Covered in this Article:
- Data Entry Shortcuts/Tips
- Data Entry Warnings
- Disqualifications (DQ)
- Event Actions Menu
- Results Actions Menu
- Results Table - Standings & Benchmarks Overview
- Records Display within Events
- Time Standards Display within Events
- Course Correction Factors
- Continually Saving
Data Entry Shortcuts/Tips
- When inputting times, you don't need punctuation (e.g. typing '12345' will turn into "1:23.45"). Typing incorrect punctuation will automatically correct (e.g. “104.56” auto-translates to “1:04.56").
- Hitting 'enter' or ‘tab’ on the number keypad will go to the next input field.
- Once you’ve finished entering data for a full heat or lane, you can move to the next heat or lane by hitting “Command” (Mac) or “Control” (PC) and the left/right arrow keys.
- You can move between events on the schedule by hitting “Command” (Mac) or “Control” (PC) and the up/down arrow keys.
- Inputting "DQ" or just “D” or "Q" will trigger the DQ entry window (not case-sensitive).
Enter N or NS for “No Show,” F or DNF for “Did Not Finish,” and S or SCR for “Scratch” (not case sensitive).
» Note: There is a shortcut menu on each lane to pick these so you do not have to remember codes. More on this below.
- If there is a blue outline around a time entry box, the system thinks you are still editing that time. Be sure to click the cursor out of a time entry box when you’ve finished entering a heat or lane so the event is considered complete.
- If you don’t enter a time or code for a swimmer, the event won’t be considered complete and will not be scored. To complete an event, every swimmer must have either a time or code (NS, DQ etc.).
Data Entry Warnings
➧ Invalid Time
If the time entered is considered invalid, the software highlights the time box to alert the admin to make an edit.
» Tip: Hovering over the box will display a warning message to explain the issue.
➧ Display Warning or Discard Times
When entering times in all 3 Timer fields, the “official time” is calculated based on the league rules in the Seeding and Scoring Rules section of the Meet Template.
If “Display Warning” is selected in the template, the software will place a yellow/orange background in the box with the time that is out of acceptable tolerance, but the official time will continue to follow the rules outlined in the template. An admin can then decide how to edit or delete the time that is out of tolerance.
If “Automatically Discard” is selected in the template, the software will place a grey background in the box with the time that is discarded for being out of the acceptable tolerance, and the official time will be the average of the other two watches.
➧ Hidden Times Warning (Timer Visibility Toggle)
By default, three Timer input boxes will display, but not all teams will use all three. If your team wishes not to see all three input boxes, this can be changed with a click of the timer visibility toggle (><) directly from the time entry header.
The first 2 clicks you make will reduce the number of timer boxes from 3 to 2 and then 2 to 1; the 3rd click will show all timers again.
» Note for teams using a timing system: This toggle does not change how many watches are expected. That value can be set in the timing interface for your selected timing system.
If there are hidden Timer fields with values that affect the result time, then a new tooltip icon (i) will appear in the row between the timers and the result time, as seen below.
Hovering over the icon will show a tooltip to explain.
Clicking the tooltip icon will display all timer boxes again, which is the same as when hitting the timer visibility toggle for the third time.
Disqualifications (DQ)
The “DQ” box next to the time entry interface opens a window to check the DQ Reason.
» Tip: You can also type either DQ , D or Q (not case sensitive) in the “official time” box, then hit enter (or click elsewhere on the screen), and the window to check the DQ Reason will open.
Select the DQ Reason (or click the “No Reason” button if no reason is specified), then click “OK” to save the DQ.
When entering a DQ for a multi-leg event such as a Relay or the Individual Medley, if a leg-specific stroke infraction is selected, you will be prompted to enter a secondary DQ Reason for that leg.
» Tip: Hovering your mouse over the DQ checkbox or DQ Code, will display a pop-up summary listing all selected DQ Reasons.
➧ Default DQs List
SwimTopia currently utilizes the 2019 USA Swimming DQ Codes. We can switch to Hy-Tek DQ codes if your team utilizes these codes - Submit a support ticket. If your league uses SwimTopia, we can load custom DQ codes provided by your league. (We provide free league sites, so have your league reach out to us if interested.)
➧ DQ Reports
Meet Maestro: (Coming Soon) A DQ Report can be generated from the Reports section under the Meet Maestro Settings (gear icon).
