Once you have the go-ahead from your team to begin registration, you will either receive an email with a link to the registration form or page, or you will see this button on your team's website:
Click the link or this button to start the registration process.
Covered in this Article:
- Registration Progress Bar
- Registration Locking and Countdown Timer
- Registration Steps
- After Registration
Registration Progress Bar
During the registration process, this progress bar will show you what you have completed and what is next. You can go back to a previous section at any time to make changes, but to move forward click the Next Step button at the bottom of the section you just completed.
» Note: Your team may or may not have the Medical, Volunteer, or Merchandise sections enabled or viewable (Volunteer Sign-Up) depending on your customer tier.
Registration Locking and Countdown Timer
Some teams have a limited quantity of available spots or items that are selected throughout the registration process. In order to avoid overbooking, we lock in your selection of those items while you're in the process of registering. These items can include:
- Overall spots available on the team
- Age group limited spots
- Job/shift assignments PREMIUM
- Season-long role assignments
- Merchandise with quantity limits
If your team has placed limits on any of the above items, as soon as you 'reserve' a spot for any of those items throughout your registration process, you will keep that spot -- if you reserved the last spot and someone else begins to register before you complete your registration, they will be notified that that spot is not available.
After you add any limited items to your registration, you will have 30 minutes per section to complete any subsequent steps in the registration. The countdown timer will reset for each section.
If your registration form is still open after 30 minutes of inactivity, you will be forced back to the first page of the registration, and any limited quantity items you signed up for will be removed. For example, if there are registration limits, then all athletes affected by those registration limits should be removed. However, if there are no registration limits, the athlete registration will NOT be removed, but other limited items (like merchandise) will be removed.
Registration Steps
- Step 1: Contact Information
- Step 2: Questions & Acknowledgements (Waivers)
- Step 3: Medical Information
- Step 4: Volunteer Sign-Up
- Step 5: Merchandise
- Step 6: Order Summary and Payment
- Step 7: Confirmation
USA Swimming Teams - Membership Summary
➧ Step 1: Contact Information
Enter or verify the contact information and volunteer preferences for each parent/guardian and athlete on the registration. To add or delete a parent/guardian or athlete, click the +Add or Remove buttons.
➞ Returning Members
Logging in prior to registering will pre-load contact information entered on the last known registration form submitted on any team using a SwimTopia/Team Topia site.
Pre-loaded parents/guardians and athletes may be removed from a registration form, but may not be edited. This is to avoid possible family/sibling data entanglement issues. The only exceptions are School Year and Athlete ID if enabled.
Additionally, the person logged in to register cannot edit/remove themselves beyond changing the team email preference and volunteer opt-in (if presented).
Contact your team administrator if you need to update your contact information.
➞ Removing Athletes
If you already registered an athlete and came back to register a sibling, or you are signing one but not all athletes up for a clinic, you should remove the athlete that does not need to be registered, or you will pay for them again. This will not affect the athlete's original registration, it is only removing them from this form.
Next, add your home address and phone number.
➧ Step 2: Questions & Acknowledgements (Waivers)
Read and check to acknowledge any liability waivers, questions, affiliations, or agreements your team requires. Enter your initials to electronically sign if required.
Click the Next Step button to save your changes and move on to the next section.
➞ Did you receive this notification? - "this email address has already been taken"
You either have an account with the same email on this team or another team using SwimTopia. If it's possible you have created an account on this team before, you should sign in instead of creating a new account, or use a different email. (Use the "Forgot your Password?" option if needed). If you know you do not have an account, make sure you are using the same name format used on the other team site where you have used the same email. Contact your team admins if you need assistance.
➧ Step 3: Medical Information
If your team requires this section, you will be able to read and acknowledge your team's medical waivers and treatment consent sections here, and also enter any medical conditions that the team should be aware of. Your team determines what information is required.
Enter your swimmer's physician and emergency contacts.
Click the Next Step button to save your changes and move on to the next section.
➧ Step 4: Volunteer Sign-Up
This feature is available to our Premium customers.
Teams have the option to either collect Volunteer Role Preferences or allow direct Job/Role Sign-up during registration.
