Meet Maestro is self-contained and designed for fast, efficient operation on the day of the meet, whether your team is hand-entering times, or loading times automatically from a wireless timing system.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Technical Details
- System Requirements (Web App, Desktop App, RAM)
- Internet Requirements (Connection & Browser Compatibility)
- Concurrent Data Entry
- Offline Support / Pending Updates Backup
➧ Login and Access
➧ Settings and Support
- Settings - The Gear Icon
- Customer Support and Remote Troubleshooting Options
- Checking your Meet Maestro Version
- Printing and Label Tips
Technical Details
System Requirements
- Web Application Requirements (Non-Timing System Users): Meet Maestro is web-based for teams not using a timing system and requires at least Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system. Vista is not supported.
- Desktop Application Requirements (Timing System Users): Meet Maestro installer requires the 64 bit version of Windows 7 or newer.
- RAM Recommendation: We suggest at least 4 GB RAM to ensure long reports etc display efficiently. Chromebooks are not a good fit since they usually only have 2 GB RAM, and cannot be used with Dolphin (and possibly other timing systems). If you need to use a Chromebook make sure to increase the RAM.
Internet Requirements
When you click on the Meet Maestro button in SwimTopia (after merging), you’ll be taken to Meet Maestro in a new window.
- An internet connection is required to open a Meet Maestro meet and download the meet data to the local computer (browser or Desktop version of Meet Maestro). The amount of data transferred is small, thus many teams have great success using a mobile hotspot tethered to the laptop running Meet Maestro when there are connection issues.
- Browser Compatibility: Meet Maestro is only fully supported using the Google Chrome browser (version 117+ Sept. 2023). If you experience printing issues, Chrome is usually the solution. Meet Maestro is NOT compatible with Internet Explorer. See the info box below for other browser support specifics. (All major browsers are supported in the SwimTopia team management system)
➧ Troubleshooting
➞ General internet connectivity
If your internet connection seems generally slow, or Maestro appears to be disconnecting intermittently, Google provides a simple tool to test your computer's network connection to the internet: search for "internet speed test" and then click the Run Speed Test button. A slow or unreliable connection between your computer and the internet can cause Maestro to load and save data slowly, or to disconnect unexpectedly.
➞ WiFi connectivity
If the computer running Maestro is connected to the network via WiFi, there are several potential issues that can cause Maestro to run more slowly or to disconnect. General WiFi troubleshooting is beyond the scope of this section, although this external article provides an excellent guide to diagnosing network and WiFi issues. Here are a few of the most common things to look for:
- If no devices can connect to the WiFi network, double-check that your router has power and is connected to the internet. Simply restarting the WiFi router can often resolve this issue.
- If some devices can connect to WiFi but the Maestro computer cannot, try disabling and then reenabling WiFi directly on the machine via network settings.
- For more advanced troubleshooting options, please see the article mentioned above.
➧ Best Practices
➞ Use a Dedicated WiFi Network
If you are using Maestro via WiFi, it is highly recommended that you configure a dedicated WiFi network reserved for Maestro and other devices used only for running the meet. If you allow WiFi to be accessed publicly by attendees or other guests, having them use a separate network will preserve bandwidth for Maestro and keep network performance more consistent. To create a new network, look for "SSID" settings in your router or WiFi software.
➞ Use a Dedicated Mobile Hotspot
If you don't have a WiFi network, then you'll likely connect via a mobile network like 4G LTE or 5G. You can do so via a cell phone that supports tethering or hotspot sharing, but a dedicated mobile broadband device can provide a more robust solution that you can integrate consistently into your Maestro setup if you run a lot of meets.
Related product category on Amazon:
➞ Use a Mobile Network Signal Booster
If you are in an area with poor cell network coverage, a viable option may be to use a cell phone signal booster to improve the signal for cell phones or mobile hotspots. In general, a team is going to want to get a device with 4G LTE support (as that has the biggest benefit for data speeds).
