We intend for the meet results transfer from Meet Maestro, or manual upload process into your SwimTopia meet to be transparent and uneventful for you, but we understand you may have questions. We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions below.
For information on how meet results are transferred or to upload results manually, ➞ See Meet Results File: Automated Transfer or Manual Upload
Covered in this Article:
- How do I cancel or delete a results file transfer or import?
- Can I upload a corrected results file?
- What if my meet in SwimTopia has no events?
- What if the events in SwimTopia don’t match the events in the results file?
- How does SwimTopia know not to try to import the swimmer information from the other teams?
- How do I enter or edit results if I don’t use a meet management tool?
- How do I edit split data?
- My results are using the wrong course, what do I do?
How do I cancel or delete a results file transfer or import?
➧ Using Meet Maestro?
Once the Finish/Export screen shows the results have been "Transferred" you cannot reverse this action in Meet Maestro, but you can unlock the meet if needed, make changes, lock the meet, and Transfer Results again.
➧ Uploading a Results File Directly in SwimTopia?
Once the file import shows "Imported" you cannot remove this file, but you can clear the results using the "Clear Results" button under the Summary tab in SwimTopia.
However, if you just need to upload a corrected file, a new results file will replace the existing results completely.
Can I upload a corrected results file?
Yes. If you upload additional files, you will be asked to confirm that you intend to replace previously loaded results.
What if my meet in SwimTopia has no events?
If your meet in SwimTopia has no events set up, importing the results will create events in SwimTopia for every event that has a swimmer’s time. You will see a prompt informing you of this so you can confirm and continue with the import.
What if the events in SwimTopia don’t match the events in the results file?
The Details screen will present a list of events with different event numbers, or missing events. A message is presented asking to continue with the import or cancel to fix the file and re-upload. If the import is continued, we preserve the original event# in the entries table and display the new event# when viewing the results.
How does SwimTopia know not to try to import the swimmer information from the other teams?
Uploaded results are grouped by team, and we identify the team by the team abbreviation or will ask you to select a team during the import if it is unclear.
You can set your team abbreviation in Settings > Team Information.
How do I enter or edit results if I don’t use a meet management tool?
SwimTopia allows you to manually enter or edit results IF this is allowed by your league. This is a setting on the Meet Setup > Entry Rules. If this is locked in your meet template shared by your league, contact your league to see if they will update the template to allow result edits.
➞ See Meet Results: Manually Entering and Editing
How do I edit split data?
If available in the results from Meet Maestro or another meet management software, splits are not editable and are not included in reports within SwimTopia, or the SwimTopia mobile app.
Users can edit in the source (Meet Maestro or other meet mgmt software - i.e. Hy-Tek Meet Manager) and re-import/transfer the results with updated splits.
My results are using the wrong course, what do I do?
➧ Changing the Meet’s Course AFTER Results are set
If you change the Course of a Meet after Results are set (by importing a results file, by migrating data from another system, or by using Results > Edit) the results will use the new course. The results are not converted, the time is now reported as being in the new course, but the actual time is unchanged.
If the Meet’s Course is set to the correct one, but the results are still in a different course, you will need to change the course twice to get the change to occur.
For example, if you have a meet where the course is set to SCM and the results are set to SCY (but should have been SCM), you will need to change the course of the meet to SCY, then save, then set the course to SCM, and save again for the results to show SCM.
➧ Imported Results
SwimTopia imports the results in the course the results file declares. If the course is set to SCY (Short Course Yards) in the meet results file, that’s what the results will show. Likewise with SCM (meters). The course the meet is set to in SwimTopia at the time of importing the results does not affect the course of the results.
➧ Edited Results
The course the meet is using when you edit the results will be the course the result is set to unless you change the course of the meet. As above, you may need to change the course twice to have the results set to the correct course.
➧ Setting a Meet’s Course
Go to Schedule and click the meet to view the meet:
Then click the Edit button:
Scroll down the to the Course (pool length) menu and click the menu:
to select a new Course:
And then Save the meet.
hcmanagescheduleswimmeetresultsedit hcmanagescheduleswimmeetresultsimport
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