Some customers have requested the ability for their team logo to automatically display in their communications, while others have asked for the ability to include sponsor logos in the footer, similar to how they can add these logos to the heat sheet footer (Meet Maestro users only).
You can even download a button image that you include in your emails linking directly to your registration, meet signups, event RSVPs etc.
Although we do not support saving these options to automatically display each time you send an email, you can include these items by uploading them each time you send your communication.
Covered in this Article:
- Upload Images
- Edit Images: Add a URL Link or Change Position
- Email Example: Sponsor Logos
- Email Example: Your logo at top
Upload Images
When creating your email, click on the "Insert image" icon (noted below), and upload your images.
» Note: You may need to resize your logos so they display well. I suggest sending test emails just to yourself until you are happy with the look. A good rule of thumb would be to use the same guidelines we list for the heat sheet header: 700 pixels wide and no more than 150 pixels tall. Images taller than 150 pixels will be scaled proportionally. Supported image formats include JPEG and PNG.
Edit Images: Add a URL Link or Change Position
You can optionally add the ability for parents to click on the logos/images and get to the sponsor websites, or pages on your site (i.e., Registration, Meet Signup, RSVP buttons), and determine where the logo displays on the email (left/right).
To do this click on the image and select the Edit option:
Email Example: Sponsor Logos (Left Position)
Email Example: Team Logo
The process is the same as above to display your team logo as a header to your emails.
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