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Managing a Record Book



  • Dennis Drake


    I very much appreciate the new records system and am happy this feature was added. I did run into one problem though. Swimmers who are older and set records in a "younger" age group because of the age group "age-up" date. For example, in the YMCA, the age up date is Dec. 1 of each year. As a result, a swimmer may be 10 on Dec. 1 but may turn 11 before the end of the season in March. As a result, since they compete in the 9/10 age group, they can set records in the 9/10 age group even if they are 11. 

    I set the record by event age, not athlete age, thinking that would solve the problem, but it didn't. 


  • Gray Williams

    I love the record books feature, and this is a great page describing it. (I also watched the video, also excellent.) I have a specific use case that I think is impossible (though probably handled through Meet Maestro, which we're not using yet). I would have liked to see a sentence pointing out the limitation (so it would be extra obvious not to rely on it, and I'd know to quit looking).

    For managing pool records, I think the "find new records" feature is only half-useful, as it can only find pool records set by members of our own team (as other teams' results are not imported).

    I'm guessing that one handles this with a post-meet report from Meet Maestro (or Meet Manager), which is fine.

  • Mason Hale

    Hi Gray -- thanks for the comment. Please be aware that results for all teams are imported (if they are available) for every meet, even though those results are not readily visible in your SwimTopia account. We import all the results for all teams, specifically to support the ability to update a pool record book as you describe. So long as the record book is not marked as being limited to "Team Records" you should be able to find potential records from any other teams participating in the meet. Please give it a try. If it doesn't work as you expect, please open a support ticket and we'll take a closer look.


  • Gray Williams

    Mason, thank you! You are 100% correct, our record book was set up as a team record. I fixed that, and it behaved as you describe. I really didn't have any hope for the feature, but it is already there!


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