This article covers the options available to manage your USA Swimming members on the USA Swimming Account page, under Settings.
Covered in this Article:
- Accessing Your USA Swimming Account
- Connection Between Your SwimTopia Account and USA Swimming
- USA Swimming Membership Status Summary
- Automatic Syncing Between USA Swimming Memberships and Your SwimTopia Users
- Merging Duplicate USA Swimming Athlete Accounts
- Manually Connecting USA Swimming Memberships to SwimTopia Users
- Updates to USA Swimming Profile Details
- Reporting Options
- Got Questions?
Accessing Your USA Swimming Account
This page can be found under the Settings > USA Swimming Account link at the top of your Manage Team admin console.
» Note: Team administrators granted the “Site Admin” permission in their profile, or assigned to a Role with “All administrative permissions” or at a minimum, “Read - Organization Settings” AND “Manage - People” permission, can access and match USA Swimming members to People in the teams’ SwimTopia site. See ➞ Role-Based Permissions for more details.
Connection Between Your SwimTopia Account and USA Swimming
From this screen, you can access your USA Swimming Club Portal to connect SwimTopia to USA Swimming. For more details, See ➞ Connecting USA Swimming and SwimTopia
Once SwimTopia is connected to USA Swimming, you’ll see that connection status on this page, and you’ll be able to access a login to your Club Portal.
If your team has not yet been connected to USA Swimming, you’ll see a warning message, along with a link to the Club Portal:
» Note: The status of your member accounts cannot display on this page until your team is connected to USA Swimming.
USA Swimming Membership Status Summary
The USA Swimming Account page displays a summary of the USA Swimming membership status for your SwimTopia users. You’ll see a count of your members who are:
- Athletes not connected to a USA Swimming membership
- Members connected but not in good standing
- Athletes connected
- Non-athletes connected
You’ll be able to click on the Athletes Not Connected or the Members Not in Good Standing, and you’ll be taken to a Member Status report with filters pre-applied to match your selection. From that pre-filtered report, you can review the users who need attention and compose an email to them, should you wish.
You can also click on View Full Report to access the main report filter screen for the report. For more details, See ➞ USA Swimming Member Status Report
Once members have created a USA Swimming membership, the USA Swimming account should be synced to their SwimTopia account within a few minutes. This will only occur automatically if the contact data matches exactly. If it does not, you will need to manually connect the data.
» Note: Most non-athlete members will need to manually connected since two fields must match for a connection to be automatic, and in most cases, we will not have a Birthdate or Competition Category collected in SwimTopia for these users.
Automatic Syncing Between USA Swimming Memberships and Your SwimTopia Users
Once you’ve connected your SwimTopia account to USA Swimming, there will be a data-share between USA Swimming and your SwimTopia account. When your team members register for your team on your SwimTopia site, SwimTopia will match USA Swimming memberships to your users based on:
- Athletes: First Name, Last Name, Birthdate, and Competition Category
- Non-Athletes: First Name, Last Name
» Note: Two fields must match between the USA Swimming record and SwimTopia record for the member to display (e.g., Name/Competition Category, Name/Birthdate etc.)
➧ Members are matched and in good standing
If SwimTopia is able to match the member, and if the member is in good standing, there is no action needed on your part.
➧ Members are not in good standing
If any of your users have a current USA Swimming membership that is not in good standing, once that user’s membership is back to good standing, that information will be shared from USA Swimming to SwimTopia and will be reflected in your roster.
➧ Members are not connected to membership in USA Swimming
If there are members of your team who should create a new USA Swimming account, you can send them the Online Member Registration link for your team.
Log in to your USA Swimming Club Portal, where you can retrieve your individualized team link to send to your members. USA Swimming registration information is shared real-time with SwimTopia via a data transfer. When a family registers with USA Swimming, your club’s roster will automatically be updated with the USA Swimming registration information.
➧ Members are connected to USA Swimming but new to the team
If an athlete or family is already a member of USA Swimming and is new to your team, they should still register with your team via the unique Online Member Registration link for your team. Once there, they should be able to connect their USA Swimming membership to your team. Once the athlete/family is connected to your team in SWIMS, their USA Swimming membership information will sync to their SwimTopia account profile.
