Volunteer management features that are demonstrated in this video are available to our Premium customers.
Covered in this Article:
- Meets & Entries: Workshop Webinar Recording
- Managing Your Meet Schedule: How-To Videos
- Meet Entries: How-To Videos
- Additional Training Resources
- Not a Customer Yet?
Meets & Entries: Workshop Webinar Recording (1hr)
We’ll show you how to set up a new meet and create your meet participation rules and settings. We’ll demonstrate the different meet sign-up options for your families, and we’ll cover how coaches can manage meet entries and use our easy-to-use relay generator.
Review our Help Center article about Creating Meets (Options) and try creating one meet that you can work with as you watch the video.
➞ direct link to our Meets & Entries video.
Managing Your Meet Schedule: How-To Videos
Meet Entries: How-To Videos
Additional Training Resources
➧ Help Center Articles ➞ See our Quick Start Guide - Setting Up Meets.
➧ Community Center ➞ Check out our Community section for many tips and tricks.
➧ Training Videos ➞ Check out our YouTube Channel for additional training videos.
➧ Workshop Webinars ➞ Visit our Workshop Webinars page to sign up for our live webinars as they are available.
Not a Customer Yet?
➧ SwimTopia ➞ Watch a recorded demo to dive into more detail, and start a no-obligation 2-week free trial to explore everything SwimTopia and Meet Maestro have to offer. Reach out to our sales team for more information as needed.
➧ Team Topia (non-swim) ➞ Contact our Sales team to see a demo.
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