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Enabling the SwimTopia Live Event/Heat Bar



  • Tracy Nelson

    Hi Dennis,

    Our new alerts feature is free for all SwimTopia users.  Families should download our free mobile app, but they won't need to upgrade to the Pro subscription in order to receive alerts. And if they haven't downloaded the app, they'll receive the alert as an email instead.

    Admins can send the alerts from the Communications module of SwimTopia -- there is now a toggle between Email and Alert.   

    Whether sending email or alerts, the Communications module works as it always has:  admins can send to all members, to a particular age group, to members of a role, or even to individuals.  And just as emails can be sent from within a report (say, all meet participants or all volunteers at a meet), the alert feature works from within reports as well.

    We're glad you've been enjoying the Live Bar!

  • Dennis Drake

    It was helpful for the "Live" updates when running swim meets via Maestro, but as a team admin I'm looking for the following:

    We're looking to send emergency messages or last minute updates. On the new Mobile App, as the coach I may want to pay the $1.99/month to take advantage of all the features Swimtopia offers; however, do team members need to pay the $1.99/month to receive messages I send out, or will they get them if they only have the free version of the app?

    Or for that matter, do I need to pay the monthly fee to send messages, or can I do that via our team's regular subscription through the website in a similar way I post "News" on the website? Basically, how can I more easily send messages to the whole team through Swimtopia beyond just email? What's the cost? Who has to pay?


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