» Note: The timing configuration is per computer, not per session/team/meet. If you have a laptop set up to use a timing system it will use that timing system for any session, so it's possible to configure two different computers to input times differently.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Meet Maestro and CTS Dolphin Integration
➧ Meet Maestro Setup
- Step 1: Download the Meet Maestro Windows Desktop App
- Step 2: Log In to Meet Maestro and Select CTS Dolphin Timing System
- Step 3: Set Up Meet Maestro for the CTS Dolphin Integration
➧ CTS Dolphin Setup (in CTS Dolphin Software)
- Step 1: Confirm the CTS Dolphin Software Version and Firmware
- Step 2: Connect the CTS Dolphin Base Unit to your Computer
- Step 3: Select or Create the Same Data Directory as Meet Maestro
- Step 4: Verify CTS Dolphin Settings
- CTS Dolphin Starter Adapter Setup (Optional)
- CTS Dolphin Stopwatch Setup
➧ Meet Maestro Watch and Mobile App Settings
➧ Testing, Edit Settings, and Scoreboards
- Testing Before the Meet Starts
- Edit CTS Dolphin Settings
- Scoreboards: DisplayLink Plus Video Display
➧ Product Support
Meet Maestro and CTS Dolphin Integration
➧ Integration Overview Video
➞ direct link to our Meet Maestro Overview video.
➧ Integration Details and Requirements
Understanding the integration between Meet Maestro and the CTS Dolphin Timing System will help you during setup, and troubleshoot if any issues occur before or during your meet. ➞ See our CTS Dolphin - Integration Overview
Meet Maestro Setup
» Important Note: It is best to set up Meet Maestro first, then CTS Dolphin. This is because Meet Maestro only writes the events file when the data directory is selected, and Dolphin only looks for the events file when the data directory is selected. Thus, if you configure Dolphin first, the events definition file won't be written yet.
Step 1: Download the Meet Maestro Windows Desktop App
Once you have purchased the CTS Dolphin Wireless Timing System, you are ready to download the Microsoft Windows Meet Maestro desktop application. (If you have a Mac with software that runs Windows, our Windows app can be run on a Mac.)
The installation may take several minutes. If you have previously installed Meet Maestro Desktop, close any currently running version before installing a new version.
Once installed, you’ll run the meet from the Meet Maestro Windows Desktop application, not your web browser.
» Tip: When an update for the Meet Maestro Desktop application is available, it will be downloaded automatically, and an "Install Update" button will appear in the top bar to prompt installation. The application will relaunch when finished. ➞ See Meet Maestro Version History for details on updates.
Step 2: Log in to Meet Maestro and select CTS Dolphin Timing System
After the desktop application is installed, log in with your SwimTopia credentials (you need to be a Site Admin for your team, or be assigned to a Role with permission to manage swim meets).
Next, select a meet. You will only see meets that have been merged in this interface. (if you use the same credentials to manage multiple teams, you will be prompted to select the team first)
➧ Add your Timing System Configuration in Settings
Timing Setup options are found under Meet Maestro Settings (gear icon). Select to Add Timing System Configuration.
If you are on the web version of Meet Maestro, you will see a message and a link to instructions:
➧ Optional Step: Multi-Session / Virtual Meets
If this is a multi-session meet (virtual or otherwise) you will be prompted to select your session. If not, this step is not displayed.
➧ Select CTS Dolphin
Step 3: Set Up Meet Maestro for the CTS Dolphin Integration
Now you are ready to set up Meet Maestro to be able to connect with your CTS Dolphin Timing System.
➧ Select the Data Directory
Meet Maestro and the CTS Dolphin software must use the same folder. This allows CTS Dolphin to know the schedule of events and allows for faster load times in Meet Maestro from files written to this directory by the Dolphin software.
On this screen, click on the Choose button to select where you want CTS Dolphin to save the meet data.
Then select or create a folder with the date and name of your meet.
The selected data directory will now display in Meet Maestro. When you open CTS Dolphin, you will select the same data directory.
CTS Dolphin Setup (in CTS Dolphin Software)
Now set up your CTS Dolphin system to complete the integration connection.
» Note: We are providing basic CTS Dolphin setup steps below, but if anything changes in the setup on their end, we may not have those updated steps. Refer to your CTS Dolphin V5+ User Guide.
