Covered in this Article:
- What is Meet Maestro?
- Can I see a demo or watch a video on Meet Maestro?
- Can I test drive Meet Maestro?
What is Meet Maestro?
Meet Maestro is a complete swim meet management system that is included in the cost of your SwimTopia subscription.
➧ Streamlined setup
➧ Intuitive interface
➧ Packed with pre and post-meet reports and labels
➧ Web version works on Mac or Windows (Our Windows app used for timing systems can be run on a Mac if you have Windows software.)
➧ Included in the price of SwimTopia
➧ Timing System Compatible: CTS Dolphin, CTS System 5/6 and Gen 7*, Time Drops, Wylas, Daktronics Omnisport 2000 console*, and Swiss Timing*
» *Note: We are currently in private beta for the Gen 7, Daktronics, and Swiss Timing systems. Fill out this Beta Testing Application Form if you are interested in participating or receiving updates as we get closer to a public release, or if you would like to request support for additional timing systems.
Meet Maestro has already been used to successfully run over 10,000 swim meets. If you have yet to experience the benefits of using Meet Maestro to manage your meets, ➞ review our Meet Maestro features by visiting our Meet Maestro summary page. SwimTopia is in business for the sole purpose of helping your team manage your meets more efficiently so your parents and volunteers can enjoy the excitement of your swim season!
Can I see a demo or watch a video on Meet Maestro?
Absolutely! ➞ See our ▶️ Training Videos - Meet Management with Meet Maestro™ article for both options.
You can watch a pre-recorded demo when convenient for you, or sign up for a live demo, where you can sit back and watch as we take you through the process of running a meet with Meet Maestro from start to finish. Feel free to ask questions during the process or later if something comes to mind.
Can I test drive Meet Maestro?
You bet! Take Meet Maestro for a test drive and see just how easy it is to prepare for and run a swim meet. There are a few different ways to evaluate Meet Maestro, depending on how your team has run swim meets in the past, and how thorough you wish to be in your evaluation.
Any of the options described below provides a simple path to take Meet Maestro out for a spin.
- A Quick Look with Test Data (Intrasquad / Mock Meet View)
If you have never used SwimTopia to create meet entries or just want a quick and easy way to take a look around Meet Maestro, this is your best bet. -
Easy Evaluation with Existing Meet Entries
If you’ve previously used SwimTopia to create entries for a swim meet, we'll walk you through how to use your existing data to “re-run” a historical meet (or part of the meet) using Meet Maestro. With this approach, you can generate heat sheets and results in Meet Maestro and compare them with the same reports generated by the meet software originally used to run the meet. This is the best way to run a thorough evaluation in the off-season.
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