Covered in this Article:
➧ Troubleshooting Issues
- Times are not loading - data directory mismatch
- Times are not loading - CTS Dolphin Restart
- Times are loading in the wrong Race #
- Times are incorrect when loaded in Meet Maestro
- Event list in CTS Dolphin is not correct, or won't display etc.
*If you do not see your specific issue, ➞ see the CTS Dolphin FAQs (more product support options below).
➧ Integration Overview and Setup
➧ Product Support
Troubleshooting Issues
Issue: Times are not loading - data directory mismatch
➧ Possible Cause #1: Your Meet Maestro and CTS Dolphin data directory do not match.
➧ Resolution: Update the directory location that does not match the correct location, and load times again.
Step 1: Open the CTS Dolphin settings from the timing system bar.
Step 2: If this directory is incorrect, choose the correct one, or make the update in your CTS Dolphin Settings (see screenshots below).
Step 3: Click the Load Times button in Meet Maestro again.
Issue: Times are not loading - CTS Dolphin Restart
➧ Possible Cause: You restarted or reinstalled your CTS Dolphin software.
A new Meet # will be created each time you open your CTS Dolphin software. If you attempt to load times from events before this restart, those cannot load in the new Meet# since Meet Maestro is set to look for the original Meet #.
➧ Resolution: Change the meet in Meet Maestro back to the current meet (or the meet you were using prior to the restart), and then load the times for those events.
Step 1: Open the CTS Dolphin settings from the timing system bar. (also accessible from Maestro Settings > Timing Setup)
Step 2: Click "Change meet"
Step 3: Select the meet you were pulling times from prior to the restart.
This will override the default behavior, telling Meet Maestro to load from the previous Meet # instead of the current meet (which has no data). From that point on, you should be able to load data for your meet.
Step 4: Click the Load Times button in Meet Maestro again.
» Note: Data is loaded into Dolphin based on RACE NUMBER. So if you skip one or more races, you will need to update the race number on the heat you want to load, to also skip those same numbers. There should be 1 race per heat. However, if you have a false start, that can result in an additional race number (that you will need to skip). You edit the Race number by clicking it (which reveals a pencil icon).
Issue: Times are loading in the wrong Race #
➧ Possible Cause: You updated the Race # after doing pre-meet testing, or due to a false start, but did not click OK before clicking on the Load Times button.
➧ Resolution: Update the Race #, click OK to save this change, and click Load Times again.
You can load the data for any Race # into any event and heat by overriding the race number in Meet Maestro. Once a race number is overridden, Meet Maestro will keep incrementing from that number going forward.
Issue: Times are incorrect when loaded in Meet Maestro
➧ Possible Cause: The CTS Dolphin system may need a "reboot" to load the correct times.
➧ Resolution: Unplug the CTS Dolphin cable and plug it back in. Then click the Load Times button in Meet Maestro again.
» Note: If you did not change from the "current meet" automatically selected when setting up the integration with Meet Maestro, then when you plug the cable back in this same meet will be referenced when you load the times again. If you changed to some other meet, you will need to update to that meet again and then load times. We suggest using the "current meet" selection already made for you to avoid this extra step when this happens.
Meet Maestro:
If this does not resolve the issue, see the product support options below.
Issue: Event list in CTS Dolphin is not correct, or won't display etc.
➧ Possible Cause: You set up your CTS Dolphin software before Meet Maestro
➧ Resolution: Reselect the data directory in CTS Dolphin to re-establish the connection and load the event list.
CTS Dolphin does not 'monitor' the data directory for event changes, you have to re-select the data directory (change it to something else, then change it back) before it will pick up new events. Or you can go to Events > Load in CTS Dolphin and select the "event_settings_v01.csv" file directly.
In general, it is best to set up Meet Maestro first, then CTS Dolphin. This is because Meet Maestro only writes the events file when the data directory is selected, and CTS Dolphin only looks for the events file when the data directory is selected. Thus, if you configure CTS Dolphin first, the events definition file won't be written yet.
Integration Overview and Setup
➧ Integration Overview
Understanding the integration between Meet Maestro and the CTS Dolphin Timing System will help you during setup, and troubleshoot if any issues occur before or during your meet.
➞ See the CTS Dolphin and Meet Maestro - Integration Overview article for details.
➧ Integration Setup
If you have not set up your Meet Maestro desktop application to integrate with your CTS Dolphin Wireless Timing System, we will guide you through the process.
➞ See the CTS Dolphin and Meet Maestro - Integration Setup article for details.
Product Support
➧ Colorado Time Systems Support
If you have questions or issues specific to your CTS Dolphin system or setup, please reference their User Guide and FAQs, or contact their support line. Meet Maestro seamlessly integrates with CTS Dolphin to pull in times, but they are the experts at helping you configure your CTS Dolphin Wireless Timing System.
- CTS Dolphin FAQs
- CTS Dolphin Training and Support Resources
- CTS Dolphin V5+ User Guide & Troubleshooting
- General CTS Resources and Maintenance Tips
Contact CTS Product Support
- 1-800-287-0653 or 1-970-667-1000
- Email:
➧ SwimTopia Support
If you run into issues during your meet or while testing that seem related to the connection between the timing system and Meet Maestro (or you're not sure), contact SwimTopia Support for assistance.
- Submit a Support Ticket
- Phone Support: Business Hours (M-F 9am-6pm CST): 877-856-2940 (Option 2)
- Phone Support: After Hours (Meet Day Urgent Only): 877-856-2940 (Option 6)
Turn on Remote Troubleshooting: If we need to get our development team involved, this could provide clues to resolve the issue you are experiencing. Click on the help "?" icon; click on the "Troubleshoot" tab and Enable Remote Support. You'll see a "Session id" to provide in your support ticket or phone call.
How do you setup to use touch pads for timing?
At this time, we're not set up for touch pads. That's in our development queue and we hope to have it available for a future release.
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