» Note: The timing configuration is per computer, not per session, per team, or per meet. For example, if you have a laptop set up to use a timing system it will try to use that timing system for any session. So it is possible to configure two different computers to input times in different ways.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Hardware and Software Requirements
➧ Wylas Timing Hardware and Software Installation
- Wi-Fi Router
- Wylas Timing Starter Systems and Scoreboard Adapter
- Wylas Timing - Recorder Software Installation
- Wylas Timing - Activating Licence from Account
➧ Meet Maestro and Wylas Timing Integration Setup
- Step 1: Download the Meet Maestro Windows Desktop App
- Step 2: Log in to Meet Maestro and select Wylas Timing
- Step 3: Choose the Data Directory in Meet Maestro and copy to the Wylas Meet Maestro Adapter
➧ Meet Maestro Watch and Mobile App Settings
➧ Testing and Editing Settings
➧ Product Support
Hardware and Software Requirements
Wylas Timing Recorder: Hardware and Software Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 10/11
- Minimum RAM: 16GB
- Browser: Google Chrome
- Wylas Timing Recorder Software
- Meet Manager Application (Meet Maestro)
- Wi-Fi Router
Starting Module (options)
- Wylas Trinity (all-in-one starting module)
- Android Starter
- Colorado Infinity Adapter + Android Starter
- Wireless Scoreboard Adapter (optional)
- Watches (supports up to 3 per lane)
Android hardware/firmware: To ensure good performance, these are the settings we recommend:
- All Android devices must be running OS 4.1+ and above
- Turn on flight mode. This will stop the battery from being drained by the cell radio.
- Turn the screen brightness down to 30% or less, and turn off auto brightness. NB screen brightness has a large impact on battery life
» Reference: All of the Wylas Timing information posted here is directly from their Wylas Timing Recorder Guide (Aug 2024). If you have any questions, reference this guide or contact them directly for assistance.
Meet Maestro: Hardware and Software Requirements
- Microsoft Windows computer with Meet Maestro desktop application installed (more details below). If you have a Mac with software that runs Windows, our Windows app can be run on a Mac.
- 64-bit version of Windows 7 or newer is required to run the desktop application Installer.
- RAM: We suggest at least 4 GB RAM to ensure long reports etc display efficiently. Chromebooks usually only have 2 GB RAM, and cannot be used with CTS Dolphin. If you need to use a Chromebook make sure to increase the RAM.
- Internet connection to open Meet Maestro and download the meet data to the local computer. The amount of data transferred is small, thus teams have had success using a mobile hotspot tethered to the laptop running Meet Maestro when there are connection issues.
For additional technical information on our Performance Tuning, Concurrent Data Entry, Access to Reports and other Meet Maestro Settings, and Printing Tips ➞ See Meet Maestro - Technical Info: System, Internet, Concurrent Entry, Offline Support, Meet Access...
Wylas Timing - Hardware and Software Installation
If you have any questions on the Wylas Timing Recorder hardware and software installation steps below, reference their Wylas Timing Recorder Guide (Aug 2024) or contact Wylas Timing for assistance.
Wi-Fi Router
Step 1: Plug the power cable into the Power Over Ethernet (POE) adapter, then an ethernet cable from the POE port on the POE adapter to the POE WAN port on the router.
Step 2: If you have an external modem (to provide internet access) you can plug it into the LAN port on the POE adapter.
Step 3: If you have another device that needs to connected to the network via ethernet, plug it into the POE LAN port on the router.
Step 4: Once you have plugged ALL the devices in, turn on the power to the POE adapter. NB devices plugged into the POE adapter or router AFTER they have powered up will not be added to the network. So make sure everything is connected before powering up the POE adapter.
Starter Systems and Scoreboard Adapter
Wylas Timing integrates with portable wireless starter systems (Wylas Trinity and Wylas Maxima), offering synchronized wireless starts that enhance the swimming experience. They also provide seamless Integration with Colorado Time Systems Infinity Start System, Championship Start System, and SWISS Quantum. ➞ For more on this topic, go to https://wylas-timing.com/swimming-start-system/.
➧ Wylas Trinity Starting Pistol
Turn the Wylas Trinity Starter on, via the power button on the top of the device. The rear display will light up and run through the following stages:
- Wylas Trinity Starting Pistol
- `Connecting WiFi
- Locating Recorder
- Connecting Recorder
- Syncing Clocks
It will then display the information for any race that is ready at which point you will be able to use the trigger button to start the race.
