Depending on how you run your meet, meet results will either transfer into your SwimTopia site after you complete the Finish and Export step in Meet Maestro, or you can upload results manually if you (or the host team) use another meet management tool.
We'll discuss each option below in more detail and how you can provide results in a downloadable format for your parents and athletes.
Covered in this Article:
➧ Automated Transfer or Manual Upload
➧ Error Scenarios
➧ Website Results Link, PDF, and FAQs
- Uploading Results for Parents to Download from the Calendar
- Saving Reports in PDF Format
- Meet Results FAQs
Automated Transfer or Manual Upload
Automated Transfer from Meet Maestro
The results of the Meet Maestro meet will be transferred to your SwimTopia site as part of the Finish & Export step of running your meet in our free meet management tool.
These results will appear in:
- The meet's Browser Results screen
- An athlete's time history under the members' "My Account" page (also viewable from within the SwimTopia Mobile App)
- The Athlete Performance Reports
➧ Meet Browser Results
➧ Meet Browser Results - DQs
➧ Time History - "My Account" and SwimTopia Mobile App
Results, DQs or any other result status (i.e., NS, SCR...) will also be displayed under families "My Account" and SwimTopia mobile app time history.
➧ Splits Data
If your results file contains splits that have been manually entered in Meet Maestro or included in the file from another meet management system, they will be visible from this screen. For more information on splits ➞ See SwimTopia Splits & Reaction Times
➧ Post-Meet Athlete Reports
Want to learn more about how your team can use Meet Maestro to manage your meets more efficiently? ➞ Check out our free meet management solution.
Manual Results Upload
Meet results exported from other meet management software (i.e. Hy-Tek Meet Manager) can be imported directly into each completed meet.
As with the automatic upload, results manually uploaded will appear in an athlete's time history under the members' "My Account" page (also viewable from within the SwimTopia Mobile App), your athlete reports, and can help with automatic relay generation for upcoming meets.
➧ Supported Formats
- zip: (preferred) Results are typically exported in a zip file containing the results. You can upload the zip file directly, and we'll automatically unzip it and select the best available format.
- hy3: This is Hy-Tek's proprietary format and contains the most detail (must be a Results File, not a Merge Results File)
- sdif/sd3: This is a format standardized by USA Swimming used by some meet management software (i.e. TeamUnify, Swimmingly)
➧ Importing Results into your SwimTopia Meet
To import these results into SwimTopia, go to Schedule > Select Meet Name > Results > Import, click the “Choose File” button, select the appropriate export from your local drive for your selected meet, and then click on the "Start Import" button.
➧ Import Process Stages
As your file is being imported, we provide you with insight into the 3 stages of this process as described below. If an error is detected along the way, the process is halted and we prompt for action.
Stage 1: Format Validation - If an issue is detected, the user must fix the file and re-upload it.
Stage 2: Data Validation - If an issue is detected, the user will be prompted with questions to resolve the issue and continue, or cancel and re-upload (i.e. the wrong file was selected, season selection, or unmatched athletes - more details below)
Stage 3: Data Import - We do not anticipate an issue at this stage, but if one occurs contact SwimTopia Support and we will get it resolved.
Once the file has been successfully imported you can see a summary of the file by clicking on the "Details" link (see above screenshot)
The Import screen will keep a running history of your file uploads.
➧ Season Selection
When a results file is uploaded, we associate athlete affiliations with the season of the meet being imported into. This ensures historical athletes imported into meets in past seasons are not considered in the billable Per-Athlete Fee (PAF) for the current season.
If you import results into a meet that spans multiple seasons, we prompt you to select which season you are targeting so that we know which season any affiliations should be tied to.
➧ Unmatched Athletes (not in database or from your team) - Billable or Not Billable
If we detect any athletes in the file that are not in your SwimTopia/Team Topia database, we will display a prompt to inform you of these "unmatched athletes" that will be added during the import, with a link to your De-duplicate Athletes tool.
We will also clarify whether or not the athletes will be billable:
➞ Current Season: If you are importing a results file within the date range of the current season, we will display a billable athlete notice with instructions on how to correct this if that was not your intention.
➞ Past Season: If the date of the import is not included in the season you are importing into (i.e. the season ended prior to the import date), then any added athletes will be ignored for Per-Athlete Fee (PAF) purposes and will not be billable.
» Note to New Customers: If you want to import athletes through a results file, you need to create a season that ends prior to the date you are performing the import, so the athletes will not be considered active and not paid (for the SwimTopia Per-Athlete Fee) during your billing period. The season end date can still be updated if you have already uploaded the file.
➧ Results Summary
When the file has been successfully imported, you can view the summary and each individual results tab as seen below.
