Non-meet calendar events are available to our Premium customers.
Settings on the Status subtab of a meet or RSVP social/calendar event control how your meet/event is seen on your calendar and whether your jobs are available during registration (if your registration form is configured for job signup).
Covered in this Article:
- Locating the Status Options
- Sign-up Status Options
- Meet/RSVP Event Signup Status Definitions
- Job Signup Status Definitions
- Calendar Example (Website View)
- Auto Open/Close
- Mobile App Settings: Publishing Meet Entries
Locating the Status Options
To set the status of meet signups or event RSVPs, plus job signups, go to Manage Team > Meet or Event Name > Status.
Swim Meet | Calendar Event |
Sign-up Status Options
➧ Meet Entry Online Signup Status Options
Controls when parents can sign up (declare) their athletes for meets from your calendar.
If the coach allows parents/athletes to sign up for their preferred events (set under the Meet Setup > Team Preferences), this can happen when the status is set to 'open' here.
» Note: Some teams refer to meet attendance as an “RSVP.” We refer to this as Meet Signup or Meet Attendance Declaration. And we use “RSVP” for social/calendar events ➞ See Creating Calendar Events (Banquets, Socials, Meetings...).
➧ Job Signup Status Options
This feature is available to our Premium customers.
Controls when and where parents can sign up for event jobs/shifts online.
Meet/RSVP Event Signup Status Definitions
- Pending: No button displays. Members can see the meet or non-meet event on the calendar (if not hidden), but cannot view or change their signup/RSVP.
- Open: Members can declare attendance for meets and sign up for meet events (if allowed), or RSVP to calendar events.
Members can also come back and view/change these settings when in this Open status (parent account login required).
They will see a visual indication of the meet declarations and event RSVPs they have updated in the past. The buttons will turn from dark green to light green, and the OPEN will change to EDIT.
- Closed: Members can only view their meet attendance selection, meet event signups, and calendar event RSVPS (parent account login required).
Job Signup Status Definitions
This feature is available to our Premium customers.
- Pending: No button displays. Members can sign up for jobs during registration, but cannot do so outside of registration on the meet/event calendar.
- Open: Members can sign up for jobs during registration AND outside of registration on the meet/event calendar.
As stated above, members can also come back and view/change these settings when in this Open status (parent account login required).
They will see a visual indication of the meet and event jobs they have updated in the past. The buttons will turn from dark green to light green, and the OPEN will change to EDIT.
- Closed: Members cannot sign up for jobs during registration and can only view their job signups outside of registration on the meet/event calendar (parent account login required).
Calendar Example (Website View)
Auto Open/Close
You can enable auto-open and auto-close for meet entries: After setting a time and date, click the Automatically Open or Automatically Close to make the meet entry sign-up status open or close once the date has passed.
Some teams enable online signup for all meets before the season; some teams only open signups one meet at a time, a week or two before each meet. With auto-open and auto-close, we make it easy to open and close your signups automatically.
Mobile App Settings: Publishing Meet Entries
There are two settings on the Meet > Status page that you will want to make sure are set appropriately to hide or show the individual and relay entries on the website and mobile app until you are ready to display them to parents/athletes.
➧ Meet Entries Display
Publish relay entries on website and mobile app - (not displayed by default) check if you wish to to display
Publish individual entries on website and mobile app - (displayed by default) uncheck if you wish to to hide
» Note: If your team is using Meet Maestro to run your meets, these settings are acknowledged until you publish the heat sheets unless you choose not to publish.
➧ Entry/Seed Time Display
The entry time display depends on whether the meet entries have been locked, disallowing additional changes:
- Before locking meet entries - entry times (including NT and custom times) WILL NOT be displayed in the mobile app (Meet Overview and Favorites).
- After locking meet entries - entry times (including NT and custom times) WILL be displayed in the mobile app (Meet Overview and Favorites).
hcmanageschedulecalendareventstatus hcmanageschedulecalendareventrsvpsreplies hcmanageschedulecalendareventrsvpssettings hcmanagescheduleswimmeetstatus
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