This feature is available to our Premium customers.
Job Templates make creating volunteer jobs and shifts and sharing them between meets and other events a snap.
Job Templates can be created from scratch or saved from an existing meet, and they can be edited independently. A Job Template can be applied, or imported into, any existing event.
You may wish to have Job Templates for your Home and Away meets, as well as the different meets your league participates in where jobs can be very specific per team - Champs, Divisionals, All-Star etc. You can also set up Job Templates for non-meet events.
Covered in this Article:
- Creating New Job Templates
- Copying Templates
- Saving Existing Jobs and Shifts as a Template
- Copying Jobs from a Template into Your Meet
- Updating Meet Jobs After Editing Job Templates
Creating New Job Templates
To create a new Job Template, go to Schedule > Job Templates and click on "Add Template"
➧ Step 1: Add Jobs
To add jobs and shifts to your template, click on the name of your newly created template, then click the green Add Job button.
Select whether the shifts for this job are defined by time, meet event number, or item request. Click Next.
» Notes: This cannot be changed after you have created the job. You would need to create a new Job and delete the original. Jobs Scheduled by Swim Meet Event Number can only be applied to Swim Meets and Job Templates with jobs scheduled that way will have the Swimmer icon next to them and cannot be applied to non-swim meets.
Provide a Job Name and any applicable instructions, which can be seen when parents hover over an "i" (information) icon next to each job title when signing up.
Jobs that require prior approval or training can be restricted to those members who have been assigned by an admin to a particular role.
Check Require specific role to restrict online signup to members and select the role from the list below the checkbox. One example of this is a Stroke & Turn Judge. Most leagues require training for this job.
➞ See the Assigning Volunteers to Roles tutorial for more info.
➞ See the Defining Roles tutorial for more info.
➧ Step 2: Add Shifts to Each Job (must have at least one)
You must now add at least one shift to each Job -- click on Add Shift.
» Note: Volunteers will not be able to sign up for jobs unless you have at least one shift set up for each job. A job describes the task to be done, and a shift tells you when it is performed.
You can review your shift setup and edit if needed:
Continue adding the jobs and shifts that are needed for the entire event
Copying Templates
If you have job templates that are very similar to each other (Home Meet vs. Away Meet), you can create one template and then copy it, rename it to the new template, and make any adjustments to the jobs and shifts.
Saving Existing Jobs and Shifts as a Template
Rather than creating a Job Template from scratch, you may find it easier to save the jobs and shifts from an existing meet into a new Job Template. From any previous meet go to Jobs > Job List and you’ll click "Actions" to see the option to "Save As Template."
You'll see a display window to give your template a name, then click on "Save."
Copying Jobs from a Template into Your Meet
When you set up a new meet, you can copy jobs from an existing job template to that meet. Go to Jobs > Job List, and click on Actions then "Copy from Template."
When applying a Job Template to a meet that already has jobs defined, the new template is merged intelligently. It will only add those jobs or shifts that do not already exist. If you prefer, the option is available to completely replace all existing jobs, shifts and assignments with those in the template.
» Note: If people have started signing up for jobs that will be replaced, you may want to make a note or open a second browser that is on the Meet > Jobs screen, so you can manually assign them to the new jobs, or let them know to sign up again.
Updating Meet Jobs After Editing Job Templates
Unlike Meet Templates where updates made by the league (shared meet templates) or on your own templates will automatically update any future meet, updates to Job Templates need to be applied to each meet.
Since each meet can have different jobs assigned, we do not want to make the assumption that the update you've made to your Job Template applies to every future meet.
To update your meets after making updates to your Job Template, go to Schedule > Meet Name > Jobs > select Actions menu > Copy from Template
If you've made changes before opening your job signup, then there's no harm is checking the box to "Replace existing jobs with template", but if people have started signing up for jobs that will be replaced, you may want to make a note or open a second browser that is on the Meet > Jobs screen, so you can manually assign them to the new jobs, or let them know to sign up again.
➞ See our tutorial on setting up Jobs and Shifts for more details about setting up specific jobs and shifts.
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