For any team that has previously used SwimTopia to create swim meet entries, the easiest and most effective way to evaluate Meet Maestro is to re-purpose meet entry data from an existing meet. This saves time by avoiding the need to create “fake” meet entry data for evaluation purposes, and makes for a more thorough evaluation by making it easy to compare heat sheets, results and other reports created in Meet Maestro with the equivalent reports originally created by other meet software.
You can either re-run a meet with another SwimTopia team or with another team’s past HY3 entries file:
➧ SwimTopia Meet: Re-running a meet with another SwimTopia team is a great option if you can coordinate with that other team in your Meet Maestro evaluation. For the past meet, your teams probably exchanged meet entry files and imported them into another meet management software to seed the meet, generate the heat sheets and input results. During your test drive of Meet Maestro you’ll instead “merge” entries with the other team and learn how to perform all the tasks to run your meet in Meet Maestro.
➧ HY3 Meet: If you didn’t compete against another SwimTopia team in the past, or aren’t coordinating with another team, that’s not a problem. You can evaluate Meet Maestro with the HY3 entry file of another team you swam against in the past. See instructions below - variations will be marked with HY3 Meet.
Covered in this Article:
Meet Maestro Overview Video (32 Min)
➞ direct link to our Meet Maestro Overview video.
➞ See our ▶️ Training Videos - Meet Management with Meet Maestro™ article for a more detailed webinar recording.
Setting up your meet using existing data
To run a Meet Maestro test drive, follow our guide below:
① Select an Existing Meet
The first step is to select a previously completed swim meet to use for your evaluation. You can evaluate Meet Maestro using data from an existing meet without affecting the existing results or other information.
A swim meet is a good candidate for Meet Maestro evaluation if:
- Your team used SwimTopia to create meet entries for the meet
- The meet is already configured with Entry Rules (ideally via a Meet Template)
- A meet with fewer NT (no time) entries, such as a meet later in the season
- SwimTopia meet or Hy3 meet:
- SwimTopia Meet: Ideally, the opposing team(s), also used SwimTopia to manage meet entries and are willing to coordinate with you to test Meet Maestro, or
- HY3 Meet: You have the opposing team's HY3 entries file that was used for the original meet
② Meet Setup
Once you've selected an existing meet, you'll want to review and confirm the meet setup, especially the Seeding and Scoring Rules.
In the “Meet Setup” tab, be sure to set up:
- Meet Setup > Team Preferences
- Meet Setup > Entry Rules
- Meet Setup > Seeding and Scoring Rules— review the seeding and scoring preferences before merging the meet. Unlike other meet software, these settings can be published and shared as part of the meet template, making it much easier and less error-prone to set up swim meets.
➞ See our Help Center article about Team Meet Entry Preferences, and SwimTopia – Setting up Seeding & Scoring Rules
» Note: It's also a good idea to hide the meet from the public calendar if testing when you have registered members that could be notified of upcoming swim reminders, and results on your test meet. This is set on the meet details (Edit) screen.
③ Option A: Meet Setup > Linking (SwimTopia meets only)
➧ SwimTopia Meet: To run a test drive against another SwimTopia team, you will need to “link” your selected swim meet to the corresponding meet on the competing team’s calendar.
- If your swim meet is not yet linked, you can link it to another team by sending the “Visitor Code” from your meet to the opposing team so that they can enter the code into their meet and complete the meet linking process.
- If your meet is already linked, you should not unlink the meet. Instead, leave the existing linking in place and move to the next step.
➞ See our Help Center section about Meet Linking
③ Option B: Meet Setup > Upload File from Non-SwimTopia Team (HY3 meets only)
➧ HY3 Meet: If you're not running a test drive against another SwimTopia team, you will need to upload the opposing team’s HY3 entries file.
» Note: .EV3 is our only supported format (not .HYV). That format was replaced by the .EV3 format in Meet Manager 2.0 (we only support MM 2.0+). The .EV3 format includes all the data in the .HYV file and more. Hy-Teks "events" export generates a zip file containing both the EV3 and HYV files. The HYV file is only included for backward compatibility. For more information ➞ See Hy-Tek's file format documentation:
Go to Merge/Export within your meet
- Click on Lock out all entry changes
- Click on the “Upload File" button
- Click on Choose File and select the opposing team’s past entries file in the .HY3 format
- Click Upload
- Confirm the upload by clicking Save
➞ See our Help Center section about Uploading Entries from a Non-SwimTopia Team
④ Merge the Meet
Now you’re ready to merge the meet
Go to Merge/Export on your meet (if not there already)
- Click on Lock out all entry changes
- Click on Ready for Merge next to your team's name, then click Save
- SwimTopia Meet: All SwimTopia teams participating in the meet will need to indicate "Ready to Merge" before the Merge Meet Entries option is enabled. Coordinate with the other team to ensure they check “Ready to Merge.”
- Click on Build Maestro Meet
- Click on the Meet Maestro button that displays at the top (this is how you can re-access your meet any time)
This will launch Meet Maestro, with all entries merged and seeded. You will likely need to sign in to Meet Maestro, using your SwimTopia admin login the first time.
➞ See our Help Center article about Ready to Merge
⑤ Set up the Meet in Meet Maestro
Go to the Gear Icon in the upper right corner
- Go to Timing Setup if you plan to use a timing system
- Go to Athletes to scratch an athlete or change their entries
- Go to Reports and run your pre-meet reports (in the left column), such as Heat Sheet, Psych Sheet, Session Report, Timer Sheets, and more. You can save any report as a PDF: click on “Print,” then change the destination to “Save as PDF.”
➞ See our Help Center section about Setting up Your Meet in Meet Maestro
⑥ Run the Meet
Now it’s time to run your test meet!
Try the following actions:
- Move from heat to heat using the arrows next to the heat indicator or by hitting “Command” (Mac) or “Control” (PC) and the left/right arrow keys.
- Toggle to the lane display mode and move from lane to lane using the arrows next to the lane indicator or by hitting “Command” (Mac) or “Control” (PC) and the left/right arrow keys.
- Go to a new event – click on the event in the Event Status Bar, or you can can use the up/down arrows to the left of the event number, or you can hit “Command” (Mac) or “Control” (PC) plus the up/down arrow keys.
- Add an athlete to an event
- Scratch an athlete from an event
- Edit the members of a relay
- Enter times for several heats and events
- Enter DQ, D ,or Q for DQ, or click on the DQ button trigger the DQ entry window, select a DQ reason
- Enter N or NS for “No Show,” F or DNF for “Did Not Finish,” and S or SCR for “Scratch”
➞ See our Help Center section about Running Your Meet in Meet Maestro
⑦ Results and Scoring
Once you’ve entered some times, you can see updates of places, points, and team scores.
- See immediate updates for place/points on data entry screen
- Watch team scores update automatically in the upper right corner of your screen, under “Standings”
- You can run Results reports by heat – click on the Gear Icon > Reports
➞ See our Help Center article about Scoring and Placing
⑧ After the Meet
Once the meet is over, you’re ready to complete the meet.
- You can see all post-meet reports under the Gear Icon > Reports, on the right side. These include Results, Team Scores, Labels for ribbons, and more. You can save any report as a PDF: click on “Print,” then change the destination to “Save as PDF.”
» IMPORTANT: If you are evaluating Meet Maestro from a previous meet, do not export results under the “Finish & Export.” Doing so will replace any previous “real” results imported into that meet.
➞ See our Help Center section about After Your Meet
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