Members of your team, including board members, parents, athletes and coaches, all have access to your website and are all managed in the People tab of the Manage Team console.
Covered in this Article:
Member Affiliations, Filters, and Login Information
- Member Affiliations and Groups
- Filter Members under "People"
- Logins and Passwords
- "Last Login" Timeframes
- Unsubscribe from Team Communication
- Add New Athlete
- Edit Athlete Information
- Remove Athletes
- Merge Duplicate Athletes
- Swim History - Best Times and All Times
Parents, Admin, Coaches
- Add New Parent (or Administrator, Coach)
- Connecting Parents to Children
- Edit Information and Grant Site Admin Permission
- Remove "Parents"
Season Affiliations - All Members
Member Affiliations and Groups
➧ Member Affiliation Types
The main two affiliations are "Athlete" and "Parent." A Parent can also be an Admin or be assigned to a Role, and a competing Athlete can also be assigned to an Asst Coach Role, so there can be multiple labels on each member.
Anyone not competing is a "Parent", even if they do not have kids. Likewise, anyone competing is an “Athlete.” So, for example, if your coach is in college and not competing, they are going to be a “Parent.”
➧ Member Affiliation Avenues
Members of your team are affiliated to your team in one of three ways:
- Registration: When they complete your team's registration form (recommended for an updated roster each season) ➞ See the ▶️ Training Videos - Registration for setup tutorials.
- Data Import: When they are imported from a previous database (recommended if you want historical data in your site.) ➞ See the Getting Started with SwimTopia section for import options.
- Manually Added: When they are added manually by an administrator (described below)
➧ Member Labels
Depending on how they were added or the type of team (Rec/Summer vs. School), members will be tagged with one or more labels, including:
- Parents
- Athletes (by competition category/age-group)
- Athletes (by school year group)
- Athlete Roster Groups
- Site Administrators
- Role assignments
➞ See the Athlete Roster Groups article for more info about setting up Roster Groups.
➞ See the School Year Athlete Groups article for more info if you have a school configuration.
➞ See the Defining Roles article for more information on creating and assigning Roles.
Filter Members Under People
Your "People" list will default to those affiliated with the current season set for your site. Each member's season affiliations can be viewed in the member's profile by clicking on their name.
» Tip: If you do not see your migrated members from a database import right away, they could be affiliated with a past season and you will need to use the Filter to list them.
➧ Filter by Season
Select a season from the menu and click Filter to limit your results list to only members affiliated with that season. (Importing your Team Roster and/or Time History will automatically add parents affiliated with past seasons to the applicable season.)
➞ See the Managing Seasons article for more info on how to set your default or current season.
➧ Filter by Affiliation "Type"
Enter any part of a member's name in the search box and/or select an affiliation Type to limit your results list further.
USA Swimming Teams - Filter by USA Swimming Status
USA Swimming account status shields will display for each athlete or non-athlete connected to USA Swimming, and a USA Swimming Status filter will display at the top of the screen.
» Note: The USA Swimming shields and filter will not display on your SwimTopia site until your team is connected to USA Swimming.
» Tip: When a USA Swimming membership is not connected or is not in good standing, the USA Swimming shield will be red. Hover over the shield to view the user’s status.
➞ See the People section of the Overview: SwimTopia and USA Swimming Teams (SWIMS 3.0) Help Center article for more details on how USA Swimming membership is tracked in your SwimTopia site.
Logins and Passwords
➧ Using the Same Email on Multiple Team Sites
It is possible to utilize the same login credentials across multiple SwimTopia sites (summer league, school, team transfers) for historical tracking, but a parent must register on each site using the exact same first/last name format (and birthdate if one exists) in order for the accounts to be synched. (name/birthdate/competition category for athletes)
➧ Updating Emails & Passwords
Due to the essential ties an email has with processes within the database, updates can only be made by admins from within the profile of the member under the People tab.
If you see an error that the email address is already taken when attempting to add an email to an athlete profile, ➞ See What does “email address has already been taken” mean?
Members can reset their own passwords anytime on the login screen of the website. Admins can also send a new password reset email by clicking the Password Reset button in that member's profile
➞ See the Account Activation, Login and Password Management tutorial for more info on how members can login to the site.
"Last Login" Timeframes
The "Last Login" displayed on the People table refers to the last time they logged into any SwimTopia site they are associated with using the same name/email, not necessarily your team site. They will only be able to log into your team site if they are affiliated with your current season either via registration or manual creation.
Unsubscribe from Team Communication
The system requires at least one parent to be subscribed to receive team communications, in order to ensure a parent is informed about team decisions/changes.
Parent Unsubscribe: During registration, a parent can uncheck the “Send team-wide email to this address” option.
Admin Unsubscribe: Admins can click "Unsubscribe" on behalf of the parent/athlete within their profile under People. The admins can also “Resubscribe” to reverse that setting. Admins will see this in a Person listing like so:
Admins can click “Resubscribe” to reverse that setting, which will remove the former and show the Unsubscribe button:
Either option will result in the parent not receiving messages direct to "Members - Previous Season" or "Members," which are generally used for essential team-wide communication.
