Welcome to Team Topia. We're glad you have chosen our software to manage your sports team!
Team Topia Inc. is excited to launch Team Topia, sports team management software for any sport! Team Topia Inc.’s flagship product, SwimTopia, has been simplifying swim team management for many years. Now we want all sports teams to benefit from a more intuitive team management solution!
This Quick Start Guide includes a checklist of steps and will lead you to other Help Center articles to guide you through the tasks as you set up your new Team Topia site. Please bear with us as we continue to enhance the beta version of Team Topia and our Help Center to cater to the needs of different sports programs. (If you are delegating tasks, share this information.)
» Summer/Recreational swim teams ➞ See SwimTopia Quick Start Guide (New Teams). School swim teams ➞ See SwimTopia Quick Start Guide (New Schools).
Covered in this Article:
➧ Getting Started
Accessing your "Manage Team" Admin Console
Confirm Your Season and Age Up Date
➧ People and Communication
➧ Website and Calendar Management
➧ Registration
➧ Merchandise and Sponsorships (Optional)
Set up your Merchandise Items and Online Store
➧ Need Help?
Getting Started
Accessing your "Manage Team" Admin Console
You will design most of your website from the front end, but the "Manage Team" admin console is where you will set up and manage your team. After you have activated your account, you can log in and access the admin console by clicking on Manage Team from the menu at the top right of your screen.
If you did not receive an activation email after signing up for a SwimTopia account, check your spam/trash folder. If you still cannot locate this email, contact our Customer Support team for assistance.
Import your Team Roster
You can upload your team roster directly to your team site using the format outlined here:
➞ Excel Spreadsheet - Team Roster Import (.xlsx or .xls)
» Note: This is the only support data import option for Team Topia customers. Besides this option, the best way to obtain parent and athlete information is through a Registration form. For future seasons, open a new registration form to collect the data on new or returning families (more on this below).
Set up your Site Settings
From your admin console (Welcome Menu > Manage Team), you'll see a link to a Settings menu for a list of site-wide settings and tools.
- Modify your team's name and abbreviation (if needed)
- Add a team logo, set your preferred course, and time zone
- Confirm your billing contact (keep this updated to avoid disruption in service)
- Configure your School Year Athlete Groups
- Configure your Athlete Roster Groups (if using)
- Create a Stripe account (if accepting online payments for registration, merchandise etc.)
The following Help Center articles will guide you through each of these steps:
➞ Manage Team: Site-wide Settings
Confirm Your Season and Age Up Date
When you sign up for a team website, the current season will automatically be created using the year as the Name and Start and End Dates based on a calendar year. Additional seasons will be created if you import your roster.
You can change these fields and create additional seasons as needed. You need to set an Age Up Date if your team uses one to determine what age group your athletes compete in based on their age at or before that date.
➧ What is a Season?
A Season is simply a span of time during which your team’s activities take place.
- A season defines a range of time, from the start date to the end date (default is the calendar year).
- Seasons are used to organize your events, athlete affiliations, role assignments, sponsorships, and registrations.
- The selected current season determines which season is active, regardless of the current date.
- Members affiliated with the active current season are included in Communications and Reports.
- If a season has an age-up date, that date is used to determine athlete ages for age groups.
- By setting the current season you can control when your team "rolls over to the next season."
➞ Creating & Managing Your Seasons
People and Communication
Manage your People
If there are other committee members or your coach who need access to view or set up specific areas within your team site, manually create their accounts (if not already in the system). In the next section, you'll learn how to assign them to roles with appropriate permissions so they can get started.
➞ Viewing / Exporting Imported Team Roster
▶️ Training Video - "Manage Team" Admin Portal Overview
Create and Assign Roles
Create Roles with specific permissions and assign committee members to these roles so they can access the admin console, as needed, to perform their tasks. Assigning members to specific roles also allows for communication targeted directly to these roles.
➞ Assigning Volunteers to Roles
Communicate with your Members
Your members may start looking for information about the next season, so you could begin communicating with them to let them know about your new team site.
Use automatic mailing lists to communicate with your imported or registered members. Let them know when registration, and calendar event sign-ups are open.
➞ Account Activation, Login and Password Management (Member Information)
▶️ Training Videos - Communication
Website and Calendar Management
Add Content to your Website
No need for a trained website designer! We provide simple tools (called Snippets) to design your website quickly. Focus on the most important information first to get your website up and running. Then you can explore all the design options as time allows. (If transitioning from another system, you can copy/paste relevant information into Text Area Snippets.)
➞ Editing Page Content with Snippets
➞ Site Settings: Header, Logo, Colors, and Background Images
▶️ Training Videos: Your Site's Content and Appearance
Create your Calendar Events
Create your events so your families can view them from the website schedule page, and RSVP as appropriate.
➞ Team Topia - Creating Calendar Events
➞ Job Templates (Optional)
▶️ Training Video - Your Volunteering Schedule
» Tip: If your events include jobs for your members, setting up job templates for each type of event on your schedule will enable more efficient event creation when you can quickly apply the relevant job template to your event each season. This can be done at any time, so it is not critical to get your site up and running.
Create your Registration Form
Each team can have varying degrees of complexity when it comes to the registration fee structure and required waivers. We highly suggest keeping your registration as simple as possible to ensure your families can complete the process efficiently.
If you plan to sell your merchandise and/or sponsorships during registration, you might want to get those areas set up first and then create your registration form, but you can always come back to update your form later as well.
The registration section of our Help Center provides step-by-step instructions and tips on each section available within a registration form.
➞ Registration Checklist (for Teams)
➞ Stripe Account Setup (only required for online payment)
▶️ Training Videos - Registration
If you find yourself questioning the best way to set up your form(s), feel free to reach out to our support team. We will do our best to provide direction based on your specific requirements.
Merchandise and Sponsorships (Optional)
Set up your Merchandise Items and Online Store
Create each merchandise item you plan to offer in your registration form, and/or on your Online Store. Enable your Online Store if you want to sell merchandise, sponsorships, and/or collect coach donations.
➞ Stripe Account Setup (required to purchase from the store)
Set up your Sponsorships
Create your sponsorship categories (i.e., Gold, Silver Bronze). Then determine which category to assign each sponsor, and in what order they should display on your website. This setup is all done on the Manage Team admin console. Then from the website configuration options (under the Welcome menu), add the Sponsor Snippet on any page of your site to display your sponsors.
Need Help?
➧ Product Support
We are dedicated to providing a robust Team Topia product. We welcome your feedback and ideas during your trial and beyond. We will continually evaluate feature requests to consider including in our roadmap planning (i.e., mobile app support).
➞ Visit our Support Options Help Center article to view all of our training and support options.
» Note: Many features are available in both SwimTopia and Team Topia accounts, so all teams share the same Help Center and tutorial video catalog at this time. We will continue adding relevant articles and tutorial videos to our Team Topia section as we enhance the product.
➧ Billing Support
Any questions related to your SwimTopia subscription should be directed to our billing department ➞ View Billing Support & Policies Overview
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