Covered in this Article:
- Locating Your Registration Forms
- Viewing Registration Forms by Season
- Creating and Editing a Registration Form
- Preview Your Registration Forms
- Open and Close Registration Forms
- Private Registration Forms
- Remove a Registration Form
- View and Manage Submitted Registrations
- Using a Registration Form for Account Creation (SwimTopia Lite Accounts)
Locating Your Registration Forms
Your team's Registration forms are created and managed from the Registration tab within the Manage Team admin console.
Viewing Registration Forms by Season
The first time you access the Registration page, you will see a Current Season (designated by *) and an Example Registration form. These are automatically created as part of the team site creation process.
This example form includes instructions and tips for each section to guide you through the process, providing a starting point for you to build from.
We'll get into the options for creating your registration forms in a moment.
When you create a new season, your Registration page will start fresh with instructions to copy a previous season's registration form or create a new form.
As your seasons progress, you'll notice your forms are organized by Season, similar to your Schedule page.
➧ Season details on this page:
- The Season that is set as the "Current season" under your Schedule > Seasons page will be designated on the Registration page with an asterisk (*),
- The Season Start and End dates will display in the sub-header of the screen. (visit the Seasons page if you need to see the Age Up Date for the season)
- An
badge will display next to seasons containing open forms. Multiple buttons could display accurately if your seasons overlap, but this will provide you with a visual indication if you inadvertently left forms open in previous seasons. Click into these seasons to close forms as needed.
➧ Have you been renaming your forms each season?
That's ok if so, but existing customers (most likely 2022 and earlier) who have been using the same registration form and just renaming that form each season versus copying the form to make a new version, will see the most recent title of the form displaying in each season back to the first season it was used.
Below is an example of this scenario, where 2017 was the first instance the forms were opened and captured registrants, but they have been renamed each season. Season 2020 was the last season the forms were renamed, which is why the title displays with "2020."
The way you can tell if the same form has been renamed is by hovering over the title and looking at the URL at the bottom of your screen. You'll see a # after "forms/." This # will be the same on each season for any form that was renamed to be used in that season.
➞ Solution: We suggest using the Copy options (button at the top or within the Actions menu) to make new forms going forward. If you want to clean up your old seasons, we suggest that you rename the form to something generic without using a year designation, for example.
You can also Remove (under the Actions menu) any form that does not have any registrants, and this will not remove the form from any season where registrants have been submitted.
Creating and Editing a Registration Form
» Tip: If you are looking for ways to set up your registration forms to support a specific fee structure (i.e. lessons, clinics, discounts or extra charges for specific groups, limits etc.), we suggest looking at our Registration Fees - Scenarios and Setup article first to determine the best approach before you begin your setup.
As mentioned, an Example Registration form is included when your site is created. This form provides instructions and tips for each section to guide you through the process. You can modify this form to create your initial registration form, or you can create a new form instead.
When you create a new season, your Registration page will start fresh with instructions to copy a previous season's registration form or create a new form.
➧ Copy Existing Form
There are two options to copy a registration form from one season into another season.
One option is to select the Copy Existing Form button. This will display a popup where you select the form from a list (organized by season) and choose which season to copy it into from a list of seasons provided.
Another route you can take that leads to the same popup, but with the specific form you want to copy already selected, is to choose the "Copy to" option from the Actions menu.
After selecting Create Copy you will be taken into the new form where you can edit the title and details as needed.
» Note: If you create your form when the wrong season is set as the current one under Schedule > Seasons, you will need to copy this form into the correct season and then Remove the original form. You cannot just move the form into the correct season.
➧ Create a New Form
Select the +New Form button if you want to create a form from scratch.
See ➞ the Registration Form: Main Section article for your next steps in this process.
➧ Edit a Form
Click on the title to be taken inside the form where you can make edits.
Preview Your Registration Forms
Administrators can preview registration forms as they build them (at any time) using the “Preview” option in the Actions menu.
Previewing a registration form allows you to mimic the behavior your members would experience, including requiring athlete names and any required fields.
The only thing it doesn’t do is complete the transaction when online payment is selected. Members entered in a preview registration will not be added to your roster.
➧ Auto-fill/Pre-loaded data
There are a number of factors that determine how the auto-fill can work:
1) Whether the parent got past the first screen of a registration form
The system will auto-fill the last known parent/athlete info when a parent logs in each season after they’ve previously made it past the first page of the registration form on any team site powered by SwimTopia (or Team Topia for non-swim teams). This is the only way that data is saved to reference the next time. Any rejected forms are ignored. This also means, if their information was just imported, they will still need to complete a registration form the first time, Then the auto-fill will take over in future registrations.
