If you have completed the Time Drops and Meet Maestro integration setup, you are ready to run your meet.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Running Your Meet Using Time Drops
- Time Drops Timing System Bar in Meet Maestro
- Capturing Times in Time Drops
- Loading Times in Meet Maestro
- Current Event/Heat Status Bar
- Race Number Selector
- Combining Heats in Meet Maestro
➧ Troubleshooting Issues
- Meet Maestro is unable to find the Time Drops configuration file
- Timer reports a button is not working (Or you notice times are not capturing)
- No Controller
- No Starter
➧ Product Support
Running Your Meet Using Time Drops
Time Drops Timing System Bar in Meet Maestro
When Time Drops is selected under Meet Maestro Settings (gear icon) > Timing Setup, an additional Time Drops timing system bar is displayed in the results entry interface.
This bar indicates the current Race number and maps the current heat to the corresponding Time Drops data file.
All of the settings configured during setup can be changed from the Timing Setup screen by clicking on the gear icon.
If you just need to update the meet details in Time Drops, you can click the Update Meet Details button on the timing system bar without having to open the settings window.
Capturing Times in Time Drops
When a race is started, the start adapter sends a signal to the timing controller which starts the timer of the event/heat on the Time Drops tablet.
When a swimmer touches the wall and a lane timer button is pressed, it sends a signal to the timing controller, which then sends the information to the tablet that the lane has finished and captures the swim time for that lane.
The tablet operator can control what heat is visible by clicking on the navigation buttons at the top of the screen. As they move to the next heat to start the next race, data is captured.
Loading Times in Meet Maestro
Once all lanes are finished, the Time Drops tablet stores this information. The computer operator can then pull the times into Meet Maestro.
Below is a simulation where Meet Maestro and the Time Drops tablet are open to depict what happens in each program during the meet.
➧ The Race Begins
The race is started in Time Drops (right image). Until a heat is done, the timing system bar in Meet Maestro will show “WAITING FOR RESULTS" (left image).
➧ The Race Finishes
As each race is finished, the timing system will save a results file into the shared file folder. When new data files are detected for the corresponding race number (red boxed area below), the button label will change from “WAITING FOR RESULTS” to “LOAD TIMES.”
Click the button to import the times into the current heat.
➧ Times are Loaded in Meet Maestro
The times are loaded for Heat 1 after clicking the Load Times button.
» Note: All changes made in Meet Maestro are automatically saved as you go. When you see a green “Saved” checkmark above the timing system bar, you can be assured your data is saved and up-to-date.
After loading times for Heat 1, when you move to Heat 2, the Load Times button will be grey and the system will tell you it is waiting for results.
When the heat is completed, you can load these times.
➧ Empty Lane Warning
Sometimes you may load times and see a message letting you know that you have pulled times into what should be an empty lane. One of two things could be happening here: you could be loading times into the wrong event/heat, or, a swimmer may have been added to this lane.
If a swimmer was added, you can choose Add Entry and select their athlete info when it becomes available.
If the times were recorded in error, you can clear these extra times out by clicking the CLEAR button, however, there is no need to do this - these times will be ignored.
Current Event/Heat Status Bar
Race Number Selector
If multiple races match your event and heat, Meet Maestro will choose the largest race number by default.
If there is a mismatch, you can open the race selector dropdown and select a race to import. The star in the menu highlights which option is currently selected.
➧ False Start
Editing the race number in Meet Maestro to keep things in sync is useful if the race number is thrown off by something unusual, like a false start.
If there is a false start and the starter needs to bring all of the swimmers back to the blocks, once they have issued the recall and all swimmers have stopped swimming, click the False Start link which will erase the running time and restart the watch.
Combining Heats in Meet Maestro
Currently, the way you can combine heats in Meet Maestro is by moving individual athletes/relays to non-overlapping lanes within each heat (e.g. heat 1 to lanes 1, 2, 3 and heat 2 to lanes 4, 5, 6), so that both heats can swim simultaneously, and score separately.
Time Drops will automatically combine the heats or events when 'Combine Heats/Events' option is enabled in the Time Drops meet settings. Even if two or more heats or events are combined, the results will be split automatically into several result files for each heat and event. You can import the results in the usual way by clicking 'Import Results' for each heat separately.
Troubleshooting Issues
Meet Maestro is unable to find the Time Drops configuration file
If this error occurs when you click on "Check Configuration" during your setup, your file directory selection does not match where Time Drops is saving result files.
