration by removing or adding an athlete or any merchandise items that result in a change to the amount owed for that registration, you’ll need to collect or refund the difference “manually.” In other words, it will not automatically charge or refund any money.
➞ Additional Charges:
You cannot charge the customer’s card for the difference through the system, since we do not store credit card information. If you do not want your Order Amount to be different from the Amount Paid, you could Reject the families' original registration, Refund them, and ask them to register all athletes together. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are not currently set up as a billing management system.
➞ Refunds:
You can initiate a refund for online payments by clicking on the View Payment button that leads to the specific payment on your Reports > Payments report. ➞ See the Payment History Report article for details.
» Note: If you see the Copy Payment Link button, your league is set up with a shared form used on your registration for receiving the league payment directly to their Stripe account. The league must refund this portion of the registration payment from their SwimTopia league site. This link will bring them directly to the payment record on the league site., so to make this process easier for your league admin, copy the payment link and send that to the league admin.
➧ Changes to Athlete Roster Groups
You’ll need to change the Athlete Roster Group through the individual athlete’s People page. If you change an Athlete’s Athlete Roster Group and that change impacts the fee, the registration will reflect that change.
➞ See the Managing Your People/Roster article for details.
➧ Changes to Payment Method or Information
The Payment Method cannot be changed or edited (i.e., the Account Number cannot be updated if entered incorrectly). Check payments can be edited or deleted, as noted in the check payments section above.
You will need to Reject the registration form so the parent can re-register if the parent wishes to pay using another option.
Conditional Fees - Capture or Release
When conditional fees are collected in an acknowledgment section during registration, you can either Capture or Release that fee at a later date. ➞ See Conditional Fees: Pre-Approve, Capture & Release for more information.
Reports and Communication
Registration Reports and Exports
➧ Registration Data - Per Form
At the top of your Registrants screen, you'll see report links specific to the registration form you are on. You can download exports of your registration, athlete, and email data from your completed forms to use with a custom spreadsheet or database.
For example, if your registration form collects a member's HOA or residence account number, you can use the Registration Data export to create a report to deliver to your HOA.
➧ Registration Data - All Forms Combined
The report links at the top of the Registrants screen will only include data from that particular registration form. If you have multiple forms and want to view ALL DATA from ALL FORMS at once, then you can do this from the Reports section of the Manage Team console. (seen below).
These reports can generate customized data by season.
» Note: Keep in mind, that you will only see a subset of the report columns on the screen. You'll need to export to see the rest.
➧ Payment Transactions Report
No matter which form of payment your team supports, you can view all transaction data from your Reports > Payments report.
The Payment History Report will display how much was collected from the family during registration, and how much was paid to your team.
For credit card payments, the "Payment Amount" and "Amount Paid To Organization" will not match each other, reflecting deductions for the SwimTopia per-athlete fee and for Stripe transaction fees.
➞ See our Payment History Report article for more details.
➧ Per-Athlete Fee Reports
We offer two reports for team and league admins, found on the Reports tab, under Manage Team.:
- Per-Athlete Fees (Summary)
- Per-Athlete Fees (Detail)
For more information about each of these reports, ➞ see Per-Athlete Fee Reports (for Teams)
Emailing Status Groups or Individual Families
Currently, you can email each family separately (envelope next to their name), and you can download all emails from the top of the Registration > Registrants page to send a mass email from your own mail program, but to send an email to everyone in a particular status group all at once (Pending, Approved, Rejected...) you would need to go to the Reports tab, run the Registration Details report from there, and you'll see that you can choose a status or include all etc., and then compose an email.
» Note: Unlike the download of the Registration Details from the page of registrants (which is per-form), the Registration Details report from the Reports tab is a combination of all of your registration forms. So if you have multiple forms and you email the Approved group, you will be reaching everyone that is Approved from all forms. Just keep that in mind.
If you don't want to do that, you'll need to download the emails from View Registrations to copy into your own email program or email individually.
➞ See the Sending Email to Groups tutorial to see how you can use the Athlete Count by Age Group report to email specific practice groups.
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