We provide access to all standard post-meet reports. Some athlete performance reports (i.e., Top Times, High Points, Most Improved...) reside in your SwimTopia team management site (if using), while others can be found in your Meet Maestro meet as seen below.
» Note: If you do not see a filter or report needed, feel free to submit a request with the specific information you are looking for and we will consider your request for a future release.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Report Access and Design Options
➧ Available Reports
➧ Tips: Labels, Printing, Margins, and Website Display
- Label Tips
- Printing Tips
- Margin Configuration Issues
- Save and Display .PDF Reports on your SwimTopia Site
Report Access and Design Options
Accessing Reports
As with the pre-meet reports (discussed in our Meet Maestro Settings - Pre-Meet Reports article), all post-meet reports are found under the Meet Maestro Settings (gear icon).
Report Design Options
Each report will provide filter and display options and can be downloaded and/or printed.
The filter and display menu is generated on the right margin when activated by clicking on OPTIONS in the header. This allows the report data to be more fully displayed in the browser window and frees up space to display the team name, date, and report title in the header.
In addition to filter choices, there are display, benchmark (records, time stds), and layout options for paper size and margins (more details on this below).
➧ Design Options Overview
» Note: Clicking OPTIONS will expand and collapse the view. This state will be "sticky" between reports - The system assumes you may be interested in that setting for other reports.
➧ Design Options Detail
➞ FILTERSFilter options allow you to choose a specific session or all together, show certain events and type of event, select a certain age range (hidden for school teams - school year displays in report), competition category, specific team if desired, and team pairing (if Double Dual Scoring is enabled). » Note: The school years in the meet are based on the host team setup in SwimTopia. If the visiting team uses a format that cannot be mapped correctly, the host can choose to edit those in Meet Maestro. |
Example from Heat Sheet Report (No Double Dual Scoring):
➞ DISPLAY OPTIONSDisplay options available within different reports include:
Example from Results Report:
➞ BENCHMARKSThis section provides options for displaying Pool and Team Records along with Time Standard Sets (if these benchmarks have been created at the league or team level within a SwimTopia team management site). These can be configured to display in Heat Sheets, Psych Sheets and Records Pre-Meet Reports, and Results Post-Meet Reports. ➞ See our Creating a Record Book and Time Standards & Qualifying Times Overview article for more on these topics. |
➞ LAYOUT (Results & Team Scores Reports)Paper Size: Users can print to different paper sizes, including A4 (the most popular non-US paper size). We can add other paper sizes upon request. Submit your specific request to our Help Center. Paper Margins: Users also have control over the page margins to allow modifications based on their specific printer options. The default is set at 0.4" which works for most printers, but optimal printing for a specific printer could dictate the need to make modifications to these settings. Paper Orientation: Our layouts don’t automatically reflow to landscape orientation, they are designed for portrait and 8.5x11 paper (unless another paper size is selected) » Note: Paper size and page margins are stored in the browser/desktop app so users only need to set this up once. Best printing results occur with Chrome. (versions 89+ - March 2021 - Only fully supported browser)
Margin Adjustments: » Tip: We suggest leaving the default margin settings unless necessary, to avoid configuration issues that could cause paper waste. If your printer requires some adjustments, test print a few pages to ensure you have them set appropriately. |
Example: For a perfect printout, an Epson XP-7100 requires 0.2” margin per side. To make this work, you would adjust the Meet Maestro setting from the default 0.4" to 0.2" for each margin (or mm equivalent for non-US). In the ‘More settings’ in Chrome’s print menu set ‘Margins’ to ‘Custom’. Then mouse over the preview to set the top margin to 0.2” and the left, right, and bottom margins to 0” (Meet Maestro will add the left, right, bottom margins.) ➞ See the section below on Possible Margin Configuration Issues if you run into any issues when printing. |
Available Reports
As mentioned in the Meet Maestro Settings – Finish & Export article, results will automatically be uploaded to:
- Each team’s Results tab of the corresponding meet on their SwimTopia site.
