Entire events down to individual athlete entries can be marked as non-scoring/exhibition.
» Note: Be aware that the setting of exhibition has no bearing on whether or not the time is considered "official." An exhibition entry merely means it doesn't score in that meet. The result produced by that swim is still considered valid and "official" if the meet was also considered official.
Covered in this Article:
- Non-Scoring/Exhibition Event
- Non-Scoring Heat and Lanes
- Non-Scoring/Exhibition Athlete Entry
- Exhibition Designations in Meet Maestro
- Exhibition Entries in Meet Manager
Non-Scoring/Exhibition Event
An event can be marked as Non-scoring/exhibition when created in a Meet Template or directly in the meet on your SwimTopia site. This designation only excludes the event from scoring points.
Non-Scoring Heat and Lanes
When using SwimTopia's meet management system, Meet Maestro, to run your meet, Heat and Lanes exhibition designations are set in your Seeding and Scoring Rules found within your Meet Setup > Seeding & Scoring tab on the meet in your SwimTopia site.
Non-Scoring/Exhibition Athlete Entry
Currently, an exhibition athlete entry means it is not eligible for placing or points. Athlete entries can be marked as an exhibition before the meet is merged or after.
➧ Enabling Exhibition Entries Setting
Entries (an athlete in an event) can be set as an Exhibition.
To enable Exhibition Entries, go to Manage Team > Schedule > Specific Meet > Meet Setup > Entry Rules > Individual Entries. Set the checkbox for “Allow exhibition entries.”
» Note: If the checkbox is greyed out and you are unable to change the setting, this is due to the meet being linked to a locked template. If using a shared league template, speak to your league to request an update to this setting in the template. If you created the template and have permission to make changes, go to Schedule > Meet Templates to update the setting. Changes to templates will automatically propagate to any meet that has not already been merged (when using Meet Maestro).
➧ Marking Athlete Entries as Exhibition in SwimTopia (Pre-Merge)
To set an entry as exhibition, go to the Entries screen and click the pencil next to the Athlete’s name.
You’ll be presented with the entries for that Athlete where you check exhibition (Exh) as needed.
Exhibition entries will be marked with a small "x" in the upper right corner of the athlete entries table.
➧ Marking Athlete Entries as Exhibition in Meet Maestro (Post-Merge)
In Meet Maestro you can mark athletes as exhibition, by clicking on the athlete name in the event, or from the Settings > Athletes:
Exhibition Designations in Meet Maestro
For these configurations and for teams who have designated scoring heats and designated scoring lanes, you can immediately see a clear visual indication in Meet Maestro (if using to run your meet) of which events, lanes, heats, and/or entries are not eligible for placing and/or scoring points as soon as you merge your meet.
➞ See Meet Maestro - Scoring and Placing to see the visual indications of exhibition designations.
Exhibition Entries in Meet Manager
If you mark the entries as exhibition, they will show up as exhibition in Meet Manager too.
In Meet Manager there is a setting that will allow you to seed Exhibition entries after other entries.
In Meet Manager, navigate to:
Set-up > Seeding Preferences > Basic > Parameters > Seed Exhibition athletes last
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