➞ Exempt Volunteers
If you have been pre-assigned to a role that exempts you from fulfilling the minimum commitment for the season, you will see this message and your exempt role here instead. You can still volunteer for shifts or role preferences by clicking the "Show options" link.
➞ Job/Role Sign-up
If your team allows Job/Role Sign-up during registration, you can choose available season roles and job shifts here. Any required number of roles and/or shifts per parent must be fulfilled before your registration can be submitted.
➞ Volunteer Role Preferences
If your team collects job preferences, you can enter your preferences for each parent registering for the season here.
» Note: These preferences are for planning purposes only, you are not signing up for actual meet jobs right now.
Click the Next Step button to move on to the next section.
➧ Step 5: Merchandise
Items in Athlete Merchandise are limited to one per swimmer registration. Select your item and other options to add to your registration.
Items in Additional Merchandise can be ordered in any quantity.
Click the Next Step button to save your changes and move on to the next section.
➧ Step 6: Order Summary and Payment
Review your registration fees and merchandise orders on your Order Summary.
If you have a discount code, you may enter it on this screen.
Below the Order Summary, you'll have several payment options:
➧ Pay with Credit Card
If you'd like to pay with a Credit Card, click "credit card," and Checkout where you can verify your payment total and securely enter your credit card information.
» Note: Do not stop at this point or you will not be fully registered.
Once you see the registration confirmation screen you will know you are fully registered.
If you see a "Per-Athlete Technology Fee" displayed for each of your athletes, this means your team has chosen to collect the SwimTopia technology service fee from you directly.
SwimTopia will only charge the per-athlete fee once in a 12-month period (Per Team - if on more than one SwimTopia team). If an athlete is registered with your team more than one time in the same year (for example, for a winter season, or a season used to manage pre-season clinics), we won’t charge the per-athlete fee more than once for that athlete.
Exception: if an athlete's 12-month anniversary will fall in a new season, we'll collect the per-athlete fee for that athlete. (for example, a family registers their athlete in April 2023 for the upcoming Summer season. The following year, that family registers their athlete in March 2024 for the next Summer season. In that case, the family will be charged the per-athlete fee on their March registration, since the athlete's 12-month anniversary will fall during the new 2024 season.)
» Note: If your team is not accepting online payments, this fee will not display and will be collected from the team at a later date. If your team is part of a league, they may be taking on this fee for each team and family, in which case, the fee will also not display. Contact your team administrators with any questions.
➧ Pay with your Membership Account
This feature is available to our Premium customers.
If your team offers the option to bill your payment to a membership account (for example, if you're a member of a country club), they will offer the choice for you to enter your membership number.
➧ Pay by Check
This feature is available to our Premium customers.
If your team offers the option to pay by check, you'll see a screen with remittance instructions.
➧ Step 7: Confirmation
Your confirmation receipt below will be emailed to the address you entered during registration.
USA Swimming Teams - Membership Summary
An additional USA Swimming membership section will display at the top of the confirmation screen for club teams who have connected their SwimTopia site with their USA Swimming account and have configured the registration form to display this information.
Upon registering on your teams' SwimTopia site, you will see a confirmation screen and receive a confirmation email with the USA Swimming membership status for each person on the registration. This includes athletes and parents (non-athletes).
What if Members are Not Connected or Not In Good Standing?
When your team connects your USA Swimming account to your SwimTopia team management site as mentioned above, the integration generates a specific registration link for your team. You can create USA Swimming accounts as needed or review and update accounts not in good standing.
➞ See the USA Swimming Membership Status Help Center article for more information.
» Note: If you see a message that a member of your family is “not connected to a USA Swimming membership,” but you think they are a USA Swimming member, contact your team admin, who can match the accounts (likely a difference in name spelling or athlete birthdate).
After Registration
You are now registered with the team, and have an account on your team's website, but will need to activate this account by setting up a password. Check your email for a copy of this registration confirmation and a separate email with activation instructions. If you do not see these emails fairly quickly, check your spam or trash folders. Contact your team admin if you are unable to locate these emails.
➞ See the Account Activation, Login and Password Management Help Center article for more information.
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