Meets are managed from the Schedule > All Meets & Events tab in the Manage Team console. Depending on your situation, there are options for how you can create meets as described below.
The rest of the steps to finish setting up your meets will depend on how they were created. We have a guide to walk you through a checklist of tasks. ➞ See Quick Start Guide - Setting Up Meets
» Note: If you are looking to create non-meet events (i.e. socials, banquets) ➞ See Creating Calendar Events (Non-Meets).
Covered in this Article:
- Option 1: League Schedule Import
- Option 2: Import a Meet Event File (EV3)
- Option 3: Create a New (Empty) Swim Meet
- Option 4: Copy a Meet from a Previous Season
Option 1: League Schedule Import
The easy button! - If all of the teams in your league are using SwimTopia, your league can send us the entire league schedule to import. With this import, the meets for each team will automatically appear on each team’s schedule, and all the meets for all the teams will appear on your league’s schedule. ➞ See our Import Your League Meet Schedule article to know what your league would need to do to accomplish this task.
➞ Next Step: If your team's schedule was imported, you need to review the Meet Details and Meet Setup for each meet so you are aware of the rules defined by the league. Any changes to locked settings will need to be approved through the league directly.
Option 2: Import a Meet Event File (EV3)
If you have access to a meet event file, click the green Add Swim Meet menu on your Schedule page and then Import Meet Event File.
Upload the ZIP or EV3 file. This will create the meet, all the events, and any rules included in the Meet Events file. If your file includes qualifying times, these will be imported as well ➞ See our Qualifying Times article for more on this topic.
» Hy-Tek Users: We support MM 2.0+ so .EV3 is our only supported format (not .HYV). Hy-Tek's "events" export generates a zip file containing both the EV3 and HYV files (for backward compatibility). For more information, ➞ See Hy-Tek's file format documentation:
➞ Next Step: Review the Meet Details and Meet Setup after importing the event file to confirm accurate information and save as a Meet Template to easily apply to additional meets.
➧ Multi-Session Meets
To create a multi-session meet, you must import an EV3 file already set up with your sessions. (only option) The event list within a multi-session meet cannot be edited once you open signups. It's best to ensure your event list is finalized before creating the meet.
➞ See our Multi-Session Meets article for setup details and recommendations based on limited support for this meet type.
Option 3: Create a New (Empty) Swim Meet
Select "New (Empty) Swim Meet" from the green Add Swim Meet menu on your Schedule page to create a meet from scratch, or apply a Meet Template if you have them set up (highly encouraged to save you setup time each season).
After clicking to create a new (empty) swim meet, you have a few choices for how to proceed:
➧ Fill out the details manually
If you do not already have meet templates, you can fill out the Meet Details and other Meet Setup configurations for your meet.
➧ Set up meet templates and then apply them to your new meets
➞ See our Meet Templates article for more on creating these time-saving templates and how to apply them to your meets, or how to save your manually created meets as Meet Templates for future use.
➧ Apply meet templates saved from previous season meets
If you have previous season meets, you can easily save the setup of each type of meet as a Meet Template, update as needed and apply the templates to your meet.
From the Schedule > All Meets & Events screen select the season from the left with the meets you would like to save as Meet Templates.
Click into an applicable meet depending on the type of Meet Template you want to save (i.e. Home, Away, Divisional, All-Star etc).
Go to Meet Setup > Events. From this page you will click on the Template menu and select Save As Template.
Once you give your Meet Template a name and description (optional), you will be taken back into your current season's Schedule > Meet Templates screen within this new Meet Template. You can modify the settings as needed (be sure to Save your changes).
After you are done with this Meet Template, you can repeat these steps to save other meets from a previous season as additional types of Meet Templates (Away, Divisional, Champs, All-Star, etc).
» Note: You can also use the Copy Template button to create a new type of Meet Template (Away, Divisional, etc). Saving a previous meet as a Meet Template is more efficient, but if you do not have previous meets that fit each type, this is another option since you can just remove unnecessary events, etc.
➞ Next Step: Now that your Meet Template(s) have been created from previous meets, you can apply your templates to your empty meet with a few clicks.
➧ Apply meet templates created from imported results
Or, if you have a results file containing the meet event details from a previous meet, you can use these results to create a meet template and then apply that template to your new empty meet.
If the results from an old meet are earlier than your "Current Season," create a new season with the date range that includes the date of the old meet: Go to Schedule > Seasons and click “Add Season”
Then go to Schedule > Add Swim Meet > New (Empty) Swim Meet, making sure that the date of this meet matches the date of your old meet containing the results. You can choose if you want to also select to "hide from public calendar" if you do not want this meet seen by your members.
Go to Results > Import and import your results file
Go to Meet Setup > Events > Template > Save as Template
In your new meet template, review and edit each Meet Setup section, including:
- Swim and/or dive events
- Meet entry rules
- Entry fees (cannot be collected online today)
- Eligibility rules
- Seeding & scoring rules
➞ Next Step: Now that your Meet Template(s) have been saved from previous meet results, you can apply your templates to your empty meet with a few clicks.
Option 4: Copy a Meet from a Previous Season
We highly suggest creating and using Meet Templates to create your meets, but you can copy a meet from a previous season and then save that meet as a Meet Template to apply in future seasons.
Taking the time upfront to create Meet Templates will save you so much time each season. The Copy feature is a one-time action that does not allow you to save the settings for additional use like Meet Templates do.
➞ See our Meet Templates article for more on creating these time-saving templates and how to apply them to your meets.
» Note: You must update all dates in your meet setup if you choose to copy. These do not automatically update to your new season. Copy is also not fully supported for multi-session meets due to meet dates not updating to the current season automatically.
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