Step 1: Confirm the CTS Dolphin Software Version and Firmware
To receive the benefits of this integration, it’s important to update your CTS Dolphin software to v5.05 or higher and to update all firmware.
➧ CTS Dolphin v5.05 or higher
With CTS Dolphin v5+, Meet Maestro publishes full event details to the CTS Dolphin software. This enhances the detail of event and heat information displayed in the CTS Dolphin software and on any attached scoreboards.
When paired with a CTS Dolphin timing system, Meet Maestro is able to broadcast the current event and heat to SwimTopia Mobile’s Live Event/Heat Bar directly from the CTS Dolphin starter controls.
CTS Dolphin software can be downloaded from this URL (Windows required): http://www.coloradotime.com/dolphindownload/
➧ CTS Dolphin Firmware
Make sure the CTS Dolphin Firmware is up to date. Look in the C:\CTSDolphin directory for the Docs directory for instructions and the Firmware directory for the firmware required.
Step 2: Connect the CTS Dolphin Base Unit to your Computer
Step 3: Select or Create the Same Data Directory as Meet Maestro
Open the CTS Dolphin software.
Open the Settings screen and choose the directory where you are going to save your CTS Dolphin data. (This is the SAME folder that you created and linked to in Meet Maestro.)
Step 4: Verify CTS Dolphin Settings and Event List
➧ Verify Additional Settings
- Verify the selected data directory location matches Meet Maestro.
- Ensure CSV export format is selected (No other formats are required by Meet Maestro)
- Check the “Show Empty Column” box to ensure the system shows you the empty lanes
- Don't click on the "Meet #" label - it will create a new meet number (may affect other settings).
- If the “Manually increment events” option is not checked, the current heat and event will advance automatically when the CTS Dolphin starter resets for each race. If this option is checked, the current event/heat information will need to be manually updated in the CTS Dolphin software.
- If a Scoreboard Exists: Generally, if the starter can view a scoreboard to see the current event/heat, then unchecking this “Manually increment events” box will help keep things running quickly.
- No Scoreboard: The starter could unknowingly advance to the wrong heat (e.g. after a false start), so checking the “Manually increment events” option is recommended, especially if someone will be solely focused on operating the CTS Dolphin software during the meet. However, if one person will be operating both Meet Maestro and the CTS Dolphin software, it may be easier to disable this option.
» Note: The current event/heat selected in the CTS Dolphin software is published (via Meet Maestro) to the Live Bar in the SwimTopia mobile app, so ensuring its accuracy is important.
➧ Verify Event List:
» Note: If you do not see your meet events listed in the CTS Dolphin software, please quit and then relaunch the CTS Dolphin software after the data directory has been configured correctly in Meet Maestro.
CTS Dolphin Starter Adapter Setup (Optional)
If you are using the starter adapter, set it up now. (If you are doing manual start/stop, skip this step).
Step 1: Check your settings page to see what Channel you have your base set to.
Step 2: Turn the CTS Dolphin Starter on (press and hold the reset button)
Step 3: Enter the menu (press and hold both buttons)
Step 4: Press the reset button to advance the CHAN setting
Step 5: Press Start/Stop to change the channel to match your base channel (if necessary)
Step 6: Press reset to exit the menu.
Step 7: Now connect the CTS Dolphin starter to the Infinity Start System using the Start Output jack.
For additional support details on this topic, ➞ reference the Dolphin_Starter_to_Infinity_Kit_F920.pdf and Colorado Time Systems Support Manuals.
CTS Dolphin Stopwatch Setup
Step 1: Turn the watch on (press and hold the Reset button)
Step 2: Enter the menu (press and hold the Reset button and either of the side buttons)
Step 3: Once in the menu, the first setting is LANE. Press a side button to change the lane for this watch, and then press Reset to advance to the next menu option
Step 4: Press a side button to select the TIMER for this lane (A, B or C), and then press Reset to advance to the next option
Step 5: Press a side button to select manual start “MAN” on or off and then press Reset to advance to the next option. Set to off to disable manual start on the watch
Step 6: Press a side button to select the channel number. This MUST match the channel on the starter (if being used) and the base
Step 7: Press Reset to exit the menu
Step 8: Watches will show up on the CTS Dolphin “Signals” screen when set. Once you have set up all your watches - confirm you can see all of them on the signals screen. You can also see battery strength here.
