Once you’ve finished entering all data for the meet, you’ll go to the Finish & Export tab, found under the Meet Maestro Settings (gear icon).
» Tip: Before exporting results, check that all events are complete and scored (i.e. there are no “yellow” bars on your Event Status Bar). Once your Event Status Bar is all “green” you can Export Results to each team. This is especially important in a virtual meet if the meets are not run at the same time. If one team transfers results before another team has run their meet, this can affect the heat/lane display in that team's mobile app.
Covered in this Article:
- Locking a Finished Meet
- Results Transfers
- File Download Options
- Re-Accessing the Meet in Meet Maestro
- Rebuilding the Meet in Meet Maestro
Locking a Finished Meet
A meet can be locked and unlocked from the Finish & Export page. Once locked, all further changes to the meet in Meet Maestro are prohibited.
➧ Unlocked Meet
➧ Locked Meet
Results Transfers
Once a meet is locked, the team designated as the home team transfers the results of the Meet Maestro meet back into the SwimTopia accounts. This allows teams to browse (and adjust if allowed) the results in SwimTopia.
Results, including scores, will automatically upload to:
- Each team’s Results tab of the corresponding meet on their SwimTopia site.
- The Athlete Performance reports (Reports tab within SwimTopia).
- The per-family “My Account” swimmer time history pages within SwimTopia.
- The SwimTopia mobile app.
➧ Transfer in Progress
The transfer takes approximately 1 minute to run.
➧ Transfer Complete
➧ Results in SwimTopia
» Note: If you click Transfer Results a second time all results in each team’s SwimTopia sites will be updated with any edits made in Meet Maestro in the interim. If result edits were made in a team’s SwimTopia site under Results > Edit, those edits will be replaced by the exported results.
Results Transfer Errors
If you receive an error when attempting to transfer results, the message will tell you to let us know by submitting a support ticket, including the URL from the Finish & Export screen in Meet Maestro, and we will get this resolved for you ASAP.
➧ Workaround: If it is after hours and we do not see your request fast enough, keep in mind, that you can use the DOWNLOADS option to download the results file and then import it into your meet from the Results > Import tab.
File Download Options
SwimTopia's mission is to provide swim software you'll love. We know a big part of that mission involves enabling our customers to export files in the format needed to meet various meet requirements.
Therefore, you'll find in the Finish & Export menu, that you can download Results, Advancers, Merge Entries, and Merge Results files.
➧ Results Download
If the competitor is a non-SwimTopia team, and meet entries were uploaded for the merge, you will see that the results are "NOT TRANSFERABLE," so you need to download a results file to send out. This is also the case if your team uploads your own meet entries for some reason.
You can download the results for the other team in the .hy3 (Hy-Tek) or .sd3 (SDIF - TeamUnify, Swimmingly) file format, so they can upload all results into their team management platform.
When generating the file, you have the option to include all teams in one file or generate different files for each team.
» Note: the _XYZ_
in the filename designates the file is for a single team
➧ Advancers File Download
The Advancers file format is used when one swim meet serves as the qualification round for a subsequent swim meet — where the top 8 swimmers advance to the next meet, for example. The result times from the current meet are used as the entry times for the next meet, even if the result time is not the fastest time for that swimmer.
Usually, the top N finishers from each event move on to the next meet. However multiple qualifying meets can feed into the later meet, so the rules can get complex. The format basically takes each qualifying result from the first meet and makes it into an entry for the second meet, including some additional info, such as the finishing place in the qualifying meet.
» Tip: This file will come in handy for leagues where all teams use SwimTopia and the final meet/s of the season are run with Meet Manager in pools with touch pads.
➧ Merge Entries
The Merge Entries HY3 format contains entries (including heat/lane) from all teams for import into Hy-Tek Meet Manager. You'll need to have created the meet in Meet Manager in advance of importing the Merge Entries file.
This file can also be imported into a SwimTopia meet on the Merge/Export screen. ➞ See SwimTopia Meet Entries – Ready to Merge.
➧ Merge Results
The Merge Results HY3 format includes all scoring data. It is used to combine multiple meets into one in Hy-Tek Meet Manager (especially virtual meets).
Do you need a meet backup file? We are aware that some meets (i.e., High School State meets) require a full meet backup file. The solution we can provide is to download the Merge Results file from a Meet Maestro meet to import into Hy-Tek Meet Manager to extract a full meet database.
Re-Accessing the Meet in Meet Maestro
If you close the meet in Meet Maestro you can return to the same meet from any screen within your meet on your SwimTopia team site. Go to Schedule > Select Meet Name and click the Meet Maestro button.
Do not Rebuild in Meet Maestro to reaccess your meet➞ See below for more on this topic.
Rebuilding the Meet in Meet Maestro
This button should only be used when teams have agreed to allow changes prior to running the meet, and then mark themselves ready again.
As you can see in the warning below, a new empty meet will be created, so this is not to be used when just wanting to reaccess your meet in Meet Maestro.
Do you want to display the full meet results on your SwimTopia site for your team? Go to our next topic below for details...
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