To resolve the issue, you need to select the correct data directory for sharing files between Time Drops and Meet Maestro.
Timer reports a button is not working (Or you notice times are not capturing)
Possible Solutions:
- Check if the button is connected - try to reconnect
- Give them a spare button
- Replace battery in the non-working button
Time Drops comes with 3 buttons per lane. Each button hangs on a lanyard which is marked by a lane and button letter. For example, Lane 1A, Lane 1B, and Lane 1C.
The first time the system was set up, all of the buttons were assigned to the correct lanes. Now, you will just need to assign buttons if one runs out of batteries or stops working and you use the provided spare.
Here’s how to assign buttons if you need to. Click the three vertical dots from the top right of the Time Drops tablet and choose buttons.
In this example, you notice Lane 2A is not capturing times. When asked, the timer says they have been pushing the button. Ask if they have been hearing a beep? If it’s loud, they may not. Look at the button and see if you can see a red light blinking. If there is no beep, no red light, and no time, the button is either disconnected or out of batteries.
Click on the settings icon to open the menu, the select Buttons:
When you look, you see that there is a button missing in lane 2 and an unassigned button.
Press and hold to drag the button to the missing location:
Save the changes:
If the button is working, it should turn white. If it is grey, you will need to replace the battery. You can give the timer one of the spare buttons (set it up following the button set-up instructions) so they can get back to timing. Then you can replace the battery.
No Controller
This means that the STC-1 Controller (the blue box hanging from the backstroke flags) is not connected.
Possible cause: STC-1 controller was not turned on
Check the controller and see if you see any blinking lights. If you see no lights, try pressing and holding the power button.
Possible cause: STC-1 controller was not connected at beginning of meet
Click the three vertical dots, to enter the settings menu
Select Connect Controller
See if there is a Red Sad Face or a Green Happy Face:
If there is a red sad face, check to see if the tablet is connected to the right Wifi.
If it is NOT connected to the right WiFi, click on the "Choose" button and select the correct Wifi, then go back to the TimeDrops app.
If it IS connected to the right WiFi, click the "Copy to controller" button and this should transmit the Wifi information to the controller. You want to see a Green Happy Face.
Swipe from the left edge of the screen to the right to go back to the Time Drops time interface.
Possible cause: STC-1 controller is out of batteries
Check the battery level on the tablet. The controller will not run while charging, so if it is out of batteries, we cannot use the system anymore.
No Starter
This means that the starter adapter was not set up correctly with the system. If your team uses a starter system, it may not have been started or it was disconnected. You'll need to start the system again.
The starter is added using the Button page on the tablet. Click the three dots to enter settings. Then select Buttons:
If the starter is grey - it has not been turned on (left). It should show as white (right side). Follow your instructions to turn on the starter adapter, or reference our example from the Integration Overview & Setup article.
If you see NO starter button in the starter lane at all, the starter somehow got disconnected.
Turn the starter on following the steps in above and then it should show up as an unassigned button. You will then drag it over the A column next to the starter.
The starter should now be white (on) and connected. Be sure to SAVE your changes. Swipe from left to right to go back to Time Drops time main screen.
Product Support
➧ Time Drops Swim Timing System Support
If you have questions specific to your Time Drops timing system or setup, please reference their support resources below. Meet Maestro seamlessly integrates with Time Drops to pull in times, but they are the experts at helping you configure your timing system.
- Time Drops Website: https://time-drops.com/
- User Manual: https://time-drops.com/user-manual.pdf
- Quickstart Guide: https://time-drops.com/quickstart.pdf
- Meet Checklist: https://time-drops.com/checklist.pdf
- Time Drops Overview Video: https://youtu.be/O_VuwbtgSNA
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TimeDropsTiming
Meet Maestro and Time Drops - Quick Setup and Run Video (5.17min):
➧ SwimTopia Support
If you run into issues during setup or while testing that seem related to the connection between the timing system and Meet Maestro (or you're not sure), we have multiple options to assist:
- Submit a Support Ticket
- Business Hours Phone Support: (M-F 9am-6pm CST): 877-856-2940 (Option 2)
- After Hours Phone Support: (Meet Day Urgent Only): 877-856-2940 (Option 6)
Turn on Remote Troubleshooting: If we need to get our development team involved, this could provide clues to resolve the issue you are experiencing. Click on the help "?" icon; click on the "Troubleshoot" tab and Enable Remote Support. You'll see a "Session id" to provide in your support ticket or phone call.
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