SwimTopia launched a simplified, tier-based pricing plan on January 25, 2022. Under this model, each pricing tier provides a different collection of team and meet management features.
» Note: See our ➞ SwimTopia Product Tiers article for more information specific to the available tiers.
Covered in this Article:
- Team Billing Contact
- Payment Terms
- Base Annual Subscription
- Per-Athlete Fees
- Reminders & Best Practices for Accurate Athlete Counts
- Team Billing FAQs
Team Billing Contact
Invoices will be sent via email to the current billing contact listed on the team's website (Manage Team > Settings > Billing Contact). If you would like to add additional email addresses to the distribution list, please email billing@swimtopia.com, and we can add them for you.
Payment Terms
➧ SwimTopia team subscriptions are broken down into two invoices per year:
- Base Annual Subscription Fee - issued annually on the anniversary of the team's initial signup
- Per-Athlete Fees - issued annually at the end of the billing period for your team type (see below for more details).
➧ All invoices are issued via email to the team's current billing contact.
➧ Invoices are due 30 days from the invoice date (Net 30).
➧ Payment can be made online via credit card or ACH bank transfer, or a check can be mailed to the address listed on the invoice.
- See our ➞ Billing Support & Policies Overview for more detailed payment information.
Base Annual Subscription
All teams are charged a $150/year annual base subscription fee, regardless of team size or tier (teams on our flat-rate school plans please refer here for current pricing).
- Trial teams will be invoiced at the end of their free two week trial period.
- A Renewal Invoice will be sent annually thereafter on the 1st day of the anniversary month of the team’s initial signup
Per-Athlete Fees
The per-athlete invoice is based on the total number of athletes on your roster during the billing period for your team type. This includes all competitive athletes that were on the team during that time, as well as any non-competitive athletes (clinics, lessons, pre-team, etc) where the athlete fee was not automatically collected during registration.
➧ Billing periods are as follows:
- School Teams – February 15th to February 14th
- Year-round Teams – May 1st to April 30th
- Summer/Rec Teams – July 1st to June 30th
➧ The timing of the athlete invoice is based on your team type:
- School Teams – will receive their athlete invoices in mid-February
- Year-round Teams – will receive their athlete invoices in late April/early May
- Summer/Rec Teams – will receive their athlete invoices in late June/early July
Athlete fees are $1.50 per athlete for teams on our Lite tier, or $3.00 per athlete for teams on our Premium tier.
» Note: See our ➞ SwimTopia Per-Athlete Fee Collection - FAQs article for more information on how the per athlete fees are collected during registration.
Reminders & Best Practices for Accurate Athlete Counts
To ensure an accurate athlete count on the snapshot for your per-athlete invoice, please keep the following in mind:
➧ Reminders:
- The billing snapshot for athlete invoicing is done each year on the last day of the billing period for your team type, so any adjustments to your active roster should be completed prior to that date.
- The snapshot will include all athletes added to any season(s) that falls within the billing period.
- Each athlete is only counted once per billing period, even if they are registered to multiple programs within that timeframe. ➞ See our Per Athlete Fee - FAQs article for more details.
➧ Best Practices:
- Any refunded athletes who are no longer a part of the team should either a) have their registration rejected or b) be manually removed from affiliation with the current season. This ensures they are removed from your active team roster and won’t be pulled into your athlete count. ➞ See our Removing Athletes or Rejecting Registrations article for more details on each option.
- Duplicate athletes should be resolved before the snapshot date to ensure accuracy. ➞ See our Removing Duplicate Swimmers article for more information.
- Coaches who are not also competing as athletes should be listed as parents, not athletes, on your roster; otherwise, they will be pulled into your overall athlete count. ➞ See our Adding a Coach article for more information.
- Waitlist athletes listed under Pending or Approved WILL pull into your total count, so it’s important to close out any waitlists prior to the snapshot date to ensure accuracy. ➞ See our Registration Waitlist Management article for more information.
Team Billing FAQs
How do I submit payment?
- Payment can be made online via credit card or ACH bank transfer by clicking the green “Pay Invoice” button in the billing email, or a check can be mailed to the address listed on the invoice. We cannot accept payment over the phone.
When will I receive an invoice for my trial site?
- Please refer to our Trial Invoicing Process for more information.
How do I update my billing contact?
- The billing contact information can be updated on your team website under Manage Team > Settings > Billing Contact.
What if my team has multiple programs or seasons throughout the year - is the per-athlete fee charged each time they register for a new program?
- Per-athlete fees are charged once per athlete per billing period, so athletes competing in multiple programs or seasons within the same billing period will only be charged the per-athlete fee once during that time. ➞ See the Per-Athlete Fees section above to see when the billing period resets for your team type.
What if my team runs a pre-team, noncompetitive program and/or offers swim lessons - do those athletes count in the per-athlete fee total even though they aren’t competing in meets?
- Yes, all athletes listed, managed, and/or tracked on your SwimTopia team site are included in the team's' total athlete count, regardless if they are competitive or not
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