When all teams in the league use SwimTopia Premium AND the league has chosen to move to our discounted league-wide billing plan, the league pays an annual flat rate fee of $3 per athlete and the $150 annual base fee is waived for each team within the league.
» Note: Please contact our sales team at info@swimtopia.com if your league is interested in learning more about adopting SwimTopia league-wide, or moving to our league-wide billing plan.
Covered in this Article
- League Billing Contact
- Payment Terms
- Reminders & Best Practices for Accurate Athlete Counts
- League-Wide Billing FAQs
- Legacy League-Wide Pricing Plan Information
League Billing Contact
Invoices will be sent via email to whoever is designated as the current billing contact on the league’s website (Manage League > Settings > Billing Contact). If you would like to add additional email addresses to the distribution list, please email billing@swimtopia.com, and we can add them for you.
Payment Terms
The league will receive one invoice covering all teams in advance of the upcoming season at $3 per athlete. We will no longer invoice or accept payment from individual teams once the league moves to league-wide billing. Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date (Net 30).
➧ Initial Payment
The league's first invoice is issued when the league makes the decision to adopt SwimTopia league-wide and signs up for our discounted league-wide billing plan. The number of athletes included in the initial invoice is based on the total number of active athletes league-wide from the previous year.
Transitions for Teams with Existing SwimTopia Accounts:
- Base Annual Fee - we will issue a prorated refund of the annual base fee for any time remaining on their existing SwimTopia subscription. The date the initial payment is received from the league will be used to determine how much time is left on each team’s subscription. Our billing team will reach out directly to each team’s billing contact to confirm where they would like their refund sent.
- Per-Athlete Fees - any per-athlete fees already automatically collected by SwimTopia for the current billing period will be refunded in full back to the team. SwimTopia will then invoice the league in full for the billing period, and the league will then invoice each team per their own billing policy for all athletes within the billing period.
➧ Renewal Invoices
The league has the option to renew their league-wide billing plan annually based on the current per-athlete fee rate listed on SwimTopia's website. Annual renewal invoices are issued between August and January, during the month of the league’s anniversary date of transitioning to league-wide billing.
Invoices are based on the total number of athletes on all teams’ rosters, including all competitive athletes as well as any non-competitive athletes (clinics, lessons, pre-team, etc), that were on the team during the preceding billing period. The billing period runs annually from July 1st through June 30th, and our snapshot is taken on June 30th.
» Note: Any league that signs up initially between January and June will move to a January renewal date going forward.
Reminders & Best Practices for Accurate Athlete Counts
To ensure an accurate athlete count for your teams each season, please share these tips with your teams:
➧ Reminders:
- The billing snapshot is taken each year on June 30th, so any adjustments to your active roster should be completed prior to that date.
- The billing period runs from July 1st - June 30th and will include all athletes added to any season that falls within those dates. Each athlete is only counted once per billing period, even if they are registered to multiple programs within that timeframe. ➞ See our Per Athlete Fee - FAQs article for more details.
- The total athlete count includes ALL athletes on your roster, including non-competitive athletes. ➞ See our SwimTopia Team Billing: Policies, Pricing & FAQs article for more details.
➧ Best Practices:
- Any refunded athletes who are no longer a part of the team should either a) have their registration rejected or b) be manually removed from affiliation with the current season. This ensures they are removed from your active team roster and won’t be pulled into your athlete count. ➞ See our Removing Athletes or Rejecting Registrations article for more details on each option.
- Duplicate athletes should be resolved before the snapshot date to ensure accuracy. ➞ See our Merging Duplicate Athletes article for more information.
- Coaches who are not also competing as athletes should be listed as parents, not athletes, on your roster; otherwise, they will be pulled into your overall athlete count. ➞ See our Adding a Coach article for more information.
- Waitlist athletes listed under Pending or Approved WILL pull into your total count, so it’s important to close out any waitlists prior to the snapshot date to ensure accuracy. ➞ See our Registration Waitlist Management article for more information.
League-Wide Billing FAQs
How do I submit payment?
- Payment can be made online via credit card or ACH bank transfer by clicking the green “Pay Invoice” button in the billing email, or a check can be mailed to the address listed on the invoice.
Can the teams submit individual checks to SwimTopia for their athlete fees?
- No, we no longer accept payment directly from individual teams once the league has transitioned to league-wide billing.
What if a team has a fall or winter program?
- Those athletes will count toward the overall total number of athletes for the team for the billing period which runs July 1st - June 30th each year. Athletes are only charged once per billing period so would not be counted twice if they swam in the fall and the summer.
What if a team runs a pre-team, noncompetitive program and/or offers swim lessons - do those athletes count in the per-athlete fee total even though they aren’t competing in meets?
- Yes, all athletes listed, managed, and/or tracked on your SwimTopia team site are included in the teams' total athlete count, regardless if they are competitive or not
What if an athlete attends a spring clinic and summer swim - are they charged the fee twice?
- No, we charge once per athlete per billing period, so athletes can register for multiple programs within the billing period but will only be counted once.
Legacy League-Wide Pricing Plan Information
» Note: The section below is for informational purposes only for leagues grandfathered into legacy league-wide billing plans. If you have additional questions regarding a legacy league-wide pricing plan, please email billing@swimtopia.com.
➧ Legacy 90% Upfront invoicing:
The league will be invoiced prior to the start of the season at the current per-athlete rate posted on SwimTopia's website for 90% of the league’s previous year’s athlete count. A second invoice will be sent in late June/early July for any athletes that weren’t paid for in the initial invoice.
➧ Legacy Payment via online registrations:
Per-athlete fees are collected during families’ registration for the current season, and the price per athlete is increased by 10% over the current per-athlete rate posted on SwimTopia's website. SwimTopia will automatically collect the per-athlete fee directly from all credit card payments run through online registration (displayed as a separate line item: "Per-Athlete Technology Fee"). We’ll send a follow-up invoice to the league in late June/early July for any athletes whose families didn’t pay via credit card during registration and/or were added manually to the team.
» Note: If you have any additional questions or are interested in switching your league from a legacy plan to our current plan, please contact billing@swimtopia.com.
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