➧ Colorado Infinity Starter Adapter
Step 1: Take the white audio cable that has one white end and one black end and plug the white end into the socket of the Android device with the WT Starter app.
Step 2: Attach the 3.5mm to 6.25mm adapter to the black end of the audio cable. Then plug the 6.25mm jack into the 6.25mm output socket on the Infinity Starter.
➧ Wireless Scoreboard Adapter
Step 1: Plug the HDMI Scoreboard dongle into a HDMI socket on your TV and/or display. Use the 10cm HDMI extension cable if the HDMI dongle cannot be plugged directly into your TV.
Step 2: Power the dongle by connecting the USB to micro USB cable from one of the two micro USB ports on the adapter to a USB port on your TV.
To interact with the HDMI dongle plug, such as when starting or configuring the Wylas Scoreboard app, plug a mouse into the dongle's USB port.
Wylas Timing - Recorder Software Installation
Step 1: Download and run the installer from https://static.wylas-timing.com/apps/wylas-timing-installer.exe (Install the Wylas Timing Recorder to a location that suits you. The installer will add a Recorder icon to your desktop.)
Step 2: Start the Recorder Server by double-clicking on its icon. Once it has started you will see “!!! Started Recorder !!!” displayed on the log screen below, and the default network will be shown in the "Network Interface" combo box.
Step 3: If you have a complex network environment, such as using one network interface to access the Wylas Timing router and another network interface to access the internet, select the network you will use to access the Wylas Timing router. Click on the Recorder website link to open the Recorder application in your web browser.
Step 4: If you get a Windows Security Alert, check both private and public networks and click Allow Access. This will let the recorder communicate with the Starter, Timekeeper and Display devices.
Step 5: Select the Licence tab, and enter the licence token from your Welcome sheet.
Step 6: Select the Licence tab, and click Login to access licences with your Wylas Timing account.
Step 7: Enter your Wylas Timing account details. If you do not know these details, contact Wylas Timing Support for assistance.
Step 8: If prompted you will need to authorize and accept the Recorder Accessing your Wylas Timing account.
Step 9: Once logged in you will see the licence page updated with your linked Club. There are three filters built in to see your licences:
- Active Shows licences which are currently active on this recorder instance
- Unused Shows licences who are yet to be activated
- Used Shows licences which have already been used are are no longer applicable
Wylas Timing - Activating Licence from Account
Select the Unused filter to view unused licences.
If the licence is not showing here select Refresh Account Licences which will sync new licences from the cloud.
Select Activate on your chosen licence. Select the date on which to activate the licence and click Activate.
If your chosen start date is not in the future you should now see this recorder instance has been licenced and your chosen license will now show under the active filter.
Congratulations, you have now installed your licence and are ready to start using Wylas Timing for your meets. When you purchase a licence either through https://wylas-timing.com or through our sales team you will simply need to Refresh account Licences to see it under unused licences.
» Note: As stated previously, all of the Wylas Timing information posted here is directly from their Wylas Timing Recorder Guide (Aug 2024). If you have questions, reference this guide or contact Wylas Timing.
Meet Maestro and Wylas Timing Integration Setup
Now continue with the Meet Maestro portion of the integration setup.
Step 1: Download the Meet Maestro Windows Desktop App
Once you have purchased the Wylas Timing System, you are ready to download the Microsoft Windows Meet Maestro desktop application. (If you have a Mac with software that runs Windows, our Windows app can be run on a Mac.)
The installation may take several minutes. If you have previously installed Meet Maestro Desktop, close any currently running version before installing a new version.
Once installed, you’ll run the meet from the Meet Maestro Windows Desktop application, not your web browser.
» Tip: When an update for the Meet Maestro Desktop application is available, it will be downloaded automatically, and an "Install Update" button will appear in the top bar to prompt installation. The application will relaunch when finished. ➞ See Meet Maestro Version History for details on updates.
Step 2: Log in to Meet Maestro and select Wylas Timing
After the desktop application is installed, log in with your SwimTopia credentials (you need to be a Site Admin for your team, or be assigned to a Role with permission to manage swim meets).
Next, select a meet. You will only see meets that have been merged in this interface. (if you use the same credentials to manage multiple teams, you will be prompted to select the team first)
➧ Add your Timing System Configuration in Settings
Timing Setup options are found under Meet Maestro Settings (gear icon). Select to Add Timing System Configuration.
