Covered in this Article:
➧ Member Registration Process
- How do members log in or create an account?
- How do people get to the registration form?
- Edits: Why can't existing parent/athlete data be edited?
- Siblings: How do parents add a sibling after they have already registered?
➧ Registration Setup Process
- Can registration forms open and close at a certain date/time?
- Can I have forms open for different seasons at the same time?
- Can I preview my form before opening?
➧ Limits and Waitlist Management
➧ Merchandise (or other purchases)
➧ Managing Submitted Registrations
➧ Miscellaneous
Member Registration Process
How do members log in or create an account?
Ideally, your members create their accounts through the registration process initially. Regardless of whether you imported a past or current season roster, or didn't import data at all, we suggest that you create a registration form and invite your members to register.
Each season they sign in and register to be affiliated with the current season., and new members create their accounts as they register. This process ensures you have the most up-to-date contact information each season.
Learn more about this topic ➞ Creating New Accounts - How do Parents Log In?
How do people get to the registration form?
When you open your form a Register Now button will display automatically on your website for your members.
» Note: If you don't see this button on your website, make sure your form is not private. The other possibility is that someone removed the Registration Alert Snippet from the template of your website, which can be easily restored.
If your form is configured to be private, you can copy the link to the form (under the form title on your Registration page) and send this private link out in your email. The form will still need to be in an Open state to access.
Learn more about this topic ➞ Creating New Accounts - How do Parents Log In?
Edits: Why can't existing parent/athlete data be edited?
Pre-Populated Parents/Athletes are not editable during registration to avoid possible family/sibling data entanglement issues (i.e., if a parent were to overwrite one athlete with the data of another athlete).
In addition, the person logged in to register cannot edit/remove themselves beyond changing their team email preference and volunteer choice (if the Volunteer Opt-in configuration is checked).
We inform parents on the form to contact their team administrator if they need updates to existing information, or log out if they are not the person displayed on the screen. This does not include their home address block of information if your form is configured to capture this data. Team admins can update directly on the registration form or the member profiles under People.
This should also reduce the creation of duplicate athletes/parents. However, parents could end up removing an athlete and then recreating them with slightly different information, so just keep an eye on your De-duplicate Athletes tool under Settings > Data Maintenance Tools to resolve any duplicate athletes. Let us know if you see duplicate parents in your People list since we have to merge those.
Learn more about this topic ➞ here, and for the parents here.
Siblings: How do parents add a sibling after they have already registered?
After the registration form has been submitted the family cannot access the form to make updates. In addition, if your team offers a multi-athlete/sibling discount, this feature is based on athletes being registered together.
If you do not offer a sibling discount, the family can log in and register the additional sibling(s) on a new form and we will add the athlete(s) to your family account. If you do offer a discount, we have a few options to choose from based on how you would like to manage your payment reporting:
➧ The parent HAS NOT registered the additional athlete:
➞ Option A: Create a discount code equal to the sibling discount
When the parent goes through the registration process using the existing form, they can enter the discount code to get the sibling rate.
➞ Option B: Create a private registration form to register the additional athlete
You can copy the original registration form, call it "Sibling Addition" (for example), make it Private, change the fee to reflect the sibling discount, and send the link to the family.
➞ Option C: Reject the registration and have the family register all athletes together
Your records will show an accurate payment, and the sibling discount will apply, but you need to issue a refund for the rejected payment. Processing fees cannot be refunded, so the team either eats this fee, or does a partial refund so the family pays
If you don't want to initiate a refund, you can create a discount code on the Payment page of your registration form equal to the amount they paid on the initial registration. Provide this code to them to use when re-registering all athletes together.
➞ Option D: Manually add the athlete to the form
They cannot be recharged for the new total online, so the parent would have to pay offline for the difference. The Order Amount column is going to be higher than the Amount Paid, so external bookkeeping may be required if you want precise records. Go to Registration > Click on Registrant# > View/Edit > Edit Athlete > Add the Athlete > Save Changes
A few things to consider with this option:
- You cannot capture information on any acknowledgments/waivers specific to each athlete.
- League fees cannot be collected.
- Merchandise can be added, and the registration fees will be calculated affecting the total "Amount Due," but we do not store credit card information to re-charge for the balance.
➧ The parent HAS registered the additional athlete on a new form
➞ Option A: Provide a partial refund for the sibling discount
A direct link to the payment record is provided from the submitted form.
➞ Option B: Reject the second registration, and manually add the athlete on the first registration.