2) What data was entered on the last registration form they filled out
If a parent registered one athlete on a different team site powered by SwimTopia (i.e., Middle or High School and then wants to register all athletes for Summer team), or they bailed before getting past the first page and then started again, or their last registration was only for one of their athletes (i.e. clinics), the system is only going to auto-fill what was last saved.
» Note: Pre-loaded parents/guardians and athletes may be removed from a registration form, but may not be edited. The only exceptions are School Year and Athlete ID if enabled. This is to avoid possible family/sibling data entanglement issues (i.e., if a parent were to overwrite one athlete with the data of another athlete). In addition, the person logged in to register cannot edit/remove themselves beyond changing their team email preference and volunteer choice (if the Volunteer Opt-in configuration is checked). We inform parents to contact their team administrator if they need updates to existing information, or log out if they are not the person displayed on the screen. This does not include their home address block of information if your form is configured to capture this data. Team admins can update directly on the registration form or the member profiles under People.
➧ Activation emails in preview mode
An activation email is only sent the first time a person becomes affiliated with any team using a SwimTopia or Team Topia site. The purpose of the activation email is to prompt the person to set up their account. So when you are previewing your form, if you complete the process and use the same email you've used in the past, you won't receive an activation email again. If you use a new or test email, you will receive an activation email.
Open and Close Registration Forms
➧ To Open:
Slide the Status bar to the right when your form is finished and you are ready to open registration.
» Note: Private forms must be in an Open Status before your families can access them. Users will get an error if the form is not in an open state. The privacy setting within the form will keep anyone else from seeing or accessing the form.
As mentioned earlier, an badge will display next to seasons containing open forms. Multiple badges could be displayed accurately if your seasons overlap, but this will provide you with a visual indication if you inadvertently left forms open in previous seasons. Click into these seasons to close forms as needed.
➧ To Close:
Slide the status button back to the left to disable the form or close the registration.
Private Registration Forms
Private forms can be used for alternate pricing (i.e., board members) or to allow a select amount of registrations to take place "privately" before or after registration is open to the public.
A private registration form will not be linked to by the Registration Alert snippet on your website when you check the privacy box displayed on your form.
➧ Sharing private forms
Users will be able to access this form only via a direct link which will be shown on the main registration forms list.
To share this link, click on the "Private" box with the paperclip icon. This will copy the link to your computer's clipboard, so all you have to do next is paste it into your communication.
» Tip: A Private form must be in an Open status for members to access. If you receive reports of an error, check the status of your form. Creating private forms is also covered in the next article ➞ Registration Form: Main Section.
➧ Testing private forms
Setting the registration form to be “Private” allows you to supply a select number of people with a live registration that won’t be visible on the site, so you can further test the registration with more people.
» Note: Be aware that testing a private form does complete transactions and will charge credit cards. It’s a real registration.
Remove a Registration Form
➧ Does the form have "active" registrants?
You can "Remove" (under the Actions menu) any form that does not have "active" registrants. This would apply to those registrants in a Pending, Paid, or Approved status.
If you attempt to remove a form with active registrants, a message will display to inform you that this action cannot be completed unless you move all active registrants to the Rejected status first.
After this is done, you can select to remove the form again. You will be asked to confirm this request before the form is removed.
➧ Did you create a form in the wrong season?
As mentioned earlier, if you create your form when the wrong season is set as the current one, you will need to copy this form into the correct season and then Remove the original form. You cannot just move the form into the correct season.
➧ Have you been renaming your forms?
If you are an existing customer (most likely 2022 and prior) and have been renaming your forms, you can Remove any form that does not have any registrants, and this will not remove the form from any season where registrants have been submitted. This is discussed above as well.
» Note: If you Remove the wrong form, don't worry! Submit a support ticket with the name of the form you removed and we can restore that for you.
View/Edit Submitted Registrations
For each form listed, you will see a number tally of the total registrants that have been submitted. Click this #tally link to see a list of all registrations submitted broken out by status.
➞ See our View and Manage Submitted Registrations article for more details.
Using a Registration Form for Account Creation (SwimTopia Lite Accounts)
If your team is one of our SwimTopia Lite customers, welcome! We know your team does not intend to utilize all of the features SwimTopia Premium accounts need (not yet, anyway), but we provide the option for you to use a registration form so your members can create an account and use the SwimTopia mobile app.
You can keep your form simple to expedite the process. Just because a section is there, does not mean it has to be used. You are able to disable most pages in a registration form.
➞ See our Creating New Accounts - How do Parents Log In? article for more details.
➞ Next, begin the Registration Form: Main Section
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