» Tip: When many changes are needed re-merging may be a more efficient option, but you can do deck adds, removals, and scratches directly within Meet Maestro as needed. ➞ See the SwimTopia Meet Entries - Ready to Merge article for more details on merging.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Individual Events
➧ Relay Events
➧ Additional Deck Changes
Individual Events
Individual Event - “ADD ENTRY”
Clicking the ADD ENTRY button in any open lane within a heat opens a window to add an athlete to that heat and lane. Athlete selection is quick and efficient as all available athletes display first with scratched and unavailable athletes at the bottom of the list.
Meet Maestro currently allows adding any swimmer on the roster, without regard to attendance selections in SwimTopia, or eligibility for participation. To cross-check a swimmer's attendance/participation and seed times, you can either have another browser window open to each team's meet entries matrix screen in SwimTopia, or have the printed Meet Entry Matrix report handy.
» Note: If an athlete is on the roster, but not entered in any events, they should be available to be added to events from Meet Maestro’s Settings > Athletes, or directly to the events in the data entry interface. If the athlete was not part of the roster at the time of the meet entries merge, a meet admin can add the athlete to the meet. See ➞ Meet Maestro Settings – Athletes to learn how.
Individual Event - Entry Edits
To edit any or all of the entries for any athlete, including adding or removing swimmers to/from events, click the athlete name. The event you are on will be highlighted in yellow.
➧ Add Athletes to Events
In the opened window check the box to ENTER an athlete into an event, input desired heat, lane, and entry time, then click SAVE.
➧ Remove or Scratch Athletes from Events
➞ Remove from Event: Unchecking the box next to an event will remove the athlete from that event.
➞ Scratch from Meet: “Scratch Athlete” will remove/scratch the athlete from all events in the meet. The user must confirm the scratch before the action will take place. Make a note of any relay events displayed, so you can go add a new athlete to the relay.
» Note: Scratching an athlete from all events does not remove them from the meet. If it is necessary to completely remove the athlete from the meet, a meet admin will then need to go to the Settings > Athletes screen to find the athlete and complete the delete action under Edit. See ➞ Meet Maestro Settings – Athletes to learn how.
➧ Athlete Heat/Lane Changes
Move athletes to different lanes within that heat by dragging and dropping the row to a new lane (hover over the left side of the row until your cursor looks like a cross).
To move athletes across heats, there are a few options at this time:
➞ Option 1) You can toggle between Heat and Lane mode and in each respective mode you can drag and drop athletes alternatively between heat or between lanes.
➞ Option 2) You can click on the athlete's name to input the heat/lane for any swimmer to move them to that lane.
➞ Option 3) When you check the box to enter an athlete in an event, we automatically try to assign an open heat and lane for that athlete. If no lanes are available, we indicate that right away. In some cases, if someone scratched (leaving an open lane in an earlier heat), simply unchecking then re-checking the box to remove and then re-enter an athlete in an event will move the swimmer to the open lane in the earlier heat.
➞ Option 4) If you are trying to optimize heat/lane usage after several scratches, you can reseed one event or a range of events in Meet Maestro's Settings > Seed & Score screen. This should result in an optimal heat/lane placement.
» Note: You can also make all of these changes from the Athletes screen under Settings (gear icon) See ➞ Meet Maestro Settings – Athletes
See ➞ the Combining Heats in Meet Maestro section below if you are wanting to combine heats for a more efficient meet timeline.
Relay Events
Relay Event - Missing Athlete Warning
To assist meet administrators as they make deck changes, a warning will display next to relays missing an athlete.
After clicking on the relay, a pop-up will display designating the missing relay leg.
As seen with individual events, relay athlete selection is quick and efficient as all available athletes display first with scratched and unavailable athletes at the bottom of the list.
Relay Event - "ADD ENTRY"
When clicking the “ADD ENTRY” in a relay event, you'll be prompted to select a team on the first screen, then to select the swimmers for that team in a second screen.
If an athlete is on the roster, but not entered in any events, they should be available to be added to relays. (Exception: IF your meets' Relay Entry Rules are set to require at least one individual event to be eligible for relays).
» Note: If the athlete was not part of the roster at the time of the meet entries merge, a meet admin can add the athlete to the meet. See ➞ Meet Maestro Settings – Athletes to learn how.
Next select the Relay Team (e.g. A, B, C) and the Relay Athlete for each Leg. You can drag and drop athletes in the desired order as designated below. You will not be able to change the heat/lane from this view to avoid attempting to move the relay to an occupied late. After you input an Entry Time, click Save.
Meet Maestro currently allows adding all swimmers on the roster, without regard to attendance selections in SwimTopia, or eligibility for participation. To cross-check a swimmer's attendance/participation and seed times, you can either have another browser window open to each team's meet entries matrix screen in SwimTopia, or have the printed Meet Entry Matrix report handy.
» Tip: Hovering your mouse over the name of the Relay Team will display the names and ages of all relay athletes in leg order.
Relay Event - Entry Changes
Clicking the Relay Team name opens the Edit Relay interface.
➧ Edit Relay Entries
The Edit Relay interface makes it easy to switch out any of the relay team members, drag and drop athletes to different legs, or move relays to another heat/lane (i.e. diving board blocking lanes).
➧ Delete Relay
Clicking “Delete” reveals a confirmation box to make sure you really mean to delete the relay.
➧ Relay Heat/Lane Changes
You can easily move relays to different lanes within that heat by dragging and dropping the row to a new lane (hover over the left side of the row until your cursor looks like a cross).
To move relays across heats, there are a few options. ➞ See the Heat/Lane Changes section above.
Additional Deck Changes
Combining Heats in Meet Maestro
Currently, the way you can combine heats in Meet Maestro is by moving individual athletes/relays to non-overlapping lanes within each heat (e.g. heat 1 to lanes 1, 2, 3 and heat 2 to lanes 4, 5, 6), so that both heats can swim simultaneously, and score separately.
» Note: The time entry interface of Meet Maestro won't reflect the combination of the events, nor will the heat sheets. Meet admins would need to write this in the heat sheets and notify the ready bench, timers, judges, etc. of the combined heats.
For example, this team is going to swim Event 15 and Event 16 together.
The girls are moved and seeded in lanes 1-3
The boys are moved and seeded in lanes 4-6.
➧ Using a timing system?
Time Drops Timing System: will automatically combine the heats or events when 'Combine Heats/Events' option is enabled in the Time Drops meet settings.
Colorado Time Systems (CTS) or Wylas timing Systems: there would be one race in the timing software that includes times for all the combined heats. You will need to import the same race data file for each heat that was combined in Meet Maestro.
To do that, you will need to click to edit the Race Number field in the CTS Dolphin timing bar of Meet Maestro to match the race number of the file saved by the CTS Dolphin software. You'll end up with two different heats in Meet Maestro that both load the same Race Number from CTS Dolphin.
Times from all lanes will be loaded into each of the combined heats -- you can clear those times in the empty lanes, but that's not required (they'll be ignored).
So in the example, Event 15 and Event 16 were Dolphin Meet #8, Race #2
We will pull in Race #2 to the girls’ Event #15 7-8 25 Free:
We see a message telling us we have loaded times for empty lanes 4,5,6 - this is correct because these are the times for the boys that swam in these lanes from Event 16. If you want to clear these extra times out, you can do so by clicking the CLEAR button, however, there is no need to do this - these times will be ignored.
Now we advance to Event 16, Boys 7-8 25 Free:
Note that the Race # automatically advances when we switch Events/Heat so we will need to edit this to Race #2 again to pull in Lanes 4-6 from that Race file.
We see a message telling us we have loaded times for empty lanes 1,2,3 - this is correct because these are the times for the girls who swam in these lanes from Event 15. Again, if you want to clear these extra times out, you can do so by clicking the CLEAR button, however, there is no need to do this - these times will be ignored.
➧ Event Grouping (Pre-Merge Only Option)
If you have not already merged your meet, we have a feature that also enables faster meets by grouping events easily when setting up your meet in SwimTopia. With this feature different age groups and competition categories can be combined (and seeded) into a single event, so long as the stroke and distance are the same. See ➞ Individual and Relay Event Groups (Grouping Events) for more details
Deck Change Designation (Red Triangle Marker)
If an admin makes a meaningful change to an entry, such as adding a new entry, making a lane change, or changing the entry to an exhibition race, the record/row will be marked with a red triangle marker or red tab (commonly referred to as a “dog ear” or "dogear") on the right side.
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