- The Athlete Performance reports from the Reports tab on SwimTopia.
- The athlete's time history on the family "My Account" page in SwimTopia.
- The SwimTopia mobile app.
https://maestro.swimtopia.com/a/reports/meet/779/results and staging - https://maestro.swimtopia.us/a/reports/meet/779/results
➧ Filter Options
- Event Range
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay, Diving - if events exist)
- Age Range (hidden for school teams - school year displays on report)
- Competition Category (All, Girls, Boys)
- Team
- Team Pairing (when Double Dual Scoring is enabled and at least one team pair exits)
➧ Display Options
- Columns 1,2,3 (Full team name will display for 1,2 vs. abbreviation for 3)
- Include Data (DQ Reasons, Athlete Number, Reaction Times, Entry Times, Splits, Heat Places)
- Display Sponsors For (displays if a team has set up a sponsor banner on their SwimTopia site)
- Footer Timestamp (Date and Time, Date, None)
- Team Scores Appended (Men's, Women's, Combined) [COMING SOON]
➧ Benchmarks: Records and Time Standards
Available Records and Time Standards Sets display if they have been created at the league or team level within a SwimTopia team management site. ➞ See our Creating a Record Book and Time Standards & Qualifying Times Overview articles for more details on this topic.
➧ Layout Options
- Paper Size (US Letter, US Legal, A4)
- Print Margins (defaulted to 0.4)
➞ See the section at the end of this article to learn how to display reports on your calendar for your members to see.
➧ Filter Options
- Event Range
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay, Diving - if events exist)
- Age Range (hidden for school teams - school year displays on report)
- Competition Category (All, Girls, Boys)
- Team
- Team Pairing (when Double Dual Scoring is enabled and at least one team pair exits)
➧ Awarded Places
- Place Type (Overall, Heat Place)
- Individual Places
- Relay Places
➧ Display Options
- Sort By (Athlete, Event, Place)
- Award Type (Overall Place, Heat Place)
» Note: If Heat Place is selected in the AWARD TYPE filter, a SORT BY filter menu displays with choices to filter by Athlete or Event.
Some teams require an extra verification step to certify results. This report can be printed to give to someone to verify the data entry was correct. Comparing the timer sheet against what was entered for the heat.
➧ Filter Options
- Event Range
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay)
- Lane Range
➧ Display Options
- Events Per Page (Continuous, 1-5)
- Single Space
- Footer Timestamp (Date and Time, Date, None)
➧ Layout Options
- Paper Size (US Letter, US Legal, A4)
- Print Margins (defaulted to 0.4)
➧ Filter Options
- Event Range
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay, Diving - if events exist)
- Age Range (hidden for school teams - school year displays on report)
- Competition Category (All, Girls, Boys)
- Team
➧ Display Options
- Sort By (Athlete, Event)
- Include NT times in improvements
The filter and display options within this report provide flexibility for how teams manage the distribution of ribbons.
➧ Filter Options
- Event Range
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay, Diving - if events exist)
- Age Range (hidden for school teams - school year displays on report)
- Competition Category (All, Girls, Boys)
- Team
➧ Excluded Places*
- Overall Place or Heat Place (determines whether the Overall Place or Heat Place for each result is used to filter out participants for labels)
- Individual Place and Relay Place Ranges
*If you want to print labels for non-scoring lanes, you can filter out the places (i.e. from 1 to 4), so anyone who places won't be included in the labels, and all of the exhibition and non-scoring athletes will be included.
➧ Display Options
- Label Type: Event Participation or Meet Participation*
- Sort by: Athlete or Event
- Include DQs
- Exclude Time Improvements (any athlete with a time improvement matching the criteria selected should be excluded)
*Event Participation vs Meet Participation
- Event Participation is the default and displays labels per event. The results are limited to participants, which would be defined as having a “splash” in the meet (i.e., a valid time or DQ, but NOT a NS or a Scratch). Teams that wish to create “Splash Ribbons” would select Event Participation and Heat Place, and exclude places 1 to X.
