Non-meet calendar events are available to our Premium customers.
When you create a meet or event, you are taken to the Meet (or Event) Details page to provide basic meet information, along with a few calendar display, age-up date, and pool length configuration settings.
If your league schedule was imported, you'll still want to review these details.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Meet or Calendar Event Detail Screens
➧ Configuration Options
Meet or Calendar Event Detail Screens
Accessing the Meet or Event Details Screen
Log in and select Manage Team:
On the Schedule > All Meets & Events screen, select the Meet Name:
Click on the Edit button:
Meet Details Options
When you are creating a meet, you will see the options below:
Event Details Options
When you are creating a calendar event (non-meet RSVP event), you will see the options below:
Configuration Options
Meet or Event Name
Create a name that your parents and athletes will quickly recognize when viewing the signup calendar. Examples include team names, team abbreviations, type of meet or event.
» Note: Even if your meet schedule was imported from the league, you should be able to customize your meet names to fit your team's desired format (ask your league if unsure).
Example Names:
- Time Trials
- Mock Meet
- Dolphins vs Sharks
- Splashers (LHS) @ Barton Creek West (BCW)
- Divisionals
- Ice Cream Social
- End of Season Party
Start, End & Warm-up (Date/Time)
➧ Start/End Date: A calendar pop-up should appear allowing you to select the month/day of the meet/event (if you do not see this, check that you do not have a pop-up blocker on). You may also type directly in the field.
➧ Start/End Time: These menus are in increments of 30 minutes, but you may type directly in the field if you want a more specific time (i.e. 8:15 AM).
➧ Estimated: End Time is not required for a meet and can be marked as estimated if you want to show that the meet isn't set to end at the stated time exactly. If checked, the end time will be labeled as "estimated" when displayed on the team schedule. (see example screenshots below)
➧ All day event: When selected, the time fields disappear on this details screen, and no start/end labels will display on the team calendar.
This may be the pool name, a specific address, "Home", "Away", or any specific location details. This information will display under the meet or event name. If you want to provide driving directions, you can include a map link in the Description field.
This is a good place to provide driving direction links, parking rules, reminders of what to bring to the pool or event, concession details etc.
Hide Meet or Event from Calendar
Meets: "Hide from public calendar"
Events: "Do not display this event on the public schedule"
When selected, the meet or event will not display on the team calendar and will include this icon next to the name on the Manage Team > Schedule page.
Teams may choose to hide the meet when:
- The meet or event has been created but the details need fine-tuning
- The coach is finalizing the meet entries after meet signups/declarations have been submitted
- The team does not want to display results in the mobile app or "My Account" screen (i.e., time trials)
- The team is testing and does not want to trigger mobile app notifications
» Tip: Instead of hiding events from the team calendar with this setting so members do not have to scroll through past events, a more efficient option would be to set the Calendar display mode to "All Upcoming/Past Events" in the Properties of your Schedule page. ➞ See the Calendar Display Mode article for more information.
The rest of the settings described below are for meet setup only. If creating a non-meet social event, skip to Completing your Meet or Event Setup - If Creating an Event section.
Rained Out
If a meet was rained out, the admin or coach may want to return to this details screen to make this selection dependent on their team/league eligibility rules. If selected, entries are treated as "swims" for participation/eligibility purposes. This icon will display next to the name on the Manage Team > Schedule page, but not on the team calendar.
Age-Up Date
The age-up date is the date used to determine the "competition age" of the athlete for the duration of a meet or season. In most cases the meet age-up date should be the same as your Season Age Up Date (under Schedule > Seasons). We offer the meet level date in case there’s a meet that requires a different date.
» Note: The meet age up date will override the season age up date if set differently. ➞ See the Age-up Dates article for more details.
Course (pool length)
The course/pool length on each meet will default to the preferred course length in your Team Information page. Only change this when needed.
Entry Time Conversion
By default, entry times will be converted to the selected pool length. It doesn’t alter results, just converts times set in a different course to the course of the meet for seeding/qualifying purposes only.
Sanction Number
Enter a USS Sanction number if applicable. Click Save to add this meet to your calendar.
Completing your Meet or Event Setup
➧ If Creating a Meet:
After completing the meet details, you'll be taken to the Meet Setup > Team Preferences screen to continue reviewing preset site configurations. Then you can continue applying meet and job templates, or setting configurations as needed.
» Note: If your league schedule was imported, you should still review all settings to confirm your setup is as expected. Any changes to locked settings will need to be approved through the league directly.
➞ Next Step: Review the Team Preferences settings. If you make changes that would apply to all meets, select Actions > Update Team Preferences to ensure the updates are included on additional meets created. ➞ See the site level Team Meet Entry Preferences for details on each setting.
➧ If Creating an Event:
This feature is available to our Premium customers.
After completing the event details, you will be taken to the Jobs > Job List screen to set up any job signups for the event.
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