Qualifying Times designate how fast (or slow in some cases) a swimmer must swim an event prior to the meet in question to be permitted to swim that event in the meet.
Individual swim meets can have a “faster than or equal to” qualification time or maximum time allowed to be eligible to enter an event. Additionally, some meets also have a “slower than” time for each event, meaning that an athlete is excluded from entering the event if they have achieved a time faster than the specified time.
Qualifying Times can be imported with a Meet Events file in a new meet, or manually entered in a meet template or meet. Steps for each option are provided below.
» Note: SwimTopia provides a user-friendly interface to create your own Time Standard Sets containing Qualifying Times designated per event, or use Time Standard Sets shared by your league. This time-saving feature is highly recommended to expedite your setup for any applicable meet ➞ See Time Standards & Qualifying Times Overview and Time Standards: Team Setup and Management for more information on this topic.
Covered in this Article:
- Import an EV3 file containing Qualifying Times (Suggested)
- Enter Qualifying Times Manually
- Track Which Athletes Have Qualified for a Meet
- Track Qualifying Times in Meet Maestro
Import an EV3 file containing Qualifying Times (Suggested)
The easiest way to get your Qualifying Times in your SwimTopia site, is to make sure that information is part of the Meet Events file exported from Meet Manager (or other software you have utilized). If the times are present in that file, they will be part of your SwimTopia Meet as well.
➧ Step 1: Import the file
Select Import Meet Event File from the Add Swim Meet menu on your Schedule > All Meets & Events page and upload your file. This will create the meet, all the events, qualifying times, and any rules included in the Meet Events file.
» Note: If you need to edit qualifying events, you can do so by clicking on the Edit Qualifying Times button.
➧ Step 2: Save as a Time Standard Set
This step is optional but highly recommended to save you valuable setup time in future seasons.
After setting up your qualifying times and all other meet entry rules/configurations, click on the Actions button and select Save as Time Standard Set.
These times will be saved as a Time Standard Set under Schedule > Time Standards. You can apply this Time Standard Set to future Meet Templates, which can then be used to apply to your meets in future seasons.
➞ See Time Standards: Team Setup and Management for more information on this topic, including other options for creating new Time Standard Sets.
» Tip: We also suggest saving this as a Meet Template from the same “Actions” menu so you can apply this template to future meets created.
Enter Qualifying Times Manually
We suggest importing your qualifying times via an event file and then saving this meet as a Meet Template so you can easily apply this template to future meets, but it is possible to add or edit these times manually in a Meet Template or directly in a meet.
Covered in this Section:
➧ Add Qualifying Times to a Meet Template
Go to Schedule > Meet Templates > Select a Template (or +Add Template to create a new template ➞ See Meet Templates for steps to create these).
Step 1: Entry Rules Configuration
When your Meet Template has events, you will then activate the Edit Qualifying Times button from the Entry Rules tab. These configuration options specify what types of qualification times the Meet Template or Meet will be using.
» Note: In the Events tab, the Edit Qualifying Times button and qualification times categories (i.e. “Slower Than”, “Faster Than” and “Bonus Entry”) will ONLY be displayed when the corresponding setting under Entry Rules is enabled. (Prior to Spring 2021, the Qualifying Times button displayed by default, so now it only displays when appropriate.)
Don’t forget to scroll down and SAVE after making your selections.
- Require entry times to be faster than or equal to the event "Faster Than" time: enables per-event entry qualification times. (These Time Standards times are set or edited in the Events tab.)
- Require entry times to be slower than the "Slower Than" time for the event: enables per-event "Slower Than" times. (These Time Standards times are set or edited in the Events tab.)
Individual Events
- Allow bonus entries: Require bonus entry times to be faster than or equal to the “Bonus Entry” time for the event: enables per-event "Bonus Entry" times. (These Time Standard times are set or edited in the Events tab.)
» Note: If the qualification times settings are turned off (unchecked), the Edit Qualification Times button will not display on the Events screen, and any entered times will be saved but not used. No work will be lost. If you change your mind and turn the setting back on again, the times you had input previously will be restored.
➞ See Meet Setup: Entry Rules for details on other configuration options.
Step 2: Edit Qualifying Times
Now you can go to your Events tab and click on the Qualifying Times button to enter the applicable times for each event.
» Note: If a particular course does not apply, leave it blank. This is not configurable to display/hide at this time.
» Tip: You can tab through as you enter your times for quick data entry. The system will auto-save after you have moved to a new event, or you can click Save if leaving the page before completing the time entry in an event.
Step 3: Save as a Time Standard Set
This step is optional but highly recommended to save valuable setup time in future seasons.
After setting up your qualifying times and all other meet entry rules/configurations, click on the Actions button and select Save as Time Standard Set. These times will be saved as a Time Standard Set under Schedule > Time Standards.
You can apply this Time Standard Set to future Meet Templates, which can then be used to apply to your meets in future seasons.
➞ See Time Standards: Team Setup and Management for more information on this topic, including other options for creating new Time Standard Sets.
➧ Add Qualifying Times to a Meet
Step 1: Entry Rules Configuration
To add Qualifying Times to a meet, follow the same process as the Meet Template option above, but at the meet level. Once you create your meet (or access your existing meet), configure the Entry Rules of the meet to activate the Edit Qualifying Times button ➞ See the Entry Rules Configuration section above for details.
Step 2: Edit Qualifying Times
Now you can go to your Events tab and click on the Edit Qualifying Times button to enter the applicable times for each event.
» Note: If a particular course does not apply, leave it blank. This is not configurable to display/hide at this time.
» Tip: You can tab through as you enter your times for quick data entry. The system will auto-save after you have moved to a new event, or you can click Save if leaving the page before completing the time entry in an event.
Step 3: Save as Meet Template and/or Time Standard Set
This step is optional but highly recommended to save valuable setup time in future seasons.
After setting up your qualifying times and all other meet entry rules/configurations on the meet, click on the Actions button and select Save as Meet Template. This will allow you to apply this template to your meets in future seasons.
Time Standard Sets can also be created from an existing swim meet. Click on the Actions button again to select Save as Time Standard Set. These times will be saved as a Time Standard Set under Schedule > Time Standards. You can apply this Time Standard Set to future Meet Templates, which can then be used to apply to your meets in future seasons.
➞ See Time Standards: Team Setup and Management for more information on this topic, including other options for creating new Time Standard Sets.
Track Which Athletes Have Qualified for a Meet
Go to Schedule > Meet Name > Entries > Reports > Qualifiers
» Note: This report is only available if the meet in question has qualifying times entered in the Events section.
Here you can sort the Qualifiers by name or Age Group as well as send a Message to the Qualifiers via Communications by clicking the Compose Email button.
Track Qualifying Times in Meet Maestro
If your team is using SwimTopia’s Meet Maestro system to run your meet and you want to reference these Qualification Times in your Heat Sheet, Psych Sheet and Results reports, and in other swim meets to track progress, you’ll need to ensure that your qualifying times are set up as a Time Standard Set. If they were set up as Qualifying Times within a meet, you can use the Save as Time Standard Set option within the "Actions" menu after you’ve set up your times. (screenshot below).
This will save these times as a Time Standard Set under Schedule > Time Standards.
Once you’ve merged your meet in Meet Maestro, you can add the time standard under Settings > Benchmarks in the admin section (gear icon) of the Meet Maestro meet.
➞ See Meet Maestro Settings - Benchmarks (Records & Time Standards) for more information.
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