They cannot be recharged for the new total, so the parent would have to write a check for the difference. The Order Amount column is going to be higher than the Amount Paid, so external bookkeeping may be required if you want precise records. (See the caveats with this option above)
➞ Option C: Reject both registrations
If you really want all athletes on one form, you would reject both forms and refund the family so they can re-register all athletes together. As mentioned above, processing fees cannot be refunded, so the team either eats this fee, or does a partial refund so the family pays. Go to Registration > Click on Registrant# > Find Form > Reject
➧ Help Center Articles for Reference:
My previously registered athlete is showing up when I am registering a sibling, what do I do?
If you have already registered this athlete on this particular registration form (team, clinics, lessons, etc) and you are just adding a sibling, then click on the "Remove from this registration" button. If you do not remove them, you will end up paying for them again.
As stated on the top of this section, "Removing an athlete from this registration will not affect any previous registration."
Registration Setup Process
Can registration forms open and close at a certain date/time?
There is an auto-open/close for swim meets, but registration requires you to slide the open bar at this time. Feel free to submit a request to add your vote for this feature.
Can I have forms open for different seasons at the same time?
Yes, you can. You'll want to create each season (Manage Team > Seasons), and then on the Registration section, you click on the relevant season and create registration forms to open/close as needed.
Learn more about this topic ➞ Multiple Seasons in a Year (Spring, Summer, Winter, Clinics, Lessons...)
Can I preview my form before opening?
The Preview option under the Actions menu on your Registrations page allows you to go through the process as if you are a parent, minus actual online payment.
Learn more about this topic ➞ Preview Your Registration Forms
» Tip: If your registration allows for anything other than online payment, you can test all the way through. If you want to see the account activation and registration confirmation emails that are generated, you can use your regular email but add a "+xxx" (i.e. This trick allows you to use your regular email but in a different form so messages can still be received at your regular email.
Limits and Waitlist Management
How can I limit registrations for the season or by form?
SwimTopia supports registration limits on the overall team size and the number of athletes per age group.
A waitlist can be configured using a combination of a Private Registration Form, and Registration Limits.
Learn more about this topic ➞ Registration Waitlist - Create and Manage
Fee Structures
Teams have varying degrees of complexity in their fee structures. Determining how to set up a registration form can be daunting when working under these constraints. We have been working with teams for decades to understand their fees and provide guidance on how our system can support their requirements.
In many cases, creating separate seasons to manage your various programs or using multiple registration forms is the simplest approach to keep your fees and reporting organized.
However, features such as sibling discounts, age-range fee override, acknowledgments with conditional fees, and athlete roster groups may allow you to accomplish what is needed within one form.
Learn more about this topic here ➞ Registration Fees - Scenarios and Setup
Merchandise (Or other purchases)
Can we accept donations or sell sponsorships during registration?
Yes, you can either:
Option A: Create the sponsorship as a "Merchandise" offering under Manage Team > Merchandise. You could check for it to be personalized if you want them to enter how they want their name displayed. Then choose to display the “item” for purchase on your Merchandise page in your registration form.
Learn more about this topic ➞ Merchandise
» Note: We don’t have the ability to offer an “arbitrary” (open) amount, so if you want to give parents amount options, you would create a separate "item" for each level.
The system is going to automatically display a Quantity box, so if you don’t want to provide specific amount options (like $25, $50, $75, $100...), you could offer a donation amount that is small enough that people can “order“ multiple amounts, so for example, you could set the donation amount to be $5 and if they wanted to donate $25, they could order 5 of them. The "More info" can include an explanation that pops up.
Option B: Use an Acknowledgement Form on the main page of your registration to ask if anyone would like to sponsor. Make it optional and add the fee amount for those who select it. This is an optional step, but you could also create a Role for these called "Friends of the Dolphins" or just "Friends" for short, and select to have anyone who chooses to do this assigned to the Role to then have a good list to communicate with if you want.
See the Acknowledement Section within our Registration article ➞ Registration Form: Main Section and our Defining Roles article.
Managing Submitted Registrations
Why are some registration numbers missing on my list?
The number you see is "issued" at the point the person first reaches the payment/checkout screen. We need to have generated a number by that point because we included the registration number in the description on the credit card transaction and in our reports.
You may notice some numbers are skipped. This is because people can start a registration but bail before completing it. This happens all the time (i.e. people don't have their payment info ready or decide they need to discuss more with the family etc.).
How can I manage practice signups?
If you want to manage your practices online, we have a few options you can consider below.
- OPTION 1: Using Athlete Roster Groups on a Registration Form
- OPTION 2: Using Merchandise on a Registration Form
- OPTION 3: Using a Non-Meet Event with "Practice" Jobs/Shifts
- OPTION 4: Google Form or Signup Genius
Learn more about this topic ➞ Practice Signup Configuration Options
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