If you are on the web version, you will see a message and a link to instructions, as seen below.
➧ Optional Step: Multi-Session / Virtual Meets
If this is a multi-session meet (virtual or otherwise) you will be prompted to select your session. If not, this step is not displayed.
➧ Select Wylas Timing
Step 3: Choose the Data Directory in Meet Maestro and copy to the Wylas Meet Maestro Adapter
Now you are ready to set up Meet Maestro to be able to connect with your Wylas Timing system.
➧ Choose the Data Directory on your computer
- Click on the Choose button and select the folder you will use to swap meet result files with the Wylas Recorder.
- Then click on the copy to clipboard button/icon next to the Choose button to copy the folder path.
➧ Select the Meet Maestro Adapter in your Wylas Timing interface
- Go to the Wylas Recorder user interface (in your web browser) and select the Meet Maestro Adapter from the drop-down list.
- Select the dataFolder field, clear it, and paste in the copied path (using right-click on your mouse).
- Click Start to export the timing system configuration to Meet Maestro.
➧ In Meet Maestro, click on "Check Configuration"
If the wrong directory had been entered in the "dataFolder" field of the Wylas Meet Maestro Adapter, an error would occur as seen below.
Stop the Wylas Timing Meet Maestro Adapter, correct the dataFolder in the Wylas software, and click the Start button again. Then click on "Recheck Configuration" in Meet Maestro.
➧ In the Wylas Recorder, go to the "Meet" tab
You may now import the meet from Meet Maestro.
➧ Race Data Display in Meet Maestro
The following shows when the Wylas Timing Recorder writes a race data file.
Meet Maestro Watch and Mobile App Settings
Now return to Meet Maestro to finish a few more settings.
Expected Watches Per Lane
At this time you can set the number of watch timers you are using. Available options are 1, 2, and 3.
SwimTopia Mobile App Settings - Enable Live Event/Heat Bar
This setting is referencing the ability for Wylas to automatically send information about the current event and heat being swum to the SwimTopia Mobile Live Event/Heat Bar. It's best to do this when setting up the timing system, but you can access this any time through the Wylas timing system bar on the results data entry screen (settings gear)
Testing and Editing Settings
Testing Before the Meet Starts
Practice setting up and using your system several times before your first meet!
To support running tests prior to the start of the meet, but prevent premature delivery of upcoming swim reminders and live result notifications to Pro users of the SwimTopia mobile app, an early start warning will display to confirm whether or not you intend to start the meet early.
➧ This warning will only display if two conditions are met:
- The "Enable the Live Event/Heat bar" setting is checked
- The meet or session start time is in the future (not earlier than or equal to the current time)
» Note: This warning will display for each test performed until the confirmation to start the meet is selected (or start the session in a multi-session meet scenario). When "Yes..." is selected, the estimated start times will be adjusted, and the notification process will begin. There is no option to revert back to a pre-notification state.
Editing Wylas Timing Settings
(Need new screenshot)
All of the settings configured during setup can be changed by pressing the gear icon in the timing system bar. You do not need to go back to the main Timing Setup screen under the meet settings.
Product Support
➧ Wylas Time Systems Support
If you have questions specific to your Wylas Timing wireless timing system or setup, please reference their support resources below. Meet Maestro seamlessly integrates with Wylas Timing to pull in times, but they are the experts at helping you configure your timing system.
- Wylas Timing Software and User Guides
- Report Issue or Broken Hardware: Wylas Timing Support
- Email: support@wylas-timing.com
- Phone: +61 416 627 835
➧ SwimTopia Support
If you run into issues during setup or while testing that seem related to the connection between the timing system and Meet Maestro (or you're not sure), we have multiple options to assist:
- Wylas Timing and Meet Maestro - Running Your Meet & Troubleshooting (Start Here)
- Submit a Support Ticket
- Business Hours Phone Support: (M-F 9am-6pm CST): 877-856-2940 (Option 2)
- After Hours Phone Support: (Meet Day Urgent Only): 877-856-2940 (Option 6)
Turn on Remote Troubleshooting: If we need to get our development team involved, this could provide clues to resolve the issue you are experiencing. Click on the help "?" icon; click on the "Troubleshoot" tab and Enable Remote Support. You'll see a "Session id" to provide in your support ticket or phone call.
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