If a family decides not to participate, an athlete is not eligible, or for any other reason the athlete or family should not be on the team roster this season, there are a few options you can choose from based on your scenario.
Covered in this Article:
- Athlete Removal - Options
- Family Removal - Reject Registration
- Remove from Assigned Roles
- Initiate Refunds
Athlete Removal - Options
If there are multiple athletes in the family, and you just need to remove one (or some), you can remove their affiliation to the current season from the registration form or directly from their profile (Past results and season affiliations will remain unaffected).
➧ Option 1: Remove the athlete from the registration form (Recommended)
This option is recommended if it's possible the athlete could be associated with another registration form this season (i.e. clinics), because removing an athlete from one form does not remove them from any other form. The only way to remove an athlete from the entire season is if you remove them from all forms they are associated with, or click "Remove" on their profile under People (Option 2 below).
For this option, go to Manage Team > Registrations > Registrants# of the form > View/Edit to open that family's form > Edit Athletes to see a list of registered athletes.
Click the Remove button next to the athlete being removed and Save Changes.
➞ Roles and Refunds:
Removing an athlete from a registration form does not automatically remove them from any Role they were assigned to, OR initiate a refund. ➞ See the Roles and Refunds sections below for steps.
➧ Option 2: Remove the athlete's season affiliation in their profile
You can remove their affiliation to the current season in their profile. However, we suggest option 1 over this one for a few reasons to consider:
- To save time since the registration form provides a direct link to the payment details to issue a refund (if necessary)
- If the athlete is attached to other registration forms they should remain associated with (i.e., pre-season clinics), removing them from the form will not affect other forms, but removing their affiliation with the season will remove them from all forms.
Click the Remove button in their profile. (Manage Team > People)
➞ Does this remove them from every season?
Removing an athlete’s affiliation or removing them from a registration form affects your current season only.
For example, if your current season is set to 2023, the "Remove" button will remove the 2023 affiliation for the athlete. If you set your current season to 2021, clicking the "Remove" button would remove an athlete's 2021 affiliation only.
➞ Does this remove their past results history?
If you remove affiliations for an athlete, their historical results will not be deleted. If you accidentally remove all affiliations, you can use the New Athlete button to create the athlete again and affiliate them to each season that results exist. As long as the names and birthdates match the results, they would appear with the athlete record again. Reach out to SwimTopia support if you run into any issues.
➞ Will this remove them from other forms I have open?
(i.e. they need to be removed from a clinic form, but not the main team registration)
Clicking the "Remove" button on their profile will remove them from all forms since the purpose of that is to remove them from the season, but removing them from a specific form only affects that form. Follow the first option listed above if you only want to remove them from a specific form.
➞ Roles and Refunds:
Removing an athlete's season affiliation DOES remove them from Roles, but DOES NOT automatically initiate a refund. ➞ See the Initiate Refunds section below for steps.
➧ Option 3: Change the athlete's competition status in their profile
If there is a reason you don't want to remove them, but they should not show up on the meet entries matrix, mark them as "Does not compete in meets" on the Edit page of their profile. This makes them noncompetitive, so they will not show up for meet entries, but will still be found in People.
» Note: non-competitive athletes are still considered in SwimTopia's Per-Athlete Fee.
Family Removal - Reject Registration
If a family decides not to participate, or they only have one athlete on a registration form that is not participating or eligible, you can reject the family's submitted registration form to remove the family affiliation for the season.
Go to Manage Team > Registrations > Click on the Registrants# > Click the Reject button
When you Reject a registration, the form will move to the Rejected status tab. Rejected registrations do not count against your athlete roster/SwimTopia per-athlete fee, and these families are not included in any communication.
Click the Revert to Pending to change the status back to Pending if rejected on accident, and then approve the form. If you already refunded the family, they can repay via check, or you should have them re-register to pay online.
» Note: Similar to removing athletes individually, rejecting a family from one form does not remove them from any other form. The only way to remove a family from the entire season is if you reject submissions from all forms they are associated with, or click "Remove" on their profiles under People.
➞ Roles and Refunds:
Rejecting a registration form does not automatically remove them from any Role they were assigned to, OR initiate a refund. ➞ See the Roles and Refunds sections below for steps.
Remove from Assigned Roles (Not Automatic)
Removing an athlete from a form, or rejecting a registration form completely does not automatically remove them from any assigned Roles. (They are removed when unaffiliated to the season - Option 2 above)
You will need to manually remove them from any Roles you manually assigned them to. ➞ See Add/Remove Roles Assignments in our Help Center.
Initiate Refunds (Not Automatic)
Removing an athlete from a form, rejecting a registration form completely, or removing an athlete's affiliation to the season does not automatically issue a refund.
We do not store credit card information in our system, but full or partial refunds can be processed from our Payments Report (Reports tab), back to the original payment through our payment processor integration with Stripe, or provide the refund via check.
The View Payment button located within the registration form's Payment section, leads to the specific payment on the Payment History Report to make it easy to initiate the refund since payments are listed on the report by registration# or store order# (not family name) at this time.
Click the View/Edit to open that family's form, then scroll to the Payments section and click the View Payment button.
» Note: The "Order Amount" on the Registrations table will update, but the "Amount Paid" will not change after you initiate the refund. The system is not set up for billing management at this time.
See ➞ Stripe Refunds for more details.
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