Meet Setup and Sessions screens contain modifiable meet configurations schedule breaks that will automatically update your meet timeline, and the ability to add or edit school year athlete groups (school teams)
If your meet is delayed, or a change in venue is required, the ability to update this information directly in Meet Maestro removes the need to coordinate a re-merge in SwimTopia.
Our Virtual Meets feature and customizable pool configurations on a per-session basis provide opportunities for teams from across the world to compete!
Covered in this Article:
- Accessing Meet Setup and Sessions Screens
- Single Session Meet (Ex. Dual Meet)
- Multi Session or Virtual Meets
- Time Entry Interface Display
- Scheduled Breaks
- School Year Groups
Accessing Meet Setup and Sessions Screens
Meet Setup and Sessions screens are found under Meet Maestro Settings (gear icon).
The Settings screen displays differently depending on the type of meet:
- In a Single Session Meet, you will only see the "Meet Setup" option.
- In a Multi Session Meet or Virtual Meet, you will also see a "Sessions" option.
Single Session Meet (Ex. Dual Meet)
As mentioned above, in a single session meet, only the Meet Setup option will display in the settings menu, as there is only one "session."
➧ General Meet Details
The Meet Setup fields default to the home team settings (whichever team merged the meet). Most field changes do not initiate a process when modified. However, changes to the Pool Configuration settings do trigger processing as noted below.
» Note: Changes to the Meet Name will update the reports. If a name is too long for labels, the truncated name that will be used is also displayed here. For example:
➧ Pool Configuration ➞ Lane Count
Changing the lane count and selecting the Update button will trigger a reseeding of the meet. Users are presented with a notification to confirm or cancel the reseeding process.
Upon confirming, a new ‘Meet Reseeding in Progress’ banner will display at the top of the page until the reseeding process is complete. Once complete, the application will reload.
» Note: While this process is taking place, the Update button is disabled, restricting further changes. It is best to wait for this reseeding to complete before moving off of this page, but reseeding will continue if you do. Do not change the lane count once any results have been entered or this data will be over-written.
➧ Pool Configuration ➞ Course Correction Factor
First, let's understand the difference between course conversion and correction:
- Course Conversions: Converting from one official course to another (SCM to SCY)
- Course Corrections: Adjusting a time for a non-standard pool into a standard course (23yd to SCY)
If your pool is non-standard length, this can be set by checking the 'Non-standard length?' checkbox:
Meet Maestro will apply a correction factor for the ‘Official Time’ when this value is set. The times from this non-standard length pool will be converted into standard length times (22yd pool into 25yd for example).
➞ See Non-Standard Pool Configurations article for scenarios that may help you understand your settings.
» Note: We do not have a way to do course conversions by stroke.
➧ Pool Configuration ➞ Changing After Meet Has Started
If a change is made to the Pool Configuration settings that could impact how the results should be calculated for the official time, official place, or points, the user will see a new informational banner while the server recalculates the relevant fields.
The banner below will display on either the Meet Setup (single session meets) or Sessions screens (multi-session or virtual meets). While this process is taking place, the Update button is disabled restricting further changes. It is best to wait for completion before moving off of this page, but it will continue if you do.
Example Scenarios:
- A dual meet in a non-standard pool where the host team changed the Course Correction Factor after the meet started. In this case, official times need to be recalculated (place and points will be unchanged).
- A virtual dual meet where the visiting team changed their session course after entering some results. In this case, their session’s official times must be recalculated, then the entire meet needs all places recalculated and scored.
➧ Virtual Meet Configuration
Check to Enable Virtual Meet if the meet will be run virtually. Keep in mind this setting is not reversible once saved. When enabled, you would see a Sessions option displayed in the Settings menu.
➧ Schedule: Start Time Estimation
The “Start Time Estimation” displays under the Schedule sub-tab and is used to create your “Session Report.” The Session Report outlines estimated start times for each event, based on how many seconds there are between races. The suggested settings are 30 secs and 15 for backstroke.
Multi-Session or Virtual Meets
In a multi-session and/or virtual meet, users will see a Sessions tab in the right navigation menu in addition to Meet Setup. The Meet Setup screen will display differently since we introduce the Sessions screen to allow certain items to be set per session.
➧ Meet Setup
Notably, the Start Time is missing, and there is no Schedule sub-tab listing the Start Time Estimation, since these fields are managed on a per-session basis.
➧ Sessions
The Sessions screen lists details about each session in the meet. For Virtual Meets, the session name will default to match the team names.
When the virtual meet checkbox is selected on the Merge/Export screen in SwimTopia, an informational banner (shown below) will display to explain the scoring process and per-session configuration. This does not display for a standard multi-session meet.
When the pool configuration for a session does not match the meet pool configuration, the "Official Time" will be converted into the meet's course. This page allows users to see if this conversion will take place.
» Tip: Sessions can use different systems for timing. The timing configuration is per computer, not per session or per team or per meet. For example, if you have a laptop setup to use Dolphin it will try to use Dolphin for any sessions. ➞ See Meet Maestro Settings – Timing Setup for more details.
➧ Session Editing
Clicking the Edit pencil icon on the Sessions screen displays options for configuring the session.
➧ Virtual Meet: Competing in Different Pools
Toggling 'Override Location and Pool Configuration for this Session' displays options to set the Location, Lane Count and Pool Length specific to your team. By default, this is set to match the host team settings.