Related product category on Amazon:
Wilson Electronics, the leading hardware vendor in this space:
Concurrent Data Entry
Maestro supports real-time data synchronization between the client app (web or desktop) and our servers. Multiple team admins, from any of the participating teams, can open the meet on multiple computers for concurrent data entry.
» Note: Keep in mind, if multiple users are editing the same field, the last one to save wins. It is recommended to communicate clearly who is responsible for what data entry to avoid overwriting each other.
Example use cases:
- Separate time entry and DQ entry computers
- Simultaneous virtual meets (no longer need to visit events again to see the UI or score update).
- Could have one browser tab open for printing reports and one for entering times (though switching between interfaces is now also instantaneous).
➞ See for yourself in this short video demonstration.
Offline Support / Pending Updates Backup
Meet Maestro is resilient to internet failure. Once the meet data is downloaded using Internet access, you can input times (or import times from a timing system) and enter DQs while completely offline.
➧ While offline:
- Data entry is saved but is not shared between computers
- The settings area of the app is accessible
- All reports can be run
- It is possible to switch between sessions
➧ Important offline caveats:
- Live results do not publish to the SwimTopia mobile app
- Scoring, Place, and Points are not calculated while offline
- Cannot add or remove athletes/relays to events
- Cannot change meet or session settings
- Cannot make lane changes
➧ Pending Updates Backup
When in offline mode, a count of "Pending updates" will be shown to indicate the number of changes that have not yet been saved to the server. These changes are saved to your local computer but have not yet been saved to "the cloud."
When your computer reconnects to the internet, all pending changes should be saved automatically. If saving pending updates fails, you should download a backup of the pending updates using the link provided within the Help section of the meet under the "?" in the upper right, and contact our Customer Happiness Team for assistance.
Login and Access
Login Permissions
For access to Meet Maestro, members can be assigned to a Role with Read or Manage Swim Meet Administrative Permissions (as seen in the screenshot below).
» Note: Read-only swim meet access will limit the user to read-only mode.
As an alternative, you can grant the Role to have "All Administrative Permissions" OR click the "Make Admin" button within the user’s profile but only do this if the person can have full admin privileges.
With either of these, they will be able to log in with their SwimTopia username and password. ➞ See Role-Based Permissions article for more on this topic.
» Tip: If there are issues with someone logging in, an admin should check that their role has the appropriate permissions.
Meet Access and Re-Access
➧ Desktop Version
The Meet Maestro Desktop application is necessary when running Meet Maestro with an external timing system. You will access and re-access your meet through the desktop application.
Download the latest version of Meet Maestro Desktop:
➧ Web Version
There are three ways to access your meet. The main access points are from within your Schedule or your merged meet on your SwimTopia team management site. The other more direct approach is by direct access via Meet Maestro's URL.
➞ See Meet Maestro - Meet Access for more details on all access points.
Settings and Support
Settings - The Gear Icon
When you click the gear icon on the far right corner of the screen, there are a number of tabs that help you both set up and finish running the meet. We discuss each of these sections in separate help articles under Setting Up Your Swim Meet in our Help Center.
Product Updates
We are continually making updates to Meet Maestro to meet the needs of our customer base. ➞ See our Meet Maestro Version History document for more details.
This can also be accessed from the Meet Maestro help screen as seen below:
Customer Support and Troubleshooting Options 
Click on the "?" in the top right and you can self-serve through our extensive topic-organized online Help Center, or contact us via phone as appropriate.
We also provide a link to check your browser version at the bottom of this screen. Providing this information upfront could help expedite your request for help.
➧ Remote Troubleshooting Support
We also provide a remote troubleshooting option to create a read-only replay of the steps you are taking when an issue occurs. Before reaching out to us, you can slide the bar to Enable Remote Support, and then retrace your steps to recreate the issue.
We will be collecting this data to reference when you submit a support ticket or call. Our technical team can review the steps you take to recreate a problem, and they can view transaction and error logs behind the scenes.