Meet Maestro Watch and Mobile App Settings
Once you have connected your CTS Dolphin Timing system, turned on all of the stop watches and connected the starting device (if using one), you will want to return to Meet Maestro.
When Meet Maestro and CTS Dolphin are properly connected, you will see Connected in the upper right of the screen and the Meet # box will be green. (If this box is not green, check that your data directory in Meet Maestro and CTS Dolphin match.)
Expected Watches Per Lane
At this time you can set the number of Dolphin watch timers you are using and expect the system to pull data for. (see screenshot above)
SwimTopia Mobile App Settings - Enable Live Event/Heat Bar
Slide the bar to the right to enable the live event/heat bar feature in the SwimTopia mobile app.
This setting is referencing the ability of the CTS Dolphin software to automatically send information about the current event and heat being swum to the SwimTopia Mobile Live Event/Heat Bar.
It's best to do this when setting up the timing system, but you can access this any time through the CTS Dolphin timing system bar on the results data entry screen (settings gear)
» Note: This setting is displayed only if Dolphin version 5+ software is used -- does not work with versions below 5)
Testing, Edit Settings, and Scoreboards
Testing Before the Meet Starts
Practice setting up and using your system several times before your first meet!
To support running tests prior to the start of the meet, but prevent premature delivery of upcoming swim reminders and live result notifications to Pro users of the SwimTopia mobile app, an early start warning will display to confirm whether or not you intend to start the meet early.
➧ This warning will only display if two conditions are met:
- The "Enable the Live Event/Heat Bar" setting is checked (above)
- The meet or session start time is in the future (not earlier than or equal to the current time)
» Note: This warning will display for each test performed until the confirmation to start the meet is selected (or start the session in a multi-session meet scenario). When "Yes..." is selected, the estimated start times will be adjusted, and the notification process will begin. There is no option to revert back to a pre-notification state. (Workaround: add a Scheduled Break to stop the notifications)
➞ See the Running Your Meet Using CTS Dolphin section of our integration overview article for an example you can use to follow along.
Editing CTS Dolphin Settings
All of the settings configured during setup can be changed by pressing the gear icon in the CTS Dolphin timing system bar. You do not need to go back to the main Timing Setup screen under the meet settings.
CTS Dolphin Timing System Bar
You can change your Meet #, watch settings, enable the live event/heat bar if you did not do this during setup, and find options to reach out to the support team from Colorado Time Systems or SwimTopa based on your questions.
Scoreboards: DisplayLink Plus Video Display
Colorado Time Systems provides DisplayLink Plus Video Display software which enables meet management integration through a set of “Start List” files. SwimTopia provides the support to export start lists within the Timing Setup of each meet to broadcast to scoreboards.
➧ Start List Files
- ‘.scb’ file extension
- One file per event
- Exported per session
- The event files contain athlete/relay team and team abbreviation information for each lane
- 10 lane pool maximum
» Note: Currently, if you make changes to your lineup (deck adds, deletions, heat/lane changes), you will need to re-export the start lists. A more automated solution is planned for a future release (TBD).
Product Support
➧ Colorado Time Systems Support
If you have questions specific to your CTS Dolphin system or setup, please reference their support resources below. Meet Maestro seamlessly integrates with CTS Dolphin to pull in times, but they are the experts at helping you configure your CTS Dolphin Wireless Timing System.
- CTS Dolphin FAQs
- CTS Dolphin Training and Support Resources
- CTS Dolphin V5+ User Guide & Troubleshooting
- General CTS Resources and Maintenance Tips
Contact CTS Product Support
- 1-800-287-0653 or 1-970-667-1000
- Email: support@coloradotime.com
- https://coloradotime.com/support/support-request
➧ SwimTopia Support
If you run into issues during setup or while testing that seem related to the connection between the timing system and Meet Maestro (or you're not sure), we have multiple options to assist:
- CTS Dolphin - Integration Troubleshooting Guide (Start Here)
- Submit a Support Ticket
- Business Hours Phone Support: (M-F 9am-6pm CST): 877-856-2940 (Option 2)
- After Hours Phone Support: (Meet Day Urgent Only): 877-856-2940 (Option 6)
Turn on Remote Troubleshooting: If we need to get our development team involved, this could provide clues to resolve the issue you are experiencing. Click on the help "?" icon; click on the "Troubleshoot" tab and Enable Remote Support. You'll see a "Session id" to provide in your support ticket or phone call.
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