➞ See the following sections above for details on the processes triggered by these changes:
- Pool Configuration - Lane Count
- Pool Configuration - Course Correction Factor
- Pool Configuration - Changing After Meet Start
➧ Session Deleting
If for some reason you need to delete a session, you can do so here.
➧ Schedule: Start Time Estimation
The “Start Time Estimation” displays under the Schedule sub-tab and is used to create your “Session Report.” The Session Report outlines estimated start times for each event, based on how many seconds there are between races. The suggested settings are 30 secs and 15 for backstroke.
Time Entry Interface Display
➧ Single Session Meet (Ex. Dual Meet)
With Course Correction Factor:
The header bar only displays the course under the seed time and official time. The other times are uncorrected.
➧ Multi-Session or Virtual Meet
Session With a Course Correction Factor:
The result table header displays course and session indicators when the meet is being run as a Virtual Meet.
The extra time will only be present when there is a time and without a “code” in the results column as shown below:
Session Without a Course Correction Factor:
- RESULT TIME: Equals the 'Actual' time for the meet. Matches the course of the physical pool where this event took place. This value is calculated using the watch times based on the meet settings established when creating the meet in SwimTopia. ➞ See SwimTopia – Setting up Seeding & Scoring Rules
- OFFICIAL TIME: Equals the ‘Virtual’ time for the meet. Its course will match the ‘official course’ of the meet. If both teams are in a standard pool, the standard conversion factor applies. If in non-standard pools, teams need to agree on the course correction factor pre-meet.
- HEAT PLACE: The place for the athlete in this heat in this pool.
- PLACE: The virtual place based on all results in all sessions, which will automatically be updated once the swim event is completed by all teams.
- POINTS: The virtual points based on all results in all sessions, which will automatically be updated once the swim event is completed by all teams.
» Note: For a regular Multi Session meet, the scoring, place and points are not combined across sessions like in a Virtual Meet scenario. Each session is treated separately.
Scheduled Breaks
Many teams will schedule a break in the meet program, typically for a changing of volunteer shifts, timing location as teams switch from 25’s to 50’s, or to hold fun parent/coach relays during the break.
Meet Maestro provides the flexibility to configure scheduled breaks in your meet setup on a per-meet (i.e. dual) or per-session (i.e. multi-session) basis to account for the pre-determined breaks needed throughout the meet.
Single Session: Under Meet Setup > Schedule
Multi-Session / Virtual Meets: Under Sessions > Edit > Schedule
See ➞ the Scheduled Breaks article for more details on this option.
School Year Groups
School Year Groups are used to group high school or middle school athletes by grade.
The host team's school year athlete group format is used when meet entries are merged, creating a meet in Meet Maestro. School teams will see the School Year Groups sub-tab under Meet Setup,
» Note: If a visiting team uses different values than the host, and the system cannot logically map to a value from the host team, that school year value will be added to the Meet Maestro meet. An athlete's assigned school year group can be edited from the Athletes screen in settings.
➧ Add/Edit School Year Groups
School team admins can add or edit the school year groups directly in Meet Maestro for the specific meet. This will not change the values in SwimTopia when the results transfer back, and will not persist for future meets.
You cannot edit to use an existing name or abbreviation expecting the values to merge. So if a new value is created because the system could not map to an existing value, you need to edit the athlete(s) assigned to that value under their profile in Athletes (see next section).
➧ Update an Athlete's School Year Group
The athlete's school year group can be edited for this meet from the Athletes screen in settings.
» Note: Changes made to the athlete profile will only affect the athlete's information in this meet and will not be transferred back to SwimTopia when the results are transferred. To permanently edit the athlete's profile, the updates need to be made to their profile in the team's SwimTopia account.
➞ See our Meet Maestro Settings – Athletes article for more information.
➧ Multi-Session Meets
School year groups are not session-aware. They will display the same for all sessions, and cannot be edited for a specific session.
➧ Meet Maestro Reports
Many reports within our meet management system, Meet Maestro, will display the school year athlete groups for our school teams instead of the age groups. As mentioned, the host team's school year format is used when meet entries are merged.
Here are a few examples:
➞ See our Meet Maestro Settings – Pre-Meet Reports and Meet Maestro Settings – Post-Meet Reports articles to see specific reports.
➧ School Year Groups in the SwimTopia Mobile App
- Before Meet Entries are Merged: Parents and athletes will see the athlete's school year group and any other group/role assignment from the team they are affiliated with on "Result History" and "Favorites." If the athlete has a date of birth listed in their account, their age will also display.
- After Meet Entries are Merged: If the meet is run in Meet Maestro, the host team's school year values are used for all athletes (Heat Sheet, Teams, Favorites, and Live Results).
- Post-Meet Results: After the meet has been completed and the results are transferred back to all SwimTopia team sites, the school year is not displayed on the meet results, but the school year from the athlete's home team will be displayed on the "Teams" screen.
➧ Results File - Transfer or Download
- Finish & Export > Transfer: When the meet results transfer back to each team's SwimTopia site, the school year groups will remain unchanged regardless of whether they were edited in Meet Maestro.
- Finish & Export > Downloads: If a visiting team does not use SwimTopia, the downloaded results file will contain the values used for the meet, which are the host team values.
➧ School Year Groups in Meet Maestro: How-To Video (6min)
➞ direct link to our School Year Athlete Groups video.
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