However, they will still receive messages sent to the “Parents” group (should only be used for emergencies when ignoring this setting is appropriate to reach all parents), athlete groups, and role-specific messages. If someone is assigned to a Role and does not want to receive team communication, they need to be removed from the Role, or their email needs to be removed from their profile (they will no longer have access to their account on the team site or SwimTopia mobile app if their email is removed).
➞ See the Sending Email to Groups tip for all the ways you can email groups from SwimTopia.
Add New Athlete
» Tip: It is best to add athletes directly to a registration form, if one already exists, or have the parent/athlete register. This ensures the parent/athlete relationship is linked properly. ➞ See View and Manage Submitted Registrations for more details.
To manually add a new member with an athlete affiliation, click the New Athlete button.
Enter the athlete's required Primary Contact Information, including their First/Last Name, Competition Category, and Birthdate (assigns an age-group affiliation, if applicable), and optionally a Preferred first name, Middle name, Email, and Mobile phone.
You can also enter Additional Information such as a Registration number (if used - See ➞ Athlete Registration Numbers for details) and the Athlete roster group (if configured under Settings).
Click Create to add your new athlete.
If you see an error that the email address is already taken when attempting to add an email to an athlete profile, ➞ See What does “email address has already been taken” mean?
➧ Account Activation Email & Communication
The "new athlete" should receive an activation email to set their password for login. If they do not receive one, have them check spam/trash in case their email is sensitive to new site messages. They will also be able to receive communication sent to "Members" groups since they are affiliated with your season.
➞ See Communications: Email Delivery Issues if a member reports they are not receiving communication.
» Note: Account activation emails are only generated automatically when an email is added to a profile at the time of creation. If you add an email to an existing account (athlete or parent), you can generate a password reset email from their profile or they can from the login screen via the “Forgot your password?" link.
Edit Athlete Information
Click Edit within an athlete's profile to edit the information already entered, or add an Image, Internal notes, and additional settings such as diving certification and/or non-competitive option. Click Update to save your changes. (See Note above about account activation emails if you add an email to an existing athlete account)
Home Address and Home Phone Number collected during registration copy to the profile one-time, so any updates after submission need to be made directly on the profile, not on the registration form.
➧ Athlete Photos (Image Section)
Edit an athlete's profile to add photos, which can be helpful for tent parents getting to know their swimmers. Only Site Admins (or those with the Manage People permission in a Role assigned to them) can add photos at this time. Parents cannot upload photos themselves. ➞ See the Age-group Photo Roster article for more info.
➧ Non-Competitive Swimmers
When the Does not compete in meets option is checked, the swimmer:
- will be tagged as “non-competitive” in People search results
- will NOT be included in the meet entries matrix
- will NOT be available for meet sign-up by parents
- will NOT be included in Team Manager roster exports
» Note: This field is not seasonal, so it remains checked each season until unchecked. If athletes are charged differently based on this status, you will need to uncheck this before they register.
➧ Internal Notes
These are only visible to Admins and appear below the affiliations list on the profile Edit screen. This data is also available in the Athlete Roster report CSV download under the Reports tab.
USA Swimming Accounts
If a member is connected to a USA Swimming account, the contact information will be read-only and must be updated directly on the USA Swimming portal.
It's possible for a non-USA Swimming team using SwimTopia to see an athlete account in this state if the athlete's account was merged with their account on their USA Swimming team. See ➞ Overview: SwimTopia and USA Swimming Teams (SWIMS 3.0) for more details.
Remove Athletes
Even if a member is not going to be part of the team for the season, teams want historical time history to stay intact, so we do not "delete" accounts. Instead, the athlete's affiliation with the team can be removed. See ➞ Remove a Season Affiliation below.
Merge Duplicate Athletes
If you see duplicate athletes in your roster and/or reports, you should be able to merge their accounts in most cases. An exception would be if both accounts display USA Swimming memberships. That scenario would require a few extra steps to merge their data.
We provide a link directly from your People page to the De-duplicate Athletes tool (also under your Settings > Data Maintenance Tools) that allows site admins or anyone assigned to a role with permission to manage people, the ability to merge the records.
See ➞ Merging Duplicate Athletes (De-duplicate Athletes Tool) for more details
Swim History - Best Times and All Times
You will see a view of the athlete's time history, similar to how they see in their My Account page.
➧ Lead-off Relay Leg Display
The Lead-off relay leg indication will display under an athlete's Best Times and All Times on their profile. There is no relay leg indication noted under Swim History in the mobile app.
➧ Splits Display
If splits have been included in any results files, either from manual entry in Meet Maestro or a file from a meet run using another system, these can be seen by hovering over the result time as seen here:
For more details on splits ➞ See SwimTopia Splits & Reaction Times
Add New Parent (or Administrator, Coach)
» Tip: It is best to add parents/guardians directly to a registration form, if one already exists, or have the parent/athlete register. This ensures the parent/athlete relationship is linked properly. ➞ See View and Manage Submitted Registrations for more details.
