If your league maintains league records, you can create record books, display them on the league website, and share them with your teams to include in their Meet Maestro meets.
Covered in this Article:
- Creating and Maintaining League Record Books
- Shared League Record Books
- League Admins Adding League Records to a Meet
- Displaying League Records on the League Site
- Displaying League Record Books on Teams' Sites
Creating and Maintaining League Record Books
➧ Creating Record Books
League record books are created manually by a league admin -- SwimTopia does not support records import at this time.
Learn how ➞ Creating a Record Book
➧ Maintaining Record Books
All broken records are updated manually by a league admin -- SwimTopia does not support an option to "find new records" across all of the teams' sites at this time. (The "Find New Records" button is visible on the league site in case we can provide this capability in a future release.)
Learn how ➞ Managing a Record Book
Shared League Record Books
➧ Create and share league record books with teams in your league
League admins can optionally select a box on the record book setup screen to share league record books with all teams, similar to the shared meet template feature. This can be done at the time of creation or any time thereafter.
➧ Labels on team sites to designate records shared by the league
On the team site, a league badge/label will display next to any shared league record book to easily differentiate it from the team record books:
➧ League record books are read-only on team sites
Any updates or deletions must come from the league site:
➧ Access to shared league record books in the team's Records report
Team admins with access to the Reports tab can select league record books. They also have options to download and display this report on their website, or link directly to the league record books on the league site. This is discussed more at the end of this article.
➧ Including shared league record books in meets
Home teams can select to include shared league record books when merging their meet:
If this is not done at the time of the merge, the records can be added directly in the Meet Maestro meet from the Maestro Settings:
» Note: Record books can be added, but not removed. Teams can click the edit pencil to deselect eligible teams if the record book was accidentally added.
The record holders will be displayed in the Benchmarks section of the data entry screen.
The following Help Center articles provide details on how to include record books in the meet:
During Merge ➞ SwimTopia Meet Entries - Ready to Merge (Records Section)
Post-Merge ➞ Meet Maestro Settings - Benchmarks (Records & Time Standards)
League Admins Adding League Records to a Meet
As mentioned above, team admins can select to include shared league record books in their meets, and that is the ideal process when a league shares league record books, but league admins can also add a league record book to any meet that is on the league's website when necessary.
This includes meets that were part of a league schedule import, championship meets, invitational meets, etc. In those cases, other teams will be linked to the league's meet under Meet Setup > Linking.
When teams run their meet in Meet Maestro, the league record book selected by the league admin will be included in the Meet Maestro meet. Some notes about those cases:
- This applies to any record books on the league site - shared or not shared with the teams.
- A league admin can add the league record book to the league meet at any time (linked teams do not need to be marked as ready)
- There is no indication that a league record book has been added to the meet on any of the teams' sites when added by the league, so it's ideal for the home team to select shared league record books when merging if the meet is not hosted by the league.
- After the league record book is added, the home team can merge the meet and the league record book will be included in Meet Maestro (league admin can also merge the meet - common for champs meets)
- After the meet is merged, athletes holding records in each event from a team and league record book will be displayed in the Benchmarks section of the data entry screen in Meet Maestro.
- Records can be added directly in the Meet Maestro meet if not added before entries are merged. Eligible teams per record book can be edited as well. See ➞ Meet Maestro Settings - Benchmarks (Records & Time Standards)
➧ Adding a league record book from the league site
To add a league record book to a meet on the league site: go to the meet, then click on the Merge/Export tab, lock out changes, then click on "Select Record Books."
» Tip: For leagues who keep record books and want to ensure they are selected when a team merges a particular meet, we recommend a league admin go into those meets as soon as the meet is added to the league schedule and apply the record books.
Displaying League Records on the League Site
Leagues can display their league records on the league website using our Records Snippet.
Learn how ➞ Records Snippet - Display Your Record Book on your Website
Displaying League Record Books on Teams' Sites
Teams can also display shared league records on their website using our Records Snippet. If teams would like to provide their members access to league records that have not been shared, they have a few options as explained here in our Records Snippet article.
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