Merging Duplicate USA Swimming Athlete Accounts
If you are not seeing all expected athletes or their latest times in your meet entry table, reports, etc., it's likely due to having a duplicate athlete account. The athlete de-duplication tool will allow you to review and possibly merge potential duplicate athlete records.
You can reach this tool from the "Manage duplicate athletes" link on your People page:
...or by going to Settings > Data Maintenance Tools > De-duplicate Athletes:
- You can: merge a user without a USA Swimming membership into an account that is connected to USA Swimming.
- You cannot: merge a user with a USA Swimming membership into a user account that is not connected to USA Swimming, or into another account that is connected to USA Swimming, you will receive an error. (see below for how to remedy)
If one or both accounts have USA Swimming memberships, disconnect the user from their USA Swimming membership in their user profile (People) and then merge their accounts. Here's how:
➧ Step 1: Click on the athlete's name from the De-duplicate Athletes tool, and it will take you directly to the athlete's profile. Here, you will want to click on the disconnect button next to their USA Swimming Membership information. Repeat this step for each record.
➧ Step 2: Once you have disconnected each account from USA Swimming, you will be able to merge the athlete by clicking on the blue merge button (click towards either the correct information OR the older account).
➧ Step 3: If the process above does not auto-match the athlete with their USA Swimming Membership (on their profile), check the unmatched athlete list on your USA Swimming Account page (under Settings) to re-connect the USA Swimming accounts as seen below.
Visit Settings > USA Swimming account:
See if the athlete you just merged shows up on this unmatched athlete list.
If they do, select the Unmatched USA Swimming profile in the left column, then select the possible matching SwimTopia user in the middle column. Compare the two selected users in the right column. Once you've confirmed they are the same person, then select "Yes, Connect Membership."
Manually Connecting USA Swimming Memberships to SwimTopia Users
On the USA Swimming Account page, below the summary section at the top, you’ll also see a list of any users who are not connected to a USA Swimming membership (which can be filtered by Athletes or Non-Athletes).
You’ll see three columns:
- USA Swimming members on your team who are not matched
- Once you click on an unmatched USA Swimming member, the 2nd column will display a list of potential matches of SwimTopia users
- Once you click on a SwimTopia user, the 3rd column will display your two choices: the USA Swimming member and the SwimTopia user (identified with the USA Swimming and SwimTopia logos)
You’ll then see a message asking if you’d like to connect the USA Swimming member to the SwimTopia user – if so, click “Yes, Connect Membership.”
» Note: If you accidentally connect the wrong record, you can go to the profile under People and use the Disconnect link to unlink the two records.
Updates to USA Swimming Profile Details
The data from the user’s USA Swimming membership will be the source of the user’s profile information throughout SwimTopia. The original data will not be overwritten, but admins and users will not be able to see or edit the profile data that was originally entered on the SwimTopia registration.
If the profile information requires an update, all edits must be performed on the USA Swimming website. Members can log in to their USA Swimming account, edit their own profile information, and that information will be synced to their SwimTopia account.
The following fields are provided by USA Swimming and cannot be edited in SwimTopia: First Name, Middle Name, Preferred First Name, Last Name, Competition Category, Birthdate, USA Swimming Email, Mobile Phone.
» Note: A separate version of the user’s physical address and SwimTopia email (if present) are stored in the user’s SwimTopia profile and can be edited within SwimTopia, but this will not update the USA Swimming account.
Reporting Options
As noted above, you can click the View Full Report button to access the main report filter screen for the USA Swimming Member Status Report.
We also provide the option to "Include USA Swimming status" on the Meet Entries Matrix, Meet Entries by Event, and Meet Entries by Athlete reports found under the Reports section.
Got Questions?
➞ Check out our ▶️ Training Video - SWIMS 3.0 Integration Overview
SwimTopia integrates with SWIMS 3.0, syncing USA Swimming membership information and status with each member’s SwimTopia account information. ➞ See the Overview: SwimTopia and USA Swimming Teams (SWIMS 3.0) Help Center article for more details.
If you have questions about our matching process, feel free to contact our Customer Happiness Team for assistance.
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