Once you've set up your records book, you can add records to your record book in two ways:
- Manually adding records
- Searching past meets for records
» Note: if you have not set up your record books ➞ See our Help Center article about Creating a Record Book.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Adding Records and Updating Your Record Books
- Record Books Location
- Manually Adding Records
- Updating Record Books After a Meet
- Missing Records After Updating - Event Definition Changed
- Record Search VS Manual Creation
- Excluding Records
- Updating Your Record Book Settings
- Records Broken in a Different Course (pool length)
➧ Records Display and Reporting
- Displaying Records on your Website
- Including Records in Meet Maestro Meets
- Records Reports
- Records in the Mobile App
Adding Records and Updating Your Record Books
Record Books Location
To add records, go to Manage Team/League > Schedule > Record Books, then select the record book you'd like to add records to.
Manually Adding Records
➞ Teams: If your team has records that are not attached to a past meet within your SwimTopia site, you will need to manually add these records.
➞ Leagues: will need to create record books on the league site manually (SwimTopia doesn't yet have a way to import records).
To manually add a record, click on the "+ Add Record" link in the grey box on the right side of the event in the record book.
This will bring up a window to set the date, record time, pool length, record holder, etc. The Date can be just the year or as precise as the exact day. The official time will automatically format the input and will be displayed on the record book as the converted time if it is a record from a different pool length with a * icon next to it. If the record was set to the current season, a star icon will appear next to the date on the display.
If the record needs to be adjusted, just click on the pencil icon next to the time. If a record needs to be removed, there is a trash icon at the bottom of the edit window.
Updating Record Books After a Meet
If you added record books to your meet in Meet Maestro, after the results are transferred, you need to update your record books. This does not happen automatically.
To have the system search the swim history of the team database, just click the Find New Records button on the top left side of the record book, under the record book summary.
The layout for finding new records consists of three options: All Dates, Selected Season, and Custom Date Range.
➧ All Dates will find meets from the entire history of the swim team.
➧ Selected Season will find meets from the season selected.
➧ Custom Date Range will find meets between the start and end time specified by you.
You can also choose either All Meets, Home Meets, Away Meets, or select particular meets to be included in the search for records.
» Remember: when searching for new pool records, be sure to only select home meets; otherwise results from away meets will be suggested too.
When picking meets, the list will show the date, name, and course of the meet. Depending on the record book settings, some meets will not be available to add.
Once the meets have been chosen, click "Find," and a list of eligible records will appear, with the option to add them to your record book or exclude them.
To add a record: you can click the "Add" button for each record or the "Add All Records" button at the bottom of the list.
Missing Records After Updating - Event Definition Changed
If you have updated your record books after a meet using the Find New Records button, and do not see some records you expect, this is likely due to a mismatch of meet events.
Our system looks for records based on the definition of the swim event, so if events were defined differently in the past than how they're currently defined, the existing record cannot be updated.
There are three potential fixes for this:
- Manually add these records to your record book
- Go back into each of the above meets and edit the definition of the swim event to match that of the event in the record book
- If you'd rather stay true to the events as they were defined in the original meet, you could create a new event in the record book for each of the above events, then "Find New Records."
Record Search VS Manual Creation
Excluding Records
If a record shows up that you do not want to add to the record book, and you do not want it to appear in any future search results for that record book, click the "Exclude" button when that record shows up in the list of found records. The record will be excluded and listed in the Exclusions tab at the top of the record book.
If you change your mind and want to allow the record to be part of the record book, find the record in the Exclusions tab, then click the pencil icon on the exclusion and delete it with the trash icon. This will clear the exclusion and add the record to the book if all records were added in the automatic finding process.
Updating Your Record Book Settings
Only some of the configuration settings defining your record books are editable after creation. These include the Name, Abbreviation, Track top N records per event, and whether the book is a Team or Pool record.
All other settings cannot be changed to ensure the integrity of the broken records, so a new record book would need to be created if those were not set accurately.
See ➞ this section of our Creating a Record Book article for more details on each of these settings.
Records Broken in a Different Course (pool length)
If your record book was created without checking the "Include converted times" setting, records broken at a meet, not in that course cannot be considered eligible. This setting would allow results from other courses to be converted to the selected course in the record book.
This is a setting that cannot be edited after the record book has been created to ensure the integrity of the broken records, so you have two options:
Option 1: Create a new record book with this setting checked to include times from other courses.
Option 2: The alternative would be to run your "Top Times New" report under the Reports tab to view any top times achieved at that meet and then manually enter those records. You want to check the box to include converted times.
Records Display and Reporting
Displaying Records on your Website
This feature is available to our Premium customers.
After adding your records to your record books ➞ See our Help Center article Records Snippet to learn how to display them on your website for your members to see.
Including Records in Meet Maestro Meets
If you are using our meet management system, Meet Maestro, to run your meets, you will have the option to include your records and shared league records in your meet. This can be done when merging entries (preferable), or directly in the meet post-merge from the Settings > Benchmarks tab.
The following Help Center articles provide details on how to include record books in the meet:
During Merge ➞ SwimTopia Meet Entries - Ready to Merge (Records Section)
Post-Merge ➞ Meet Maestro Settings - Benchmarks (Records & Time Standards)
Records Display ➞ See the Meet Maestro Results Entry article to see how records are displayed in Meet Maestro.
Records Reports
➧ Records Report in SwimTopia
Teams can generate a report for any record book you have created, and any your league has shared with teams.
This is accessed from Manage Team > Reports tab > Athlete Performance > Records
» Note: Leagues do not yet have this Records Report under their Reports tab. Stay tuned...
➧ Records Reporting in Meet Maestro
Records added to the meet can be included on your Heat Sheets, Psych Sheets, Records, Record Breaker Labels and Results reports.
➞ See Meet Maestro Settings – Pre-Meet Reports and Meet Maestro Settings – Post-Meet Reports to learn how you can view achieved benchmarks in reports.
Records in the Mobile App
Benchmarks will be available in the mobile app in a future release (TBD).
I very much appreciate the new records system and am happy this feature was added. I did run into one problem though. Swimmers who are older and set records in a "younger" age group because of the age group "age-up" date. For example, in the YMCA, the age up date is Dec. 1 of each year. As a result, a swimmer may be 10 on Dec. 1 but may turn 11 before the end of the season in March. As a result, since they compete in the 9/10 age group, they can set records in the 9/10 age group even if they are 11.
I set the record by event age, not athlete age, thinking that would solve the problem, but it didn't.
I love the record books feature, and this is a great page describing it. (I also watched the video, also excellent.) I have a specific use case that I think is impossible (though probably handled through Meet Maestro, which we're not using yet). I would have liked to see a sentence pointing out the limitation (so it would be extra obvious not to rely on it, and I'd know to quit looking).
For managing pool records, I think the "find new records" feature is only half-useful, as it can only find pool records set by members of our own team (as other teams' results are not imported).
I'm guessing that one handles this with a post-meet report from Meet Maestro (or Meet Manager), which is fine.
Hi Gray -- thanks for the comment. Please be aware that results for all teams are imported (if they are available) for every meet, even though those results are not readily visible in your SwimTopia account. We import all the results for all teams, specifically to support the ability to update a pool record book as you describe. So long as the record book is not marked as being limited to "Team Records" you should be able to find potential records from any other teams participating in the meet. Please give it a try. If it doesn't work as you expect, please open a support ticket and we'll take a closer look.
Mason, thank you! You are 100% correct, our record book was set up as a team record. I fixed that, and it behaved as you describe. I really didn't have any hope for the feature, but it is already there!
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