Covered in this Article
- What is the Per-Athlete Technology Fee?
- Which teams are required to pay the per-athlete fee online?
- What if the registrant does not pay via credit card or registration is free?
- Do athletes on my waitlist count?
- What about athletes who register twice in one year?
- Can the per-athlete fee be refunded?
- Where can I find reports for the per-athlete fees?
What is the Per-Athlete Technology Fee?
SwimTopia's billing policy is on a per-athlete basis. We eliminate extra invoicing by automatically deducting the per-athlete fee during registration when payment is accepted online and the league is not already paying this fee upfront for teams.
Teams eligible for online athlete fee collection will have the choice for this to appear on the payment screen of the registration form as a separate line item. This fee is displayed to members as the "Per-Athlete Technology Fee."
» Note: The default setting is for the per-athlete fee to NOT be itemized. This means that SwimTopia will be collecting the per-athlete fees directly from your team's registration payments. If you'd rather have the per-athlete fees listed as a separate itemized line item for the Per-Athlete Technology Fee, you should check the box in your registration form to "Collect per-athlete fee from registrant." See below for details.
Which teams are required to pay the per-athlete fee online?
At this time, most teams fall under one of two billing plans:
➧ Individual Billing Plan (where each team pays their own SwimTopia fees)
➧ League-wide Billing Plan (where their league pays the SwimTopia fees)
How the per-athlete fee is captured depends on the billing plan assigned to your team. ➞ See our SwimTopia Team Billing: Policies, Pricing & FAQs for details.
➧ Teams on Individual Billing Plans
Itemized Per-Athlete Technology Fee
Each team has the choice as to whether or not to display the per-athlete fee to their members as a separate line item.
By default, the fee is not collected from the registrant and will be deducted from the payment prior to depositing funds in the team's Stripe account.
» Note: This SwimTopia Fee Collection section will only display for teams who are not on a league-wide billing plan.
➞ Do Not Display Itemized Per-Athlete Technology Fees
Some teams would prefer to not display a separate line item. In this case, you not would check the box next to "Collect per athlete fee from registrant." (unchecked by default for all registration forms)
Example: If registration is $100/athlete, the parent would see the following charge, without a separate itemized technology fee:
In the above example,
- The team receives $97
- SwimTopia receives $3
» Tip: Many teams will set their registration fees to ensure all their costs are covered, whether those costs include technology, t-shirts, ribbons, etc. So in the above example, if the team needs to keep $100 but they don’t want to list the per-athlete fee as a separate, itemized line item, they could raise their fees to $103. In that case, the team would receive $100, and SwimTopia would receive $3.
➞ Display Itemized Per-Athlete Technology Fees
Some teams would rather pass this technology fee directly on to their members as a separate charge. In that case, you would check the box next to "Collect per athlete fee from registrant," and members would see this on their payment confirmation:
If you itemize the per-athlete fee, members will see a separate line item for a Per-Athlete Technology Fee. In the above example,
- The team receives $100
- SwimTopia receives $3
➧ Teams in Leagues that are on League-wide Billing
When 100% of a league's teams use SwimTopia, that league can choose our league-wide billing feature, where the league is responsible for paying the invoice for all of their league's athletes.
» Note: Teams that are on a league-wide billing plan will not see the SwimTopia Fee Collection section on their registration forms, even in cases where the Per-Athlete Technology Fee is itemized.
➞ Upfront Invoicing
These leagues pay for 100% of their preceding season's athlete count upfront prior to the start of the season. Since these leagues prepay for their athletes, their teams will NOT have a Per-Athlete Technology Fee displayed on any of their registrations.
» Note: The section below is for informational purposes only for leagues grandfathered into legacy league-wide billing plans.
➞ Per-Athlete Billing During Registration
These leagues choose to have SwimTopia collect the per-athlete fee during online registration.
➧ With League Fees via Shared Form Section
If the league uses a shared form section to add league fees to the registration form, the league may choose whether to itemize the Per-Athlete Technology Fees or not (this is a league-wide decision and cannot be changed at the team level).
