Swim-Ups are when an athlete is capable of competing against older athletes. You can have both Individual Entry and Relay Entry Swim-Ups. Relays are more automated than Individual Entries.
Covered in this Article:
Meet Entry Rules
First, in order for athletes to be available as swim-ups, your meet needs to be configured to allow for swim-ups. This is set under the Meet Setup > Entry Rules screen for individual and relay events separately.
» Note: If your league imports your meet schedule, they could have your meets linked to a template that does not allow for swim-ups. If you cannot edit these settings, you would need to discuss this with your league before unlinking from the template under the Events screen to change these.
Individual Entries
➧ Designating Swim-Ups
To set an athlete’s entry as a swim-up, you’ll need to click the pencil next to the athlete’s name. You’ll be presented with the entries for that athlete.
The default view is to see “All” swim-up options.
Click the checkboxes for the Events you want to enter the Athlete in and any of the Exhibition, Alternate or Bonus events and click “Save”.
➞ See also: Exhibition Events & Athletes
➞ To edit entries in bulk by age group, see our article on Meet Entries.
➧ Swim-up Athletes - Entries Matrix Display
Athletes set or available to swim up will be designated by highlighting of their names with an up arrow.
When you first access this age group, you may see swim-up athletes already displaying. This would be the case if they were set to swim up in an event in this age group in individual or relay events.
➧ "Show all swim-up athletes" Checkbox
If you check the Show all swim-up athletes checkbox, you will then see every athlete that is available to swim up in an event, including the athletes already set to swim up.
➧ "Swim-up events" Column
The Swim-up events column (above), displays any individual or relay event the athlete is set to swim in for this meet. For athletes in the age group you are viewing, the events displayed will be swim-up events.
If you are viewing this athlete from another age group, the events displayed here would be any event the athlete is entered into, and that would include their own age group, plus any swim-up events from any age group.
Relay Entries
Swim-ups in Relay Entries are more automated. On the Relay Entries tab, set your Settings and click Generate Relays or click Add Relay Team under each event.
Click the Edit button next to a relay team to edit the athletes for that relay.
Doing so will also lock that team so automatic relay generation won’t change the entries for that team.
Hovering your mouse over a greyed-out athlete will indicate why that athlete is ineligible. Clicking the name of an athlete will add that athlete to the team in the stroke indicated at the top (in this case, “Back”).
➞ See our Relay Generation and Settings article for more details on this time-saving feature.
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