➧ Splits Data
If your results file contains splits that have been manually entered in Meet Maestro or included in the file from another meet management system, they will be visible from this screen. For more information on splits ➞ See SwimTopia Splits & Reaction Times
➧ Exporting Results from Hy-Tek Meet Manager
To export a results file from a Meet Manager database, select File > Export > Meet Results for Team Manager or SWIMS or NCAA from the Meet Manager file menu. The exported file should have the extension .ZIP and will be an archive that contains two files: one .HY3 file and one .CL2 file.
You do not need to uncompress this file, SwimTopia will automatically load the hy3 file. The cl2 is not compatible with SwimTopia and is not supported. In addition, a Merge Results file is not supported at this time. The file needs to be a Results File.
» Note: (Older Hy-Tek format from Meet Manager 2.0 and before) Results exports from Team Manager do not include seed times, therefore SwimTopia can not compute or display percentage improved in the Results Summary, as the required data is not provided.
➧ Was the Wrong File Imported?
- If you uploaded a results file to the wrong meet, that is when the Clear Results button under the Summary tab (pictured above) is useful.
- If you uploaded the wrong file but to the correct meet, you can just re-upload a new file and that will overwrite the previous one. The last one imported is the one used.
» Note: Make sure to be patient and wait for the file to complete loading before uploading a new one or you may end up with duplicate results. If this occurs, submit a support ticket to us with the URL to the meet and the file you want uploaded.
Error Scenarios
The Status will designate error occurrences and the user will select the Review Errors button to review additional information in the Details screen.
➧ Format Errors
Format errors are a category of problems where the file has not been properly constructed. In this case, the file cannot be imported and the user must correct the file and re-upload.
Below are examples of possible error causes and the specific error messages we may display to help you quickly locate and resolve the issue in your file. If you do not know how to resolve the issues, contact your computer admin. Feel free to contact SwimTopia Customer Happiness for assistance.
Example Format Error Causes:
- Line lengths are wrong
- A required field is missing or has an unexpected value
Example Format Error Messages:
- Line:1 Col:3 org_code is not included in the list (Z)
- Line:1 Col:12-13 purpose_code is not included in the list (92)
- Line:2 Col:1-159 row is not the correct length (expected 160)
➧ Data Errors
This category of errors is caused when the file contains items that are unknown to our system. The user will be able to specify how our system should handle the error. To simplify the experience the user is generally given a choice to continue or cancel the import.
Example Data Error Causes:
- The swim meet in the file does not match the SwimTopia swim meet (name, pool length etc)
- The file contains an unknown (missing/mismatched) team, athlete, or event data (more details below)
➞ Missing or Mismatched Team Name
When loading results from a dual meet, SwimTopia looks for your team's abbreviation in the Meet Manager results file, which is set in Settings > Team Information.
When the abbreviation you have entered in your settings matches one of the abbreviations in the results file, those results are automatically loaded. When there is no match, a list of teams in the file is shown so the admin can choose which team to upload.
➞ Event Mismatch
Events are matched on both the details (distance, age group, stroke, etc.) and the event number. If they do not match you will see a message and can choose how to resolve it (update their meet structure or add a blank new meet to load the results into).
Cases we auto-resolve mismatches:
- "Loose Age-Group Matching: For example, 8&U will match 7&8 and 16&Over will match 16-18, as long as the event number and the details also match.
- New Event Number: In this case, we automatically create a new event in the meet.
Website Results Link, PDF, and FAQs
Uploading Results for Parents to Download from the Calendar
A meet result report in .PDF format can be attached to the meet or uploaded to the site for parents and athletes to view.
- This file will appear alongside the corresponding meet in your website's meet schedule.
- PDFs are not imported and do not affect the results.
- These results are formatted for view/download only.
- In Meet Maestro, save the Results report in PDF format (see instructions below)
- Or if using Meet Manager, create a meet results report.
- Go to Schedule > Select Meet Name > Files, click the New Attachment button and select the .PDF report above from your local drive for your selected meet.
Saving Reports in PDF Format
For both SwimTopia and Meet Maestro reports you can save reports in PDF format through your computer’s print function:
- Click “Print”
- For “Destination,” click “Change”
- Select “Save as PDF”
Meet Results FAQs
We intend for this process to be transparent and uneventful for you, but we understand you may have questions. We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions for you ➞ See Meet Results: Transfer/Upload FAQs
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I was asked the following questions after uploading, can you please explain.
QuestionAnswerAuto-create athletes for meet?
2 would be created
Skip Auto-creating invalid athletes for meet?
1 would be skipped
I have no problem importing times from meet manager. However, in past years, when importing the Results file from MM into SwimTopia, it also imported the split times from relays and then updated the times for each swimmer that appear when using the Relay creation feature in SwimTopia. This is no longer happening. I do have the 'include split times' box checked when exporting from MM. This is very important for me in making the right relays, especially as a relay-dominant league. Can anyone help- has something changed, or is there a setting I need to change? Thanks!
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