- Meet Participation is useful when teams only want to award these ribbons if an athlete did not otherwise receive a ribbon in the meet, or to limit the age range when teenagers don't care about participation ribbons. When this option is selected, the filtering by place and time improvement is done per athlete and meet-wide (sorting by event will not be an option when Meet Participation label type is selected). For example, if we are excluding places 1-6, then any athlete with a place between 1 and 6 in any event should be excluded from the results.
These print out in label format. Results are not included until after the event is complete.
➧ Filter Options
- Event Range
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay, Diving - if events exist)
- Age Range (hidden for school teams - school year displays on report)
- Competition Category (All, Girls, Boys)
- Team
➧ Display Options
- Sort By (Athlete, Event, Place)
➧ Benchmarks
- Include Record Books (select books)
These print out in label format. Results are not included until after the event is complete.
➧ Filter Options
- Event Range
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay)
- Age Range (hidden for school teams - school year displays on report)
- Competition Category (All, Girls, Boys)
- Team
➧ Display Option
- Sort by: Athlete or Event
➧ Benchmarks
- Only show first-time achievements
- Include Time Standards (if available)
Double Dual Scoring (Team Pairing) Example:
➧ Filters
- Team Pairing (when Double Dual Scoring is enabled and at least one team pair exits)
➧ Display Options
- Men's Scores, Women's Scores, Combined Scores
- Footer Timestamp (Date/Time, Date, None)
➧ Layout Options
- Paper Size (US Letter, US Legal, A4)
- Print Margins (defaulted to 0.4)
➧ Filter Options
- Session (if more than one exists)
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay, Diving - if events exist)
- Age Range (hidden for school teams - school year displays on report
- Competition Category (All, Girls, Boys)
- Team
- Place Count
➧ Display Options
- Age Groups (Events, Open)
- Footer Timestamp (Date/Time, Date, None)
- Display Sponsors For (displays if a team has set up a sponsor banner on their SwimTopia site)
➧ Layout Options
- Paper Size (US Letter, US Legal, A4)
- Print Margins (defaulted to 0.4)
➧ Filter Option
- Session (if more than one exists)
- Team
➧ Display Options
- Include NT entries in improvements
- Footer Timestamp (Date/Time, Date, None)
➧ Layout Options
- Paper Size (US Letter, US Legal, A4)
- Print Margins (defaulted to 0.4)
» Note: "Splashes" is defined as having a valid time or DQ (not a NS or a Scratch).
➧ Sorted by Athlete
➧ Sorted by Event
➧ Filter Option
- Session (if more than one exists)
- Event Range
- Event Type (All, Individual, Relay, Diving - if events exist)
- Age Range (hidden for school teams - school year displays on report)
- Competition Category (All, Girls, Boys)
- Team
➧ Display Options
- Sort By: Event or Athlete (all athletes will display from relays regardless of who caused a DQ)
- Display Sponsors For (displays if a team has set up a sponsor banner on their SwimTopia site)
- Footer Timestamp (Date/Time, Date, None)
➧ Layout Options
- Paper Size (US Letter, US Legal, A4)
- Print Margins (defaulted to 0.4)
In addition to all of the post-meet reports available in your Meet Maestro meet, there are many athlete performance reports accessible from the Reports tab in your SwimTopia site.
Tips: Labels, Printing, Margins, and Website Display
Label Tips
Label reports are available in the Desktop app for teams using timing systems. The first page of labels is generated as a preview and a full PDF can be opened for printing.
Labels: Avery 8160 for inkjet, or Avery 5160 for laser printers (can be another brand)
Label Size: 1" X 2 5/8"
Sheet Size: 8 1/2" X 11"
Labels per Sheet: 30
Meet Maestro provides multi-computer support -- you can have a "labels/printer only" computer that automatically stays in sync with the main time input computer.
