If all teams in your league are using SwimTopia, you can send us your league’s entire meet schedule and we'll perform a League Meet Schedule Import. With this import, the meets for each team will automatically populate on each team's Schedule, and all meets for all teams will populate on the league’s Schedule.
Covered in this Article:
- Step 1: Review League Site Settings
- Step 2: Review and Confirm Teams' Site Settings
- Step 3: Download and Complete Meet Schedule Spreadsheet
- Imported Meet Details: League View
- Imported Meet Details: Team View
Step 1: Review League Site Settings
➧ Season Information
Ensure that your current season is up-to-date and that the age-up date is accurate. ➞ See: Leagues: Transitioning to a New Season
➧ Meet Templates
Each meet will require an assigned Shared Meet Template. Different meets can use different templates, but you only need to use a different template if the Events, Entry Rules, Entry Fees, Eligibility, or Seeding & Scoring rules are different.
» Tip: Review your meet templates each season to ensure they are up-to-date, paying special attention to any eligibility requirements with "only accept entry times since (date)" which may need to be adjusted for the new season.
Step 2: Review and Confirm Teams' Site Settings
➧ Member Team Summary Report
Before you send your schedule to us, please review the Member Team Summary report to verify your teams have the correct information listed. Go to Manage League > Reports > Registration > Member Team Summary.
Season Information
- Ensure all teams have updated their seasons and have the correct age-up date. Season beginning and end dates can differ as long as all meets fall within the selected dates (we highly recommend there are no gaps in dates between seasons)
- Discrepancies will be highlighted in red. Contact your teams' admins to have them make any needed updates. Alternatively, you can grant us permission to update teams' information when you email us the schedule for import.
Team Details
- Information listed under the team details section of the Member Team Summary Report MUST match what is listed on your league schedule import spreadsheet. Specifically, this will include:
- Team abbreviation: Abbreviation shown on report is what the team has listed in their site settings
- Course: Course shown on report is what the team has listed as their home pool course in their site settings
Step 3: Download and Complete Meet Schedule Spreadsheet
Your league schedule import must be submitted to us in a specific format. Please follow the instructions outlined below.
➧ Download Spreadsheet Template
Click on the link below to download the import spreadsheet template:
Then review the information in the following section for the correct format to use when completing each row and column of your spreadsheet.
➧ Add Your Meets to the Spreadsheet Template
Each individual meet will be listed on one row, filling in the details for that meet across all columns:
➞ Meet Date
➞ Meet Start Time
➞ HomeTeam:
- Use team abbreviation which must match what is listed on Member Team Summary report
➞ VisitingTeam:
- Use team abbreviation which must match what is listed on Member Team Summary report
➞ Swim Course
- 3 letter abbreviation for meet course: SCY, SCM or LCM
- Must match the home pool course listed on the Member Team Summary Report for team listed in HomeTeam column (unless meet is being run at a different location)
➞ MeetName
- Optional. If left blank, the default meet names will be generated in the format 'YEAR VisitingTeam at HomeTeam' – example: 2024 Forest Hills at Miami Hills
- We do recommend adding a meet name that makes sense to your teams' parents for your championship meets or any meets with a large number of teams participating.
➞ Location
- Optional. If left blank, the default location will list the home team’s full name
➞ Meet Template ID
- Enter the numeric ID for the Shared Meet Template assigned to this meet
- To find the numeric ID, click on the name of the shared meet template (Manage League > Schedule > Meet Templates) and copy the number shown in your browser's URL:
➞ Team3, Team4, etc.:
- For meets with more than two teams, fill in additional abbreviations and add as many “Team” column headers (Team5 and so on) as you need for meets with more than 4 teams – invitationals, championships, and so forth.
- Abbreviations must match what is listed on Member Team Summary Report
» Note: How your championship/invitational meets are run will impact how that meet should be listed on your schedule import spreadsheet. See our League-Wide Championship & Invitationals Meets article for more information.
➧ Send us the Completed File for Import
- Email the completed file to leagues@swimtopia.com
- Please let us know:
- We will automatically update the season and age-up dates for any teams that do not match the league settings. Please let us know if you prefer for the teams to do this themselves.
- Do you prefer the meets to show on the front facing side of the league's website or be hidden from view? This will default to visible; however, we do understand some leagues may only wish to display league events such as board meetings on the front facing side.
Imported Meet Details: League View
The League’s Schedule page (Manage League > Schedule) will list every meet for every member team as defined in the import file. All meets will also appear on the league's front-facing calendar unless requested that they be hidden at the time of import.
➧ Linked meets
Each meet on the league's schedule will be linked to the corresponding meet on each competing team's site. You can view the list of linked meets by going to Meet Name > Meet Setup > Linking:
It is very important that teams do not unlink meets from the league site. This link is necessary for Meet Maestro operations and SwimTopia Mobile App features.
➧ Managing Imported Meets
Meet Maestro Administrative Permissions
- From the Linking page within each meet, league admins can adjust the administrative permissions allowed to teams as needed to either full-manage or read-only status in the Meet Maestro meet.
- See our Managing Admin Rights to Meet Maestro Meets on the League Site article for more detailed information.
Exclude Meets from League Standings
- If your league is using the League Standings Snippet, you may want to exclude some meets such as time trials, invitational, and/or league-wide meets such as your championship meet from your standings.
- To exclude a meet, go to Manage League > Schedule and click on the meet name. Click the Edit button next to the meet name, check the box to Exclude results from standings, and then save your changes.
Meet Changes: Date, Location or Course
- If an update needs to be made to the date, location and/or competition course of a meet, simply edit that information on the league and all competing teams' sites
- If the meet date changes, it's important that all linked meets have the same date, otherwise there will be an error when it's time to merge the meet
- Changes made to meets on the league site do not propagate to meets on the teams' sites
- If an update needs to be made to the meet template, you can make those edits directly to the shared meet template (Manage League > Schedule > Meet Templates). As long as the meet date is in the future and the meet hasn't been merged in Meet Maestro, the edits to a shared meet template will propagate to all meets assigned to that shared meet template.
- For more involved changes, please refer to Managing Changes to Imported Meets for further instructions.
Imported Meet Details: Team View
Each team's Schedule page will list every meet in which that team is a competitor with the meet settings as defined in the import file (date, time, course, meet template and location).
➧ Meet Settings for Teams to Review
Once the import is complete, we recommend you notify your teams and ask them to review each one to ensure they are set up properly, adding any additional information as desired such as:
- Editing/adding more details to the name, location, description, etc. within each meet
- Adding a job template to each meet – see Job Templates
- Editing the meet status when ready to open meet signups and volunteer signups – see Meet or Event Status
➧ Linked Meets
Each meet will be linked to its competitor via a link to a corresponding meet on the league's Schedule
It is very important that teams do not unlink meets from the league site. This link is necessary for Meet Maestro operations and Swimtopia Mobile App features.
➧ Duplicate meets
Once the schedule import occurs, existing meets already listed on a team's schedule with the same date will be replaced by the meet provided by the league, while preserving the name that the team had originally entered for that meet.
If the dates are different, a duplicate meet will be created. Teams should delete the manually created meet and leave the imported meet intact, as it has all the proper linking between the league and competing teams.
» Tip: Teams can distinguish a manually created meet from an imported meet by looking for a red Remove button in the upper right corner of the meet page. Imported meets will not display a Remove button, while manually created meets will, and the meet can be deleted.
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