If a league sets the payment to "Require online payment using Stripe," families who would like to pay via check or member number will be required to split their payment and pay the league fees via Stripe. In this case, if the league has set the Per-Athlete Technology Fee to be itemized, the Per-Athlete Technology Fee must also be paid via Stripe.
➧ No League Fees via Shared Form Section
If leagues do not charge league fees using shared form sections, the Per-Athlete Technology Fee will always be itemized as a separate line item.
➞ See our SwimTopia League-Wide Billing: Policies, Pricing and FAQs article for more details on this billing option.
What if the registrant does not pay via credit card or registration is free?
SwimTopia Premium teams can still offer payment via check and/or member number for registrations. Or sometimes, registrations are free (no fee or using a discount code = to the registration fee), or athletes are added manually.
We cannot charge the per-athlete fee when no other fee is being processed. We’ll track any athletes on your roster who haven’t yet paid the per-athlete fee, and we’ll invoice your team at the end of the season for all extra athletes, at $3/athlete for SwimTopia Premium, $1.50/athlete for SwimTopia Lite.
» Note: In order for the SwimTopia per-athlete fee to be captured at checkout, the total amount owed (for registration and/or merchandise) must be greater than the per-athlete fee to be collected.
The per-athlete invoice is based on the total number of athletes on your roster during the billing period, including all competitive athletes that were on the team during that time, as well as any non-competitive athletes (clinics, lessons, pre-team, etc).
» Tip: Since non-competitive athletes count, make sure you do not use athlete accounts for your coaches if they are not also competing. See ➞ Adding a Coach for other options.
➞ See our Billing Support & Policies Overview article for details.
Do athletes on my waitlist count?
Every family in the "Pending" or "Approved" status of any registration form is considered active on your roster, thus can be entered for meets, assigned to jobs, receive email from the site, AND will be counted in your athlete number towards the SwimTopia Per-Athlete Fee.
You should complete your waitlist process by:
- Notifying remaining wait-listed registrants if they will not be able to join.
- Clicking the "Reject" button to move them to the Rejected status to make them inactive.
- Closing your form when you are done.
➞ See our Registration Waitlist - Create and Manage article for details.
What about athletes who register twice in one year?
We will only charge the per-athlete fee once per athlete per billing period (Per team, if on more than one SwimTopia team). If an athlete registers more than once with your team during the same billing period (for example, for a winter season, or a season used to manage pre-season clinics), we won’t charge the per-athlete fee more than once for that athlete.
Exception: if an athlete's 12-month anniversary will fall in a new season, we'll collect the per-athlete fee for that athlete. (for example, a family registers their athlete in April 2023 for the upcoming Summer season. The following year, that family registers their athlete in March 2024 for the next Summer season. In that case, the family will be charged the per-athlete fee on their March registration, since the athlete's 12-month anniversary will fall during the new 2024 season.)
Can the per-athlete Fee be refunded?
- When collected, these fees are deposited into the SwimTopia Stripe account, therefore they will be refunded out of SwimTopia's Stripe account, not the team's.
- The "Net refund to customer" is the total amount the customer will receive, and dynamically updates as changes are made.
➞ See our Stripe Refunds article for details.
» Note: SwimTopia Billing will reconcile all outstanding per-athlete fees at the end of each billing period based on actual athlete activity, in the case of any accidental refunds. Also be sure to either remove the season affiliation for athletes who did not stay active with the team, or reject the entire registration form (if all athletes on the form did not stay on the team), or you will be billed for the athlete(s). ➞ See Removing Athletes.
Where can I find reports for the per-athlete fees?
We offer two reports for team and league admins, found on the Reports tab, under Manage Team.:
- Per-Athlete Fees (Summary)
- Per-Athlete Fees (Detail)
For more information about each of these reports, ➞ see Per-Athlete Fee Reports (for Teams)
You can also view the Payment History Report (Manage Team > Reports), which will display how much was collected from the family during registration, and how much was paid to your team.
For credit card payments, the "Payment Amount" and "Amount Paid To Organization" will not match each other, reflecting deductions for the SwimTopia per-athlete fee and for Stripe transaction fees.
hcmanagereportsathletefeessummary hcmanagereportsathletefeesdetail
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