➞ See Meet Maestro Settings – Post-Meet Reports for details.
SwimTopia: You can also generate the report from your SwimTopia Reports tab:
Event Actions Menu
Use the dropdown menu at the end of the list of heats or lanes to perform any of these actions below.
➧ Show Splits
If enabled, an additional gray bar will display under each lane to display the split times, when available. For more on Splits ➞ See Meet Maestro Splits & Reaction Times
➧ Show Athlete Numbers
Some teams/leagues operate heavily based on athlete/registration numbers, more so than athlete names. As a result, we provide an option to show the athlete numbers (if available) on the time entry interface and in all applicable reports. These are not displayed by default since some athlete registration numbers include the date of birth, which is considered private data.
» Note: If the athlete’s name is long, we truncate that to show the full athlete number since we assume if they are selected to be shown, they are most important to see.
Heat Sheet Example with Athlete Number displayed
For details on setting up Athlete Registration Numbers, See ➞ Athlete Registration Numbers
Note: If you are looking for information on how SwimTopia integrates with SWIMS 3.0 to match USA Swimming Member IDs, See➞ Overview: SwimTopia and USA Swimming Teams (SWIMS 3.0)
➧ Add Heat & Remove Empty Heats
Select these options when you need to add or remove heats
➧ Re-score Event
Normally your events will score automatically as soon as all data is input for all scoring heats in the event. If for any reason, your event is stuck in a “partial” update (yellow) state even though all the data is input, the re-score event option will force the event to score if it failed to do so automatically (it’s rare, but can happen in some scenarios.
➧ Clear Heat
The feature gives users the ability to clear times & codes from an entire heat. This is especially useful after accidentally importing times into the wrong heat. (clearing lane-by-lane described in the Results Menu below)
To avoid accidental clearing, the user is presented with a confirmation request.
➧ Results for Event
If you need to print the results for an event at that moment, you can do so by selecting this option.
Results Actions Menu
The results action menu provides quick access to these actions instead of having to recall the shorthand codes, and when you need to clear those codes or adust the times.
➧ No Show, Scratch, Did not finish
Quick access to set these codes quickly and efficiently instead of having to recall the code format.
➧ Clear Codes
The feature gives users the ability to quickly clear the codes entered from each lane. This is especially useful after accidentally importing times into the wrong heat.
➧ Clear Times & Codes (Lane-by-lane)
The feature gives users the ability to clear times & codes from each lane. This is especially useful after accidentally importing times into the wrong heat.
To avoid accidental clearing, the user is presented with a confirmation request.
Time Adjustment Screen
For more details on this form ➞ See Time Adjustment Form article.
Results Table - Standings & Benchmarks Overview
The results table at the top left of the screen can toggle to display the Team Standings, Records and Time Standards (if created in SwimTopia and configured on the meet) by clicking on the "1,2,3" image for standings, and "book" image for records.
➧ Standings Overview
➧ Benchmarks Overview
➧ Broken Record Display
When a record has been broken, this achievement will be designated with a green highlight.
➧ Multiple Athletes Break Records
When multiple athletes set the same record, both will have the record-breaker badge even though one will ultimately own the record.
➧ Athlete Breaks Multiple Records
When a swimmer breaks two records multiple badges will display next to the lane result.
Records Display within Events
As records are broken, new records will display within the event heat and lane.
➞ See our Creating a Record Book if you would like to learn more about this feature.
Time Standards Display within Events
As the meet progresses, when a cut is achieved, the applicable Time Standard label will display next to the Official Time, and also on results reports (if selected in the filters).
➞ See our Time Standards & Qualifying Times Overview for more details on this feature.
Course Correction Factors
If your pool is non-standard length, this can be set by checking the 'Non-standard length?' checkbox within the Meet Setup (single session meets) or Sessions (virtual or multi-session meets). Meet Maestro will apply a correction factor for the ‘Official Time’ when this value is set. The times from this non-standard length pool will be converted into standard length times (22yd pool into 25yd for example).
For more details on this topic and how the results entry screen displays, in this case, ➞ See Meet Maestro Settings – Meet Setup & Sessions
Continually Saving
All changes made in Meet Maestro are automatically saved as you go. You’ll notice saving activity indicated in the heat/lane bar. When you see a green “Saved” checkmark, you can be assured your data is saved and up-to-date.
➞ Next Topic: Meet Maestro Scoring and Placing
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