Here's how to find remote troubleshooting:
- Click on the "?" icon in the upper right corner of Meet Maestro
- Click on "Troubleshoot"
- Slide the toggle for "Enable Remote Support"
- Then recreate the problem and provide the "Session Id" to your ticket or provide when calling in.
Checking your Meet Maestro Version
You can see the version in the lower-left corner in the settings section of the app.
Printing and Label Tips
➧ Printing Tips
Your specific device, printer hardware, and driver can contribute to how reports print. We cannot control these variables but have recommendations to help you achieve the desired results.
➧ Maestro Version
- Web Version: Chrome is the only fully supported browser for Meet Maestro (versions 89+ - March 2021). All major browsers are supported on the SwimTopia team management system, but some reports there may also print best using Chrome.
Desktop Version: Make sure you are always up-to-date. You'll see an "Update Version" button in the top bar to prompt installation. Installation is quick and the application will relaunch when finished.
➧ Additional Tips
- Zoom level: Should be 100%. Do NOT check “Fit to Page.”
- Larger reports: It can be helpful to print smaller ranges. (i.e., Timer Sheets)
- Report loading: Be sure your report has finished loading before printing or saving it as a PDF. Depending on computer and connection speeds, the first pages may be loaded, but the rest of the report may not finish for a few more seconds.
- Paper Orientation: Our layouts are designed for portrait and 8.5x11 paper (unless another paper size is selected). However, for larger reports, you can try printing in landscape mode to give it more horizontal space. Most printers provide a way to scale the printed output, so if landscape mode doesn't give you enough room there should be a way to scale it down to 95% or 90%.
- Printer drivers: Be sure you have updated drivers for your printer. (If you have an HP printer, here is a link to HP's drivers to search for the correct driver and download.
- Report loading: Be sure your report has finished loading before printing or saving it as a PDF. Depending on computer and connection speeds, the first pages may be loaded, but the rest of the report may not finish for a few more seconds.
- Printing to PDF: If you are still experiencing issues, try the option to print to a PDF (or Save as PDF) to see if the issues persist. You can print from there if not. ➞ See Saving Reports in PDF Format below.
➧ Margin Configuration Issues
If you modified the margins and are seeing issues, it's likely attributed to this adjustment ➞ See the LAYOUT section above.
If you see any of the following issues when printing, you'll need to re-adjust your margins to resolve the issue:
Issue: Some of the content is clipped when viewing the browser print preview OR only on a printed page. | Issue: The bottom of pages are overflowing to the next. Usually detectable in the browser print preview. | Issue: There is a bunch of whitespace below the footer in the browser print preview or on a printed page BUT not seen in Meet Maestro's display. |
Solution Options:
Solution: Adjust Meet Maestro top & bottom margins to match the browser print menu settings (Default typically means 0.4” per side or mm equivalent for non-US) |
Solution: This indicates that the left/right margins in Meet Maestro are smaller than the browser settings. This causes the browser to shrink the content to fit the width. Fix this by setting the Meet Maestro left/right margins to be greater than or equal to the browser left/right margins (default is 0.4” or mm equivalent for non-US). |
➧ Label Tips
Label reports are available in the Desktop app. The first page of labels is generated as a preview and full PDF can be opened for printing.
Labels: Avery 8160 for inkjet, or Avery 5160 for laser printers (can be another brand)
Label Size: 1" X 2 5/8"
Sheet Size: 8 1/2" X 11"
Labels per Sheet: 30
Meet Maestro provides multi-computer support -- you can have a "labels/printer only" computer that automatically stays in sync with the main time input computer.
If you are experiencing printing issues and have reviewed the tips above, feel free to submit a support ticket. It will save time if you can provide details about your web browser configuration in the ticket -- visit this page and include the code/URL provided -
Any plans on supporting older Colorado systems? Lot's of System 5's running around out there.
@justin I’ve created a ticket on your behalf for this request.
We do plan to support other timing systems with a future Maestro version!
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