➧ How to Manually Create an Account
To manually add a new member with a parent affiliation, click the New Parent button. Even if the person has no children associated with them (as in a coach or other admin-only person), add them as a parent first. ➞ See our help center article on How do I add a coach to my team? for more details on this topic.
Enter the parent's information, including a valid email address, which is required to log in to the team website. If the site warns you the email address is already taken ➞ See the article: What does “email address has already been taken” mean?
» Tip: It is possible for a person to have an account using the same email on a different SwimTopia site. If the site warns you the email address is already taken ➞ See the article: What does “email address has already been taken” mean?
➧ Account Activation Email & Communication
The "new parent" should receive an activation email to set their password for login. If they do not receive one, have them check spam/trash in case their email is sensitive to new site messages. They will also be able to receive communication sent to "Members" groups since they are affiliated with your season.
➞ See Communications: Email Delivery Issues if a member reports they are not receiving communication.
» Note: Account activation emails are only generated automatically when an email is added to a profile at the time of creation. If you add an email to an existing account (athlete or parent), you can generate a password reset email from their profile or they can from the login screen via the “Forgot your password?" link.
Connecting Parents to Children
SwimTopia connects parents to children automatically during registration. However, you will need to do this yourself when you are adding Parents and Athletes manually.
To add Parents to an Athlete, view the Athlete's profile by clicking on their name.
Click the Edit Parents button and type in any part of the parents' names one by one. Select the correct parents from the list, and click Submit to associate that athlete with those parents.
The opposite connection (in this case Child to Parent) will be accomplished automatically, depending on who you start with.
Adding Children to Parents works exactly the same way. View the parent's profile, click Edit Children and select the correct children from the list.
» Note: The athlete and parent must be affiliated with the current season in order to connect them. This is usually done via registration, but if you've manually created these accounts in the past, you would need to click to "Add affiliation for...YYYY season" as seen below.
Edit Information and Grant Site Admin Permission
➧ Edit Information
You can edit a member's name, email, mobile#, work#, photo image and internal notes (they will not have to re-activate their account if their email changes, and notes display in the Parent Information CSV download under the Reports tab).
Home Address and Home Phone Number collected during registration copy to the profile one-time, so any updates after submission need to be made directly on the profile, not on the registration form.
USA Swimming account: If a member is connected to a (i.e. USA Swimming volunteer), the contact information will be read-only and must be updated directly on the USA Swimming portal. See ➞ Overview: SwimTopia and USA Swimming Teams (SWIMS 3.0) for more details.
➧ Grant Site Admin Permission - "Make Admin"
To grant sitewide administrative privileges for a user, click the Make Admin button. To remove admin privileges for current admins, click the Revoke Admin button that will display if they are an admin.
» Tip: We highly suggest limiting sitewide admin permissions, so you can keep a handle on any changes being made. We do not scour through logs to prove who deleted a registration form or changed a result time, so the best way to avoid "accidents" is to use Roles/permissions to manage who has access to edit data in certain areas. ➞ See the article on Defining Roles.
Remove "Parents"
Even if a member is not going to be part of the team for the season, teams want historical information to stay intact, so we do not "delete" accounts. Instead, the member's affiliation with the team can be removed. See ➞ Remove a Season Affiliation below.
Add a Season Affiliation
To add a member to a season not automatically assigned (such as adding a past user to the current season before registration is open), select a season from the Season Affiliations list, and click Save.
Remove a Season Affiliation
Members can use the same email/password across multiple teams using SwimTopia / Team Topia, so we do not "delete" accounts, to ensure historical information and time history to stay intact.
➧ To remove a member's affiliation to your site's current season, click the red Remove button in their profile.
This will remove them from any registration forms, roles, email lists, and reports run for the current season only (the season you have set as "current" under Schedule > Seasons).
➧ To remove a member's affiliation to a previous season, change the season under Schedule>Seasons to that season and then go click the red Remove button in their profile.
Make sure to change the Season back to the current season when done. This will not affect any open registration forms for your current season, but it's best to make sure no other admin is making changes in the admin console to things like Roles, Communication, and Merchandise while you are doing this.
➧ Do you want to only remove the athlete from one registration form, or is the entire family canceling?
You can also remove the athlete directly from the registration form if you don't want them removed from other forms they are affiliated with, or you need to remove the family from the team. ➞ See Cancellations: Removing Athletes or Rejecting Registrations for more on this topic.
» Note: If you accidentally removed them from all seasons, which removes their time history -- use the New Athlete or Parent button to create their account again. As long as you use the same name/birthday the records should match up. Reach out to SwimTopia support if you run into any issues.
hcmanagepeople hcmanagepeopleusers hcmanagepeoplenewparent hcmanagepeopleusersedit hcmanagepeoplenewathlete hcmanagepeoplenewparent
1 comment
How can I search by for swimmers and parents by roster group, and not just by season?
If I email a roster group, will the parent email address, athlete email address, or both receive the message?
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