After your meets have been created or imported and you have set up or reviewed (if imported or copied) the Meet Details and Team Meet Entry Preferences you will be able to complete or review the meet setup to ensure all settings are accurate, or manage your meets after creation.
» Note: If you have not created your meets ➞ See Creating Meets (Options).
Covered in this Article:
➧ Meet Setup
- Accessing Your Meet Setup
- Team Preferences
- Linking
- Meet Events
- Entry Rules
- Entry Fees
- Eligibility
- Seeding & Scoring (Meet Maestro™ users only)
➧ Meet Management
Meet Setup
Accessing Your Meet Setup
The "Meet Setup" is found under Schedule > Meet Name > Meet Setup and consists of the following sections:
Team Preferences
Under Meet Setup, we’ve divided out things that are considered “rules” and those that are considered “team preferences.” Rules are things that the league typically governs in by-laws and meet guides. Team preferences are just that - settings that relate more to how your team likes to collect entries and attendance information, along with relay setup preferences.
During your SwimtTopia site setup, you'll define your default Team Preferences (or Meet Entry Preferences) under Manage Team > Settings > Meet Entry Preferences.
The settings can be modified on a per meet basis as needed. If you decide to make changes at the meet level, you can Update Team Preferences from there, and if you change your site-wide preferences after creating your meets, you can Apply Team Preferences to those meets.
➞ See Team Meet Entry Preferences
Meet Linking is used between two SwimTopia teams for the following purposes:
- To merge entries and run the meet together using Meet Maestro™ (if using)
- For the meet results to appear on a league’s division standings (if applicable)
- For teams to share live event/heat status (via the SwimTopia Mobile App)
➞ See SwimTopia – Meet Linking
Meet Events
Meet Events, including individual, relay, diving, and individual/relay event groups can be imported (suggested - if possible) or manually created, edited, and deleted from within your Meet Templates or directly within the meet itself. Meet events is the first page you are taken to when you create or edit your Meet Template, and will be listed under the Meet Setup > Events subtab within your meet.
➞ See Meet Setup: Events
Entry Rules
We have many entry rules configuration options, but not all rules are applicable to each team. From general rules like entry limits and results editing to specific rules surrounding individual and relay entries.
Like many configurations provided to offer flexibility to our customers, entry rules can vary greatly between leagues and teams. Before you can begin entering swimmers in events, you'll need to confirm your meet entry requirements and rules are accurately set.
➞ See Meet Setup: Entry Rules
Entry Fees
Meet entry fees can be set up on your Meet Templates or directly within your Meet Setup. The fees will be calculated but online payment or collection of entry fees during meet signup is not available at this time. There is a report available to track these payments owed, and we do have options for how you can collect these fees using a merchandise item or a non-swim meet event.
➞ See Meet Setup: Entry Fees
Eligibility / Participation Requirements are useful for tracking and enforcing rules that require a minimum level of participation. A common case would be a championship meet with a rule requiring athletes to have swum in a certain number of meets during the regular season to enter the championship meet.
➞ See Meet Setup: Eligibility/Participation Requirements
Seeding & Scoring (Meet Maestro™ users only)
Just like in meet entry rules, many Leagues and teams will have varying seeding and scoring rules. For most teams, your league will have set seeding and scoring rules, but if not, they can be set in a Meet Template one time, or individually for each meet. Settings for seeding and scoring transfer to Meet Maestro when you merge the meet.
» Note: Seeding & Scoring Rules only affect meets run in our meet management application, Meet Maestro™.
➞ See SwimTopia – Setting up Seeding & Scoring Rules
Meet Management
Update Your Meet
As long as your meet setup has not been locked to enable merging entries to create a Meet Maestro meet, you can edit meet settings from the sections listed above that are not locked (read-only) by a league meet template.
If you need to change a locked setting, contact your league admin directly.
Delete/Remove Your Meet
Meets created via our league schedule import are 'deletion locked' by default, preventing teams managed by a league from deleting the meet on accident. Changes to league-managed meets need to be communicated to the league admin who will work with SwimTopia league managers as needed.
Meets created manually, through an EV3 file, or copied from existing meets do not take on this setting. You can find the option to Remove a meet from your schedule by clicking the meet name from your Schedule > All Meets & Events page.
If the meet can be deleted from your schedule, you will see a red Remove button in the upper right corner.
➞ Next Topic - Meet or Event Status
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