» Note: This article covers seed time FAQs and configuration how-to. If you using Meet Maestro to run your meets and need to set your seeding and scoring rules ➞ See SwimTopia – Setting up Seeding & Scoring Rules
Covered in this Article:
- Why are some seed times missing on meet entries?
- How do I add custom seed times?
- How do I exclude old or unofficial times when seeding meets?
- Seed Times and Team Manager Compatibility
Why are some seed times missing on meet entries?
➧ Possible Explanations:
- First, check to make sure the swimmer's imported record is synced up with their registration record. ➞ See our Merging Duplicate Athletes article for more information.
- When setting up the swim meet you can configure if and how times are converted from yards to meters or vice versa. By default, if you specify the meet course to be "meters" all times will be converted to meters for you.
- In the Meet Entry Matrix grid, any seed time shown with an asterisk * indicates the time has been converted. If you hover your mouse over the time, it will show you the original unconverted time, as the date and name of the meet the time originated from.
- When the times are exported in meet entry files, both the converted time and unconverted (original) time are included, which is the expected behavior for meet entries. ➞ See Meet is Run in Another System (i.e. Meet Manager, Swimmingly, TeamUnify) for more details.
- Sometimes, moving up an age bracket (i.e. 9-10's to 11-12's) changes a swimmer's eligible events from 25's to 50's. Therefore, those swimmers are starting from scratch with no official times because of the distance change.
How do I add custom seed times?
Admins can enter custom seed times for any athlete from Manage Team > Schedule > Meet > Entries. You can enter times for all events that the swimmer is eligible to swim during that meet.
» Note: these entered times will not carry over to other meets, as they are only used for seeding one meet at a time.
➧ To enter custom times, follow these steps:
Select a meet from your schedule, and then use the age-group selection list to find the swimmer you are adding custom times for.
Click the pencil icon and enter the times. Select Y (yards) or S (meters) in the Custom time column for each stroke. Enter times in # : ## . ## format.
If applicable, check the Exh box to indicate an Exhibition time - these are ineligible for points, ribbons, etc.
Click Save.
How do I exclude old or unofficial times when seeding meets?
You can manage which times will be considered for seeding meets in the Entries Settings for each meet in Schedule > Meet Setup > Entry Rules.
➧ Excluding times based on a date
Select Only accept entry times since and enter a start date to exclude any times recorded before that date.
➧ Excluding unofficial times
Any unofficial (i.e. practice meets or time trials) meet can be marked "unofficial" in Schedule > Meet Setup > Entry Rules:
When this setting is selected, results for the meet will not be considered as a seed time for another meet configured with the "only allow official times" entry setting. Results from this meet will also be excluded from high point and top/best times reports.
Select Require official entry times in your Meet Setup > Entry Rules to exclude results imported into unofficial or Time Trial meets.
Use a combination of these settings to select which seed times you want to use for your meets.
Seed Times and Team Manager Compatibility
When importing entries into Team Manager, seed times will not be extracted from the entries file. Team Manager will instead look first to the database of times already loaded into Team Manager.
Team Manager matches swimmers to times in its database using the exact full name (including middle initial) of the swimmer plus date of birth. If some swimmers do not have seed times after importing entries into Team Manager, that would indicate that either (a) Team Manager does not have any times/results for those swimmers or (b) the names or birthdates do not match exactly (most commonly this is due to different middle initial or first name).
➞ See Meet Setup: Entry Rules for more information.
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