This feature is available to our Premium customers.
Your team's Meets and Events can have Jobs and Shifts associated with them, which members can sign-up for on your website, and are managed in the Schedule tab in the Manage Team admin console.
A job describes the task to be done (i.e., Age-Group Parent, Snack Bar, Timer, Stroke Judge...), and a shift tells you when it is performed (i.e., Girls: 6&under, Boys: 7-8..., or First Shift, Second Shift...).
Each job must have at least one shift based on a meet event range, or timeframe.
Covered in this Article:
- Accessing Your Jobs & Shifts
- Sign-up Status
- Setting up Your Jobs & Shifts
- Assigning Members to a Shift
- Donation Items
- Volunteer Communication
Accessing Your Jobs & Shifts
Click on any event name listed in your schedule to add Jobs and Shifts.
Sign-up Status
This controls when and where parents can sign up for event jobs/shifts online.
➧ Status Definitions
✓ Allow job sign-up during registration AND
✓ Allow job sign-up, view and change jobs outside of registration (parent account login required)
× Disable job sign-up during registration
✓ Allow view job sign-ups outside of registration (parent account login required)
➧ Schedule to Automatically Open/Close
After setting a time and date check the Automatically Open or Automatically Close box to make the job sign-up status open or close once the date has passed.
» Note: ➞ See the Registration: Volunteering Section tutorial for more information on allowing job sign-up during registration. If you would like to display a reminder for parents to sign up for volunteer jobs when they sign-up swimmers for meet events, check the Prompt for job sign-ups box in your registration form.
Setting up Your Jobs & Shifts
When you are finished with the status, click on the Job tab and on the Job list you can define your jobs. You can either copy jobs from an existing Job Template, or you can create your jobs and shifts from scratch.
➧ Option 1: "Copy from Template"
You can eliminate repeated setup each season by creating "Job Templates" for your meets and events - especially for those events that will be repeated several times in a season, or from one season to another. ➞ See our article about Job Templates for more info.
If you'd like to apply an existing job template, click on Actions then Copy from Template. Select the job template you'd like to apply, and click Save.
» Note: If people have started signing up for jobs that will be replaced, you may want to make a note or open a second browser that is on the Meet > Jobs screen, so you can manually assign them to the new jobs, or let them know to sign up again.
➞ See the Job Templates tutorial for more info.
➧ Option 2: Creating New Jobs & Shifts
If you're not applying a template that already exists, you can create your jobs and shifts, and then save those as a template to apply to additional meets or events.
First, you create the job, and then you must have at least one shift per job based on a range of events or timeframe for your members to sign up for during your meets or events. A job describes the task to be done, and a shift tells you when it is performed.
Step 1 - Create Your Jobs
To add a new job, click Add Job to set up this event's jobs and shifts.
Enter your job details and select whether the shifts for this job are defined by time or by meet event number.
» Note: This selection by time or event cannot be changed after you have created the job. You would need to create a new Job and delete the original.
Enter details for the job, and check the Enable online sign-up box to allow your members to sign up through the calendar page on your website.
Click Save to add the new job.
» Note: Jobs that require prior approval or training can be restricted to those members who have been assigned by an admin to a particular role. Check Require specific role to restrict online signup to members and select the role from the list below the checkbox. One example of this is a Stroke & Turn Judge. Most leagues require training for this.
➞ See the Assigning Volunteers to Roles tutorial for more info.
➞ See the Defining Roles tutorial for more info.
Step 2 - Add Your Shifts
Members will not see a job available for sign-up until a shift is added to it.
Click Add Shift to create a shift associated with a job. Enter the name, start and end times or meet event range, and the number of people to allow to sign up or be assigned to the shift.
If your team uses points to track volunteer requirements, enter those as well.
Click Save to add this shift to the job.
Your shifts will now be listed under the Job, like the example below (based on time):
➞ Are you trying to add/update a shift by event range but you cannot see event #s?
If you have created your jobs based on event and not time, and find that you cannot select a range of events when you try to create your shift, this would be due to your meet not having an event list, as seen in the image below.
You will need to either apply a meet template if one exists; manually create your events; start over to create a new meet by importing an event list from the Schedule tab; or recreate your shifts by timeframe instead of event range.
Assigning Members to a Shift
Assignees whose names are bold are self-assigned, either through Registration or through online signup if/when your team opens job signup.
Parents and Athletes can be assigned to a shift, but only Parents can sign themselves up (and any other parent/guardian in their family), unless the athlete has an activated account.
Admins can assign an athlete to a job, however. To manually assign members to this shift, click on the blue pencil.
When the Edit Assignees window appears, start typing any part of a member's name or email to add them to the assignment list.
» Tip: If you are typing a person’s name and they aren’t appearing, they are probably already scheduled for a shift at the same time. You can use your browser’s search function to see if they are already scheduled. SwimTopia won’t suggest an ineligible volunteer. If there are jobs that can be done at the same time as another one, you can set the job to “Do not check for schedule conflicts” so the same person can be assigned to multiple shifts at the same time.
Donation Items
Sometimes you'd like people to be able to sign up to bring donated items, such as concession stand items, raffle prizes, etc.
Click on Add Job. For the Job Type, select Item Requests.
When you set up your description for the "New Job" (Item), note that this "job" is a type of item (specific items will be set up later).
In this example, Ice Cream Donations would be the "Job," then you would set up separate items to be donated by clicking on Add Item Request:
Then you can set up each item to bring and how many you need:
As with jobs, you can then manually assign volunteers to bring specific items by clicking on the blue pencil:
Volunteer Communication
All volunteers signed up for shifts or assigned to roles can be emailed as a group.
Click the Letter icon next to Assignees to compose a new email in Communications to all the people working a particular Job.
Or, to email all assignees working the meet, click the All Assignees button.
➞ See the Sending Email & Alerts to Groups through Reports and Meets for all the ways you can email groups from SwimTopia.
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