Teams and League Admis can create Record Books in the admin console under Manage Team/League > Schedule > Record Books.
Covered in this Article:
- Adding a New Record Book
- Record Book Type (Team/Pool) & Configurations
- Creating Events
- Reordering Events
- Next Steps: Manage Your Record Books
Adding a New Record Book
To create a new record book, click on the green button labeled +Add Record Book.
Record Book Type (Team/Pool) & Configurations
➧ Name and Abbreviation
These titles are used to distinguish each record book and make it identifiable from other record books. Examples include Team Records, Pool Records, etc.
It's beneficial to use your team initials in the Abbreviation to differentiate records from multiple teams in our meet management system, Meet Maestro. For example LHTR for "Lake Hills Team Records". If every team named their records Team Records with the abbreviation of "TR" you would not know the difference.
➧ Track top _n_ records per event
Use the arrows to display the top 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 records of each event listed in the record book.
» Note: each athlete (or combination of relay athletes) can only hold one place per event in the record book at a time. Think of it as tracking which *athlete* holds each spot, not each swim, so athletes will not be repeated if they beat the record multiple times.
➧ Team Record (or Pool Record option for Meet Maestro users)
When "Team Record" is selected, only records for athletes on your team will be suggested.
When deselected, records from any athlete in a meet will be suggested (only if using Meet Maestro). This allows your team to create Pool Records.
Keep the following details in mind:
Results for other teams are only available from meets run using Meet Maestro.
If you would like to enter a new pool record for a visiting athlete for a meet that was not run in Meet Maestro, that record will need to be manually entered.
When searching for new pool records, be sure to only select home meets; otherwise results from away meets will be suggested too.
➧ Shared with member organizations (league sites only)
When selected, the league record book will be shared with all teams in the league. League record books will be read-only on team sites. Any updates or deletions must come from the league site:
See ➞ League Record Books for details on how these shared record books will appear on the team site and be available to include in meets.
➧ Locked Settings
This section contains settings that cannot be modified after the record book has been created to ensure the integrity of the broken records. A new record book would need to be created if a selection is made in error:
- Course (pool length) – filters which records will be included based on the pool length.
- Include converted times – if checked, the system will convert times from other pool lengths to include in the record book.
- Match individual records using athlete/event age and competition category – determines whether a record that an athlete achieved while in a swim-up event will be displayed under the athlete's age group or the event's set age and competition category (Male/Female). We suggest matching by athlete (the default) to avoid missing records if, for example, your age group in your record book is 15-18 and the event at the meet is called 15&Over. Or, if the host ran a mixed event, but you only have Boys and Girls records.
- Allowing records from lead-off relay legs, exhibition swims, and unofficial meets are the last three checkboxes. If lead-off relay legs are allowed, they can make records for equivalent distance and stroke individual events. Lead-off relay legs and exhibition swims are checked by default, and the unofficial meets are not checked.
Creating Events
Now that the record book has been created, it is time to add events. The image above shows a fresh Record book with no events listed yet. Click on the name of the record book to start adding events.
Events can be created in two ways: Copy Events and Add Event
➧ Copy Events
Allows you to use meet templates to import a list of events into your record book. (You can also save the list of events in the Record book as a new meet template.)
➧ Add Event
Gives you the option to add new events from scratch, for both individual or relays.
Reordering Events
If events seem out of order or you would like to rearrange the record book, you can click on the left-hand side of the event with the square dots when a hand icon appears, and drag the event to the new position.
Next Steps: Manage Your Record Books
After your Record Book setup is complete, you're ready to "find new records" to build our your record book. ➞ See our Help Center articles about Managing a Record Book and then our Records Snippet article to display the record books on your website.
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