Printing Tips
Your specific device, printer hardware, and driver can contribute to how reports print. We cannot control these variables but have recommendations to help you achieve the desired results.
➧ Maestro Version
- Web Version: Chrome is the only fully supported browser for Meet Maestro (version 117+ Sept. 2023). All major browsers are supported on the SwimTopia team management system, but some reports there may also print best using Chrome.
Desktop Version: Make sure you are always up-to-date. You'll see an "Update Version" button in the top bar to prompt installation. Installation is quick and the application will relaunch when finished.
➧ Additional Tips
- Zoom level: Should be 100%. Do NOT check “Fit to Page.”
- Larger reports: It can be helpful to print smaller ranges. (i.e., Timer Sheets)
- Report loading: Be sure your report has finished loading before printing or saving it as a PDF. Depending on computer and connection speeds, the first pages may be loaded, but the rest of the report may not finish for a few more seconds.
- Paper Orientation: Our layouts are designed for portrait and 8.5x11 paper (unless another paper size is selected). However, for larger reports, you can try printing in landscape mode to give it more horizontal space. Most printers provide a way to scale the printed output, so if landscape mode doesn't give you enough room there should be a way to scale it down to 95% or 90%.
- Printer drivers: Be sure you have updated drivers for your printer. (If you have an HP printer, here is a link to HP's drivers to search for the correct driver and download. https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/hp-deskjet-5500-printer-series/model/71897)
- Report loading: Be sure your report has finished loading before printing or saving it as a PDF. Depending on computer and connection speeds, the first pages may be loaded, but the rest of the report may not finish for a few more seconds.
- Printing to PDF: If you are still experiencing issues, try the option to print to a PDF (or Save as PDF) to see if the issues persist. You can print from there if not. ➞ See Saving Reports in PDF Format below.
Margin Configuration Issues
If you modified the margins and are seeing issues, it's likely attributed to this adjustment ➞ See the LAYOUT section above.
If you see any of the following issues when printing, you'll need to re-adjust your margins to resolve the issue:
Issue: Some of the content is clipped when viewing the browser print preview OR only on a printed page. | Issue: The bottom of pages are overflowing to the next. Usually detectable in the browser print preview. | Issue: There is a bunch of whitespace below the footer in the browser print preview or on a printed page BUT not seen in Meet Maestro's display. |
Solution Options:
Solution: Adjust Meet Maestro top & bottom margins to match the browser print menu settings (Default typically means 0.4” per side or mm equivalent for non-US) |
Solution: This indicates that the left/right margins in Meet Maestro are smaller than the browser settings. This causes the browser to shrink the content to fit the width. Fix this by setting the Meet Maestro left/right margins to be greater than or equal to the browser left/right margins (default is 0.4” or mm equivalent for non-US). |
If you are experiencing printing issues and have reviewed the tips above, feel free to submit a support ticket. It will save time if you can provide details about your web browser configuration in the ticket -- visit this page and include the code/URL provided - https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/
Save and Display .PDF Reports on your SwimTopia Site
Teams typically share reports like Heat Sheets, Psych Sheets, and Results on their SwimTopia sites so team parents can easily find and download them.
A meet result report in .PDF format can be attached to the meet or uploaded to the site for parents/athletes to access.
- This file will appear alongside the corresponding meet in your website's meet schedule.
- PDFs are not imported and do on affect the results.
- These results are formatted for view/download only.
- In Meet Maestro, save the Results report in PDF format (see instructions below)
- Go to Schedule > Select Meet Name > Files, click the New Attachment button and select the .PDF report above from your local drive for your selected meet.
➧ Saving Reports in .PDF Format
For both SwimTopia and Meet Maestro reports you can save reports in PDF format through your computer’s print function:
- Click “Print”
- For “Destination,” click “Change”
- Select “Save as PDF”
» Note: As mentioned above, if you are having printing issues, you can download the PDF and then open it in a PDF viewer and print from there. (If your printer is configured to print